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Everything posted by ALLSEEINGEYE

  1. If people knew how bad the conditions are at IDC and how difficult it might be for some to pay for their hugely overpriced plane ticket home (which can only be purchased through IDC with a massive mark up) they would probably not play the overstay game. IDC is a true horror show of human rights violations. Avoid it at all costs!!
  2. So she suffered a microsleep? Wow sounds like she is an innocent victim then? What a bunch of BS. She didn't suffer from anything! She fell asleep at the wheel!!!
  3. From the same doctors that prescribe 10 different meds including antibiotics every time a patient comes in with a common cold. Useless
  4. Add politicians to that list as well. They abuse the public trust they should be punished extra for that.
  5. Unfortunately that holds true for most developed countries as well. USA loves to keep spewing that no one is above the law as they prove on a regular basis that, that is a total load of BS. The average citizen that commits a crime usually only affects one person or a few people (or in the case of simple possession of drugs there is no real victim), they are swiftly convicted to the fullest extent of the law and locked up. The criminal elites crimes often affect millions of people, cause massive damage for years, but these criminals often either evade charges or in the rare cases when they are convicted get sent to a cushy federal prison with a tennis court and even then receive an almost immediate release because they might get Covid or have some other bogus health issue that no common person would ever be released for. There is no justice for the rich and powerful, full stop.
  6. I agree, when I first moved here 20 years ago I thought it was a terrible law. Now seeing how the prices have skyrocketed in Vancouver because of foreign investment, I fully agree with the Thai policy. Not many first time home buyers will ever be able to buy a home where they were born in Canada. Only citizens should be able to buy land in any country IMO
  7. If you have ever been in the IDC or known of anyone that has been locked up there then you would know that he will be treated far worse than an animal!!!
  8. Let's hope we get some clear skies for this, the next one won't be for another 3 years
  9. anything to try and stay relevant. please just go away already, you had your 15 mins.
  10. I wonder if they sent these reporters to the IDC lock up before deporting them like they do to thousands of others that don't deserve to be locked up in that absolute hell hole. I'm guessing they chose not to lock them up as they could finally do a first hand report of the illegal abuses that go on in there. Something really needs to be done about that place and what is going on in there.
  11. It would reduce traffic and hopefully reduce the number of taxi's that just park on the side of the road waiting to rip off customers by charging them way to much and congest the soi's by turning them into a 1 lane only soi
  12. Around lower Sukhumvit it is too many to count. I decided a long time ago to just call Grab. It isn't worth the blood pressure increase to even try to take a regular taxi. I actually miss Covid, at least then any taxi would be happy to take you anywhere without trying to extort you. I have zero sympathy for these crooks. I would be happy to see a large reduction in taxi licenses as well as completely eliminating tyk tuks all together.
  13. Not one school I ever went to in Canada ever had a swimming pool yet somehow we still all managed to go to swim class. I'll give some of the slower posters on here a bit of time to figure out the logistics of how that might be possible...........
  14. Putin has massive support from the Russian people that have been brainwashed by his propaganda for years. I have no sympathy for the Russian soldiers at all. Send them all to hell along with Putin and his oligarchs and any Ukrainian traitors that support them.
  15. Fine tuning some laws to secure their ability to pocket as much money as possible from all sales?
  16. "Things escalated with some stool throwing." Sounds like a real S#it show
  17. Alleged? I was in Patong last Dec and was shocked to see that almost every restaurant was staffed with Nepalese. Not many Thai staff to be found.
  18. FYI, Einstein never actually said that, just one of those things that goes around and everyone believes because they hear it so often. He also never said the line about compound interest either.
  19. surprised they are allowed to mention the beaches by name, no fear of defamation???? ????
  20. 1 in 3 say its time to take up arms against the govt. now while Biden is president because the brainwashed cult IS the 1 in 3. If their dear cult leader was back in office those numbers would not exist
  21. They found Ice and a sword in the car, so which one of those items did he use to shoot at police?????
  22. The antibiotics (as well as the bag full of other useless meds) Thai docs push onto every patient that comes into their office with a fever or runny nose is a far bigger threat to society than a bit of weed.
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