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Everything posted by ThaiPauly

  1. So sorry to read this. I kept in touch with him down the years after he settled in Oakham But he was a very sick man and would have gone many years before if he had not moved back to the UK He was so happy to be there and receiving what he described as "Quality Care".But in the end his luck finally ran out...as it must for us all RIP Martin
  2. I don't agree that Singaporians would be disappointed with Thailand. Many Brits, like myself, have come from affluent areas of the UK and settled very nicely in Thailand. I have been here nearly 20 years and enjoy the kind of lifestyle Singaporeans could only dream of in retirement. Money goes a long way here. I have visited your wonderful country several times and love it.....but I could not afford to stay there, even a basic hotel room is 100 dollars a night. Love to visit, but not to live. Stamford Raffles
  3. Well at least they look like they are fogging properly. When they fog our streets in Ching Mai it's a quick squirt up in the air and they are gone!! Or they come and thoroughly spray a house AFTER the person that lives there has a confirmed case of dengue..even though they could have caught it anywhere!!
  4. Is anyone on the forum living here? If so I would like your opinion, also what is Jomtien like to live in. Thanks
  5. Thank you Richard. I got done very badly in Koh Chang three months ago the bite lumps were huge and took a month to go down. Thankful that HH is not as bad
  6. Yes I have been everywhere you have mentioned. I cannot comment further
  7. You have a great memory. No my issues were not resolved, I have continual problems with urethral stricture disease and constantly get UTI's, and one of the reasons I want to relocate , or at least have a base in HH is because I have zero confidence in CM urologists. We have found condos within a stones throw of Bangkok Hospital. Before I made the move I would check out the urologists in HH. Do you know what they are like?
  8. If wearing a mask makes you feel safe then wear one. Buy if you really don't wanna catch covid then you need to protect your eyes as well.
  9. Does HH have a problem with sandflies? I have a severe allergic reaction to bites from these critters. I know that Chumpon and Surat has them from experience. Hoping that HH might be spared.
  10. Been using CNX Pest Control for 18 years Highly efficient and professional
  11. All Thai Visa Solutions will happily do it for you They are on the Hang Dong Road Google is your friend.
  12. I have had GERD for a long time and my regime is Moltium M Miracid Gasmotin All of the above before breakfast Dexilent 30mg I used to take Gaviscon before bed but don't need it now. However, the past 3 weeks I have been on a "Keto fasting diet "and over the last week I have not suffered with my GERD nearly as bad. Could this be down to the fact that I don't eat any carbs or sugar and am eating a high fat diet but much less food overall? Can't claim it to be anything more than it is, but strange how my health has improved in this area by going on this diet
  13. I take my hat off to you guys that can self catherterise, there is no way on earth I could do it myself, and as Xylophone was doing it 3 times a day .That sounds like he*l on earth to me!! I scream like a baby when I have had them inserted maybe something to do with the damage that has been done to my urethra, but I am thankful for every day I can get through where I can pee unaided., but I only had my last operation in December, that was my second one at Bumrungrad, I was previously discharged in February 2021 I know that I will have to put up with numerous procedures for the rest of my life, as the scaring hardens the tube will narrow and I will need to have it operated on. The going rate at Bumrungrad is around 250,000, so I could well have to pay for this every year or use a catheter all the time. So pleased to here of Xylophone 's progress with the self catherisation , only once day you are a very brave man sir but I suppose you have no choice? As you said it's amazing what the body and mind us capable of when it's down to survival, what else could you do? Take care everyone
  14. Glad to hear that. I have to go through the same process in a few weeks, can you tell me how you paid the fee, it's around 800 gbp for a 10 year visa now is it not? We live in Chiang Mai and understand there is now a VHS office here so can deliver everything there when she has her biometrics done. Like you she has had a combo of visas, last one being 5 years but that has expired. I can't remember where I downloaded the application form from or is it all done online with attachments now? Many thanks have a great trip TP
  15. Same here as you are of course aware of X. Nothing but trouble since my TURP Urethral Stricture from the damage done during the operation will probably mean that I will have to have repeat operations as the scar hardens four the rest of my life unless I go for a urethaplasty where they replace damaged tissue with tissue from inside your mouth. The cost is astronomical as is the pain and discomfort I would imagine. I still suffer incontinence since my last operation in December and have ED, when it's possible I have a retrograde ejaculation that is often painful. I had my initial TURP in 2019 and wish I had gone in another direction
  16. I think so. I have never been to see him at his clinic, but I know he has one
  17. I had one for life in CM, she was born in 04 and died in 17. Fantastic temperament, we let her sleep in the house. She gave us a great deal of pleasure. Really miss her.
  18. Dr.Chalermpong at Ram is the best ENT doctor in CM IMHO
  19. I met Ron in 2002 at the CMS and he was in his 60's then I would have thought. He aged well. With all the ways to go in Thailand a freak accident takes a long term resident. RIP Ron
  20. I heard this just a few weeks ago, unfortunately he was never the same after his stroke but was well cared for by his partner. I remember he tried living in Hui Hin and hated it, moved back to CM. Had a bad motorbike accident if I remember correctly RIP Frank
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