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Everything posted by ThaiPauly

  1. Get a home safe and a security system
  2. If the working girls have to pay tax they would just increase the fee you pay them to compensate. It's not rocket science
  3. What pressure? I bank in the CI and have received no pressure from them to do anything Please clarify your statement
  4. What a dic* head
  5. You have to look at the stats
  6. German TOTPs ...slightly different style, in 73 we had The Sweet, T Rex Slade..... Imagine if you had to put up with this for your entertainment 😆 🤣 😂
  7. That's the funniest thing I have seen on TV so far this year........brilliant 😆 🤣 😂 😹
  8. Sounds like he is trolling. I have come across these "one hit wonders" before in the 20 years I have been on this forum....I was curious to see what this thread or any of his posts were like, now I have I'm off
  9. An alcoholic will not get smashed on ONE bottle of cheap wine.
  10. You are divinely blessed Chip Butty 😆
  11. This was the area that I was alluding to in my original OP
  12. Can you imagine the sh*tstorm if he had been a Brit. We would all be packing our cases!!
  13. Do you HAVE to tell your wife that it's over now? Can't you just say you are going off to work in a new job, but you will be back. In that time you can work out if you want the marriage or not How old are you Bob?
  14. Ridiculous. post ...I never experienced this problem in CM. I never knew there WAS a problem with plastic bags in HH until I got here. I am definatley not here because it's better. It's different. That's all. You can save this post for a newbie trying to change the visa laws....not me, a 20 year resident
  15. I do remember him. I did meet him on quite a few Thai Visa get togethers lovely guy ,but can't remember his name....shame
  16. Maybe you were the first person to have a machine to detect it......but I didn't know there were any available in 2004. I didn't even notice any pollution!! You obviously left when the numbers were very low, you could see the numbers going up and opted to save yourselves from it But I don't blame you for leaving..save your life, that's why I left. I have bronchitis as it is , and am sure it would be further agreived in CM
  17. No it hasn't. Certainly not CM, I moved here in 2004 and don't remember hardly any pollution at all
  18. I've just checked the air quality right now and it's 198 in CM ...which is the worst AQ in the world!!
  19. For me.....it's not acceptable and to avoid the "if you don't like it move" comments. I have moved. I spent 20 years gradually seeing the situation worsen in CM until it got to last year, the air quality levels were unacceptable to me. I'm retired I don't have to live there ,so I left. I know more who will probably leave in time to avoid next years burning season. What an environmental disaster
  20. Having recently moved here I am appalled at the ammount of rubbish that is tossed out of cars here. Where I live , near the King's sponsored walking and excercise park it's awful, it's as if everybody accepts that this is where rubbish should be dumped! Now the problem is starting on Soi 88 , in the 5 months I have been here I have seen it deteriorate. My wife has called the correct department, but they would not put her through to K.Nong who is apparently the head rubbish honcho.....she was told that they do not have the manpower to clean it up...they said they put signs up ...the ones that say there is a 2,000 baht fine for fly tipping, but the problems just get worse. They say there is no money for cctv. I already collect a whole bin liner of rubbish from the top of my soi once a week, that gives me enough blisters so I don't want to do anymore. What kind of pressure can we put on the local council to deal with this? If you have seen this mess please let me know. Eventually, this will just get worse as I have seen rubbish everywhere.....but it's not a Thai thing, I never saw anything like this where I previously lived in CM for 20 years. But this is seriously affecting my love for HH
  21. But there's no room there !!! It's full of really old people that don't die
  22. If you are 66.7...you would not have been born in 1954-"I was , in August that year and I am 69.3
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