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Posts posted by lomatopo

  1. However, I'm looking for a screen size of at least 5.5"

    A Samsung Galaxy Note 3 (N9005 variant, which is sold here) would appear to address all of your requirements (display size, LTE, latest Android).

    Of course you will be bummed when Android 4.5/5.0 are released later this year.

    The LG G2 does not appear to meet your display size specifications?

    Still not clear why you need the latest version of Android though? Any LTE support would be available independent of an Android release, IME.

  2. Well, service was supposed to end on Sep. 15, 2013 (last year) but we all know how that worked. ;)

    If the 1800 MHz auction goes forward, and no one knows for sure if it can or will, in August then the Sep. 15, 2014 shut-down may occur.

    Each customers situation may be unique: current phone, desire to buy a new phone, location(s)/coverage, ability to port, desire to keep number will determine the relative courses of action.

    Do not that if you do switch to AIS, and your phone does not support 3 G/2100 MHz, you will face the same situation in Sep. 2015 when AIS'es GSM 900 MHz concession expires.

    For current TrueMove GSM 1800 customers, who do not want to buy a new phone, DTAC may represent the best option as their GSM 1800 concession runs until 2018. This assume you have DTAC GSM 1800 coverage in your locations.

  3. TrueMove (not TrueMove H) have a GSM 1800 concession which will end on Sep. 15, 2014.

    Assuming you have TrueMove now, we really need to know what type of phone you have (make/model). And if you want to keep your current number.

    You could switch or MNP (port out) to DTAC, their GSM 1800 concession runs until Sep. 2018, or to AIS, their GSM 900 concession runs until 2015.

    If your phone supports 850 MHz 3G and (/or) 2100 MHz 3G then you could port out to TrueMove H.

    Of course actual service coverage adds another layer of complexity to the decision/recommendation.

    The problem here is that these 7.1 million customers (or 5.1 million) have handsets which are GSM900/1800 capable only so they cannot be switched to TrueMove H, unless they buy a new phone.

    • Like 2
  4. Regarding Rubin Carter:

    Both men were convicted. Prosecutors sought the death penalty, but jurors recommended that each defendant receive a life sentence for each murder. Judge Samuel Larner imposed two consecutive and one concurrent life sentence on Carter, and three concurrent life sentences on Artis.

    Also not sure about the national moratorium ( ~ 1967/1972 - 1976 ) on the death penalty in the U.S., New Jersey law(s) during Mr. Carter's trials and incarceration.

    Capital punishment was abolished in New Jersey in 2007.

  5. I always found the text of the Thirteenth Amendment to be strange...

    Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

    Why even mention punishment if convicted of a crime?

    Oh well. it's a good thing Mississippi finally ratified it in 1985, and certified it last year (2013).

    Some social commentators have put forth the argument that there are more black Americans under the purview of the judicial system (awaiting trial, jail, prison, probation, parole) today, than were enslaved in 1850.

    Thailand should also consider something similar.

    Royal pardons, from both the King and Queen, address the situation, somewhat.

  6. There have been 316 post-conviction DNA exonerations in the United States.
    • The first DNA exoneration took place in 1989. Exonerations have been won in 36 states; since 2000, there have been 249 exonerations.
    18 of the 314 people exonerated through DNA served time on death row. Another 16 were charged with capital crimes but not sentenced to death.
    • The average length of time served by exonerees is 13.5 years. The total number of years served is approximately 4,232.
    • The average age of exonerees at the time of their wrongful convictions was 27.
    Races of the 316 exonerees:
    198 African Americans
    94 Caucasians
    22 Latinos
    2 Asian American
    • The true suspects and/or perpetrators have been identified in 153 of the DNA exoneration cases.
    There is a lot of pressure on police and prosecutors to prosecute alleged criminals, especially in more horrific cases. Infrequently this pressure leads to shoddy representation, forced confessions, suppressed evidence, fabricated evidence which results in a wrongful conviction.
    Support for capital punishment seems to be shifting a bit in the U.S., given the number of states that have prohibited it recently Clearly it is not viewed as a deterrent any longer, so it is viewed strictly as a punishment.
    Regarding the U.S. military, I was simply interested in the method(s) they were using recently - save Drones, so was surprised to see that they hadn't legally executed anyone since 1961. I guess they'd use lethal injection if they were to carry out an execution.

    John A. Bennett, not surprisingly an African-American (with medical and cognitive issues), who was convicted and executed for the rape and attempted murder of an 11-year-old Austrian girl, was the last U.S. Military execution.
    This is an interesting article:
    Did Texas execute an innocent man?
    The fire moved quickly through the house, a one-story wood-frame structure in a working-class neighborhood of Corsicana, in northeast Texas. Flames spread along the walls, bursting through doorways, blistering paint and tiles and furniture. Smoke pressed against the ceiling, then banked downward, seeping into each room and through crevices in the windows, staining the morning sky.
    Buffie Barbee, who was eleven years old and lived two houses down, was playing in her back yard when she smelled the smoke. She ran inside and told her mother, Diane, and they hurried up the street; that’s when they saw the smoldering house and Cameron Todd Willingham standing on the front porch, wearing only a pair of jeans, his chest blackened with soot, his hair and eyelids singed. He was screaming, “My babies are burning up!” His children—Karmon and Kameron, who were one-year-old twin girls, and two-year-old Amber—were trapped inside.
  7. I have TrueVisions Platinum via cable, and I have a new numbering scheme, but it is not exactly like the one posted up-thread.

    Is there a similar listing for cable subscribers?

    Should cable subscribers expect, at some point, the same channel availability by package?

    In general, and after a quick review - again with a Platinum package, it seems like there are more total channels, more HD channels but still a few missing, like ASN2 HD.

  8. Not that it will placate the OP but each manufacturer has dozens, hundreds or thousands of models, and there are releases for 50+ countries, and many manufacturers add unique and custom features (which some derisivly refer to as "bloatware") all of which are unique so they must be developed, localized, tested, released, supported.

    In general I would recommend buying a smart-ish device which does what you want today, and not necessarily expect it to be be upgradeable in the future.

    You could, possibly, flash a release from another country, which might be made available before a Thai release.

    Or you could root, then flash a custom firmware release.

    Is there something that your current phone/release does not do that you think would be resolved with 4.4.x?

    It is generally acknowledged that Google Nexus, or Google Developer versions of popular models, receive Android updates earliest, but understand that even in these cases there are some issues. For example, Google Nexus 4 models did not receive 4.4 immediately as some features were unique to the Google Nexus 5. This greatly upset the Nexus user community, so you see that even Google has run into similar challenges.

    If you had an LG G2, then the Nexus 5 might be an option?



    It <Nexus 5> was only about US$250 without a contract.

    Believe the GNEX 5 is $349 from the Play Store (16 GB, before $13.99 S & H, and any applicable state sales tax, reshipping/duty/excise, et al.).

    Grey-market imports are as low as 12,400 THB. http://aobmobile.net/wc/?cat=16

    • Like 1
  9. There are so many TrueMove H pre-paid SIMs, and each might have had a unique top-up scheme before March 18, or even after.

    I know that my particular TrueMove H SIM/promotion/plan gave 60 days (in total, maximum, non-accumulated) based on any top-up amount (although I rarely added more than 800 baht at a time), or completed out-going call.

    Now this SIM, at least according to the service message which seems to imply that any top-up amount yields 30 days, cumulative. I haven't tried the higher-tiered options recently so cannot vouch for their applicability.


  10. I'm guessing that everything worked acceptably until this morning?

    Based on what little detail you've provided it sounds like a DNS or routing issue within the AIS core, or perhaps further upstream.

    Do you have a phone? Air-card? Can you check with anyone else nearby to see if they are experiencing similar issues?

  11. FDA Approval? Would they certify efficacy and safety for those?

    I know it is counter-intuitive, but I believe what makes the 'lethal injection' LETHAL is in fact a deliberate overdose of a barbituate (pentabarbitol), after hopefully relaxing and sedating the condemned, So yes, the drug(s) have other uses, in lower doses, when the intention is not to cause death.

    Not sure why the gas chamber fell out of favor - it was used for ~ 600 executions? Maybe the horrible association with Nazi death camps? Or why hanging isn't used anymore, it was fine Saddam Hussein. It is strange that the U.S. Military has not executed anyone since 1961?

  12. It is interesting that some Americans are prosecuted for sourcing lower-cost prescription drugs, which have been approved by the FDA, in Canada, Mexico and elsewhere, but States can illegally smuggle drugs (various lethal injection drugs), which are not approved by the FDA. Go figger.

    This is a current problem in Nebraska, Missouri, Oklahoma - and maybe more states? Not sure what they do in Texas, but given their volume business maybe they stocked up?

    Tennessee is close to bringing back "Old Sparky". And lawmakers in Missouri and Wyoming proposed adding firing squads as an execution method earlier this year. Lethal injection of lead?

    Tennessee bill to bring back electric chair headed to governor
    APR. 17, 2014
    NASHVILLE, Tennessee (Reuters) - Tennessee's electric chair, last used in 2007, would become a state option for executions under a bill approved on Thursday by lawmakers looking for alternatives if drugs for lethal injections become unavailable.
    Tennessee senators voted on Thursday to give the measure final approval and send it to Republican Governor Bill Haslam, who has endorsed the death penalty in general terms.
    Haslam will review the legislation when it arrives at his desk, a spokeswoman said on Wednesday. The bill follows other similar proposals from various U.S. states that are responding to increased difficulty in obtaining drugs for lethal injections because many pharmaceutical firms, mainly in Europe, object to their use in executions.


    Stoning, and burning at the stake, are expecting a strong comeback in those states low on funding for electricity or bullets.

    • Like 1
  13. AFAIK, any/every top-up. regardless of amount, gives 30 days accumulated validity up to a maximum of 365 days.

    No. 500-999B gets you 50 days. 1000B gets you 150 days.

    And 144B (12 x 12B) gets you 360 days. Go figure.

    Possibly, but these may old top-up charts, no longer in effect after 18 March?


    And there may be other promotional top-up schemes available as well?

  14. all white, with “64K WDT” under the logo

    represents the newest DWN (Tri-NET), dual IMSI SIM with "toolkit" app. Note that on some phones this SIM Toolkit app. references DTAC, while on other models it does not - on my GNEX 4 it just says SIM Toolkit. This SIM allows switching between Domestic fast search and Roaming fast search - the former for use in Thailand, the latter for use outside of Thailand.

  15. DTAC always replies to my emails sent to [email protected], in English, within 24 hours.

    not if in the USB slot of the 3G modem/router at the other side of the house.

    OK, this is the first mention of your particular configuration, which if highlighted earlier would have affected my recommendation(s). Is this a desktop PC or notebook? If the latter, then maybe temporarily re-position it, with the air-card in order to register for eservices?

    Can you try TrueMove H? Or AIS?

    DTAC is now are pushing the 4 g by making the 3 g not work

    DTAC have not yet launched 4G, and "making the 3 g not work" would seem to be an odd strategy for the 11,000,000 customers, most of whom do not have a 4G-capable device, but I'm sure this makes sense to you.

    DTAC 3G continues to work well for me.


  16. Note sure what to say but there are not two different tiers of service.

    Yes, there are three different networks: GSM 1800, 3G/850 (520-18) and 3G/2100 (520-05, aka Tri-NET).

    Can you describe your SIM? Is it white and black, with “64K ECP” under the logo? Or is it all white, with “64K WDT” under the logo?

    Can you manually configure your aircard in its UI, under "Settings"?

    What mobile data plan do you subscribe to? Please be very detailed and specific. Does it renew automatically?

    Can you share the make and model of your air-card?

    If you continue to experience issues I would make another trip to a full-service DTAC shop, and bring the air-card and SIM.

    I cannot see how a limited 4G/LTE roll-out in metro-Bangkok would affect your service. DTAC will not be forcing you, or anyone else to take up LTE service.

    I believe there is some issue with your SIM, or how it is provisioned, or some nuances associated with your air-card, or an issue with your data plan; you should be connecting to the 520-05 network by default, rather than the 520-18 network, assuming the former is available. You shouldn’t get “kicked-off” a network after a plan renewal.

  17. Most aircard UI's allow for the origination/receipt of SMSes; many can be updated to originate/receive USSD messages. I updated my older D-Link DWM-156 so that it can handle both SMS and USSD.

    If you continue to be challenged then contact DTAC, on 1678, or via email at [email protected], or just take the SIM into a DTAC shop and ask them to help you register it for eServices..

    AFAIK, TrueMove H (iService) and AIS have similar web-based and mobile apps.



    Sorry if I provided the wrong link; they show in English in my browser but when I follow the pasted link they show in Thai?

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