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Everything posted by ALLSEEINGEYE

  1. My guess is that he was either the head of this super car smuggling ring or part of the team heading it up. It is clearly a scam they were running to keep the cash cow flowing. Have any of the top people from this super car theft ring been arrested? This should be part of the main focus as well. How do you seize 600 super cars without totally breaking up the ring itself??
  2. Would be nice if they could make an amulet that prevented these people from driving so recklessly in the first place.
  3. Hell no!!!! They cannot go after any 7/11 or anything that effects sales revenue for CP. They are the puppet masters
  4. I don't believe that for 1 second. I will bet that he is getting very special treatment no way he is eating prison food either. He has way too much info and can implicate those above him, he will be taken care of very well. You can already see how they are lining up to help him. This goes right to the top.
  5. Sadly enough this is not only a Thailand thing. This happens often in the US as well.
  6. Exactly so obvious. I wish they would stop saying he surrendered. He was caught in Myanmar, he did a runner!!!!
  7. Thanks you for the update Captain Obvious!!!! Why not just say that something is slightly better than nothing?
  8. If you gave peanut butter to 1 million people how many would die? What about tylenol?
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