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Everything posted by ALLSEEINGEYE

  1. I believe the correct term is Montagly challanged
  2. Designed so the BIB can still extort money from bar owners to serve late.
  3. Does she also condemn all those thousands killed under Taksin's rule?
  4. Yeah life on other planets is all well and good. I'll get excited when they finally find at least one other flat planet. Earth can't be the only one can it???? ????
  5. Not a pleasant way to go but better death than the Ukrainian option. Just hard to have any sympathy (forget about that whole empathy thing) for Russians right now
  6. I notice you only question my traitor remark? So you are ok with the parts about Trump being a cult leader, Conman and Rapist? The best the GOP has to offer, look out 2024!!!
  7. didn't add to the quote properly
  8. Yes, if you would take your FOX blinders off you would also have witnessed the seditious conspiracy that the rest of us witnessed.
  9. If you are that sure that Trump is the real victim here then you should dig deep into your pockets and give all your savings to help this poor billionaire get justice. Remember they aren't coming for him, they're coming for you. He's just in the way.
  10. Fraud is fraud!! I could rob a bank and give the money back later? No crime? Also he didn't just defraud the banks with his schemes, he also devalued his same properties to cheat on his taxes. So the the law abiding tax payer and the government are also victims here. But cult followers always have an excuse why the dear leader/rapist/conman/traitor is never at fault.
  11. Just wait until Qanon gets a hold of this little gem.
  12. Too bad it wouldn't only cost me 500THB to smack someone in the face. I would be happy to drop 20 to30K
  13. Apparently he does not have to be found guilty first. The law is written that any person that ENGAGES in insurrection (not found guilty of insurrection) is disqualified from office. It is then up to the secretary of state from each state to disqualify him, He can then challenge that in court. It will no doubt end up in state and then federal supreme courts, Will be interesting to see how it goes.
  14. The US desperately needs election reform. Too much money being spent and too much dark money going into each election, they are in a constant state of campaigning instead of governing. Most politicians on both sides need to sell their souls to big business just to raise enough money to campaign. Limit the allowable campaign times to a couple months, cap how much any politician can spend on a campaign, stop caproate donations, end super pacs just to start.
  15. Parents used to always buy me K-Tel sound explosion LP's, 22 songs (11 on each side). So I remember pretty much every song listed, good ole' days
  16. Dexter almost always ditched his bodies at sea the same day, waiting a week was just too long
  17. Its not the fall that kills ya, its the sudden stop!!
  18. Thailand deserves better, I have been here 20 years and do not want to see history repeat itself, but we farangs are just along for the ride. Those that do not know how things were under the shins are about to find out, be careful what you wish for.....
  19. Bail is only available so the rich and powerful can escape
  20. DJ's do suck but you really don't need to hit them. Just go to a bar with live (real) music ????
  21. GF buys sweet fruits and then still needs to dip them in pink sugar. I just don't get it.
  22. And the Academy Award goes to........??????
  23. Ever single person that gets locked up at IDC is basically kidnapped and extorted. You can only buy your plane ticket home through the IDC office at 3 times (in my case) the cost of a direct purchase. Some people have been rotting in there for literally years with little or no hope of getting out. Where is the justice for them?
  24. I always thought capital punishment was the death penalty??? Corporal punishment is spanking or beating!!!
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