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Everything posted by ThaiPauly

  1. Yes I have been everywhere you have mentioned. I cannot comment further
  2. You have a great memory. No my issues were not resolved, I have continual problems with urethral stricture disease and constantly get UTI's, and one of the reasons I want to relocate , or at least have a base in HH is because I have zero confidence in CM urologists. We have found condos within a stones throw of Bangkok Hospital. Before I made the move I would check out the urologists in HH. Do you know what they are like?
  3. If wearing a mask makes you feel safe then wear one. Buy if you really don't wanna catch covid then you need to protect your eyes as well.
  4. Does HH have a problem with sandflies? I have a severe allergic reaction to bites from these critters. I know that Chumpon and Surat has them from experience. Hoping that HH might be spared.
  5. Hi Anybody know a good company in Chiang Mai that will do a good job at replacing mine for a reasonable price 10×6 Many thanks Ps the decking would be an added feature at present it's all sandwash
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