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  1. How do you know what the all the fat, old, dirty, semi-retarded farangs are like at home.?
  2. Unfortunately CH is correct I won't be losing any sleep over the "gangsters" assuming they are criminals and/or illegals. But this is a disquieting move.
  3. For breakfast Overnight oats 80/100 gram (in the fridge) with milk or water or both depends how I feel, add 3 scoops ensure gold protein powder, 1 banana, sometimes add a dutchie high protein yoghurt sometimes have it later. Coffee after. I am still in recovery mode so need the protein, got the overnight idea from something on the Internet. Too lazy to make porridge and it's too messy, still get the oat fibre. OK carry on with lunches now.
  4. The OP joined AN Feb 20, he was on yesterday but hasn't yet responded. Come on Big Lek give us part 2, truth or fiction it's an interesting story.
  5. Well what percentage would you reckon.?
  6. Two in two months, one of them in Jomtien, yes let's call out the army for our protection.
  7. To state the obvious I was clarifying how pointless your post was. How many posts are you up to now, 2500 in 3 weeks is it.? Wow, impressive, way to go man over 100 a day.
  8. Some farangs may have done nearly 2,500 posts in their first 3 weeks on here.
  9. Yes answer a question with a question. I have spent in total well over ten years in Pattaya and of your list I have witnessed two fights, seen ladies patrolling Beach Rd, and know people who have been accosted by ladyboy thieves. Other things exist but like yourself I have no experience of them. Don't go to Pattaya if you dislike it so much.
  10. Are you saying you experience all of the above regularly.? Or you just read about them somewhere. I think you do not know the area very well and would be best off continuing to stay away.
  11. On balance it's better than the alternatives, for most of us anyway.
  12. By African standards not a bad place, a few decades since I've been but for Muslim place there were a few licensed premises, can't comment about the women as I was only there a few nights and wasn't aware of any.
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