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Posts posted by lomatopo

  1. I've been using Grab Taxi a lot, ~ 15 times, over the last month or so. I have had great experiences. Note that there is a 25 baht surcharge.

    I have to use it as I am often in a new housing development and there are no taxis passing, or deep inside a sub- sub- sub-Soi. Obviously with rainy season upon us I will be using even more.

    Drivers get a decent bonus for trips to the airport, good ratings from customers, safe driving (as reported by the customer) so the experience may be in the top percentile? They also have to be technology savvy (GPS, mobile data, etc.).

  2. Any attempts to allow mobile phone use has resulted in massive complaints from the general public not about the danger to airplane electronics but about the social engineering aspects of allowing a plane load of people to disturb their fellow passengers with hours of mindless chatter.

    I love these incredibly silly "deductions".

    So conversations between two passengers on a plane, be it mindless chatter or discussions about ending world hunger, have been disallowed? I'm waiting to hear the announcement about "please cease all conversations for the next 12 hours, if you need anything please use sign language."

    As if one person talking, be it on a phone or to their seat-mate, is somehow "different".

    In the U.S. we can use our cellphones to make voice calls as soon as the plane touches down on the runway.

    Unless the aircraft is outfitted with specialized communications or antenna equipment, traditional cell phones will not work if above ~ 5,000 feet, assuming there is a cell tower below/nearby.

    Taking off from swampy on etihad flight the whole plane was shaking

    And the pilot announced please check your devices if on.

    We're getting a lot of interference up here. :-)

    Calling BS on this one. If the pilot was experiencing stability issues on climb out I suspect he would have a lot more on his mind than making a silly plea for help from the passengers. What were they supposed to do? Get out of their seats, pull down their bags, look for their cell phones? Sheesh.

    still think 100% no risk?

    Yes. Take-offs and landings are of course the riskiest portions of any flight, but cell phones, watches, cameras, on-board electronics, pacemakers, hearing aids, insulin pumps, pain pumps, oxygen tanks, etc. etc. etc. will not cause your plane to crash. Weather and pilot error may be the primary concerns?

    • Like 1
  3. No, no, no, who knows, yes.

    Just do the same thing you'd do at 8:00 AM.

    I think the tune lasts like 75 seconds so you shouldn't get too worked up over this.

    In the cinema

    That is the Royal/Monarch/King's song - I'd recommend always standing for that one.

    FWIW, we are discussing the twice daily playing of the Thai National Anthem. Different, different, not the same.

  4. GrabTaxi is useful but problematic.

    It's not so much a bidding, but a desire to complete the specific trip, which might involve a long trip from their current location to pick you up, and an undesirable destination, based on any number of reasons (04:00/16:00 turn-over, current fuel load, current/origin/destination traffic situation).

    They have quotas and get extra bonuses from GrabTaxi, so it is not necessarily in their best interest to avoid any/all trips. They also have to incur mobile data and phone charges.

    I think they need more taxis participating, which should make the process even better?

  5. How do they get the drugs?

    That is the crux of the current issue. Prison officials are using compounding laboratories or pharmacies, and are counting on these facilities to deliver the drugs. Prison official do not care where, or how, the compounding labs source the drugs. and thus it opens the whole process up to illegal importation, or drugs which are not necessarily to spec.

    There have been a lot of issues with these compounding pharmacies, not related to lethal injection drugs, involving safety or lack thereof, malfeasance, fraud, fatal outbreak of fungal meningitis, unsanitary conditions, etc.

    In my home state, only four of thirty-seven licensed compounding pharmacies have passed safety and health inspections.

    My home state abolished capital punishment ~ 1982/1984, but we did have one of the earliest in 1630 (hanging) and of course ~ twenty-six people were executed for practicing witchcraft. We've had so many wrongful murder convictions overturned (coerced confessions, planted evidence, jail-house snitches, coerced witnesses, bad representation, etc.) that attempts to reinstate capital punishment seem doomed to fail. Regarding Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, there was a Boston Globe poll taken in September, 57% of Boston respondents supported a life sentence for Tsarnaev. Thirty-three percent favored the death penalty. I'm honestly not sure how the Feds. might handle a potential execution, were he to be convicted and receive the death penalty?

    I don't think anyone buys, or floats, the deterrence argument anymore, although that was quite popular for a long time. Now it's strictly about punishment/vengeance/retribution.

    • Like 1
  6. TrueMove H now gives 30 days, accumulated, for any top-up value. You can accumulate up to 365 days. You can use a top-up machine, outside many 7/11's, and add twelve top-ups of 10 baht each. With the 2 baht fee, you would get 360 days for 144 baht.

    DTAC does have the Day Giveaway promotion: http://www.dtac.co.th/en/prepaid/services/freeday.html

    There are many ways to request/activate; IVR, USSD, web-site, mobile app; no need to call.

  7. So do you get better quality taxis when using GrabTaxi?

    Yes, absolutely, but quality can mean different things to different people, and be fairly subjective. The vehicles have seemed newer, but there are DLT rules/regs. re: taxi age now. The drivers are universally savvy, nice, decent drivers, helpful.

    I cannot vouch for the availability of seatbelts. It seems like, more often than not, these are in a given taxi, but the short latching portion seems to have always disappeared down between the seat.

    Www.easytaxi.com has been flooding our mailbox with pamplets since the last few weeks.

    Android app.: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=br.com.easytaxi

    A bit newer, I have not tried them, preferring to stick with Grab Taxi.

  8. What's weird is that both devices worked fine, presumably, and then at the exact same moment they both stopped working.

    If that's not exactly how it happened then I'd guess the recent iOS carrier settings update requires you to change/modify your data settings.

    And, there are no shortage of issues, based on a Google search, with Windows Phone/Nokia and tethering...



    Go to Manage wireless networks
    Select the connection 520 and open the properties
    go to Security tab and then Advanced settings
    and enable the Federal Information processing standard and save the setting.
    Reboot .

    Federal Information processing standard sounds strange, maybe this is something Microsoft added for the NSA?

    Again, the local service providers here in Thailand do not monitor internet sharing/tethering, do not disable it, do not charge extra for it and do not care how you consume your data.

    In the U.S. there are tons of post-paid and pre-paid plans, and skads of MVNOs. I think it is easier to find providers which offer free, or some complementary volume, tethering/mobile hot-spot than in the past.

    The reasons for extra fees in the U.S. are a bit complicated, and a legacy from the early days of truly unlimited/uncapped plans.

  9. invadeit, not in stock

    Not sure exactly but suspect these phones are quite new and perhaps, as such, not yet available?

    They do show on the Asus/Thailand website so would expect they will be localized/launched here at some point.

    Asus doesn't really have a very strong presence here re: phones, so maybe they are ramping up for big local ZenFone launch?

    You could contact Asus/Thailand to get a feel for availability.




  10. Tethering (mobile AP and USB) continues to work fine with my Android phones, USB aircard and MiFi device on DTAC.

    Service providers do not charge any extra fees for tethering here, as they might in the U.S.

    Sounds like an issue with Windows Phone and/or iPhone/iOS.

    It seems weird that both would crap out at the same time - not sure what to recommend short of contacting DTAC, Apple or Nokia.


    This thread seems to indicate the carrier update was in preparation of DTAC's LTE service. It sort of looks like you may need to "disable 4G" now, in Settings, Cellular? And of course make the other required/appropriate settings.


  11. ((d) Fail or refuse to fulfill its contractual obligations to

    the Association, its Members, Players, or any other third party in such a

    way as to affect the Association or its Members adversely.

    There are a lot of legal analyses out there which have highlighted this section, specifically the bolded/italics wording. One could argue that Mr/ Sterling's comments have adversely affected the "Association"?

    Who knows, I'm not a lawyer.

    Unless Mr. Sterling sells, the Clippers will lose fans, season ticket holders, sponsors; no players or coaches will want to work for them and they'll become the equivalent of the Washington Generals, and the value of the franchise will drop precipitously.

    I think if the capital gains tax issue can be ameliorated, then a sale might go through. I understand Mr. Sterling is also battling cancer, so his death would remove the capital gain issue, making it a much smaller estate tax issue.

    There is no shortage of interested buyers.

    FWIW, the Clippers lost game 6 100-99 to the Warriors, so will have to try and win a game 7 at the Staples Center on Saturday.

  12. BC again thrust into Ireland’s Troubles

    The recent arrest of Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams in connection with an infamous decades-old slaying has returned Boston College, an institution with deep Irish roots, to the battles over Northern Ireland’s continuing tormented attempts at peace.
    Boston College had reluctantly turned over to British authorities documents from an academic project that had implicated Adams, 65, and the Irish Republican Army in the killing of alleged informer Jean McConville, a disclosure that may have contributed to Adams’s arrest and could threaten a still shaky peace process.
    “The fact is, this peace process is still tenuous, and there are still deep tensions between the two parties still in government,” said Niall O’Dowd, founder of the New York-based website IrishCentral.com, which calls itself the largest website in North America focusing on developments in Ireland.
  13. I've been married to an older Thai woman for two years now, there is a ten year age gap.

    Not a big deal for us as she looks mid twenties same as i.

    She is also the main earner in our family which is cool because i get to spend more time with our children.

    I guess it's all down to chemistry at the end of the day.

    What was the age difference between your Wife and her first husband?

    How old are your children, based on two years of marriage, they must be infants? Or are these your step-children?

    Is it OK with your wife that you are not earning any money, or does she pay you to be a Nanny?

    My guess would be that 95+% of first-time Thai couples are within a year or two in age. For second marriages, or those involving foreigners, mistresses/boy-toys the differences are probably all over the map.

    I do agree that based on the picture you look older than your wife, but they say the camera adds 10 years to a farang.

    OK, now I'm confused are you the same guy as this--> http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/722553-she-wants-me-to-send-her-moneydeleted/

  14. I'm not a lawyer (yea!thumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7.gif ) but after a quick glance, I couldnt find a justification for forcing Sterling to sell the clips in the following posted NBA Document.

    Yes, this is being debated, and I didn't read the entire "Constitution" and "By-laws" either, but believe the owners can force another owner to sell based on a 3/4's vote, presumably based on specific and general issues, including damage to the league/brand.

    "I don't think Mr. Sterling has any basis for a legal claim, period. The decision by Adam Silver is grounded in the NBA's constitution and its bylaws — which Mr. Sterling agreed to and signed — and any challenge would be considered as an arbitration decision and not by the courts," he said.


    I can only assume that the NBA, commish, owners are hoping for a Marge Schott-like outcome?

    Game 6, Clippers vs. Warriors is on live now, TrueVisions NBA HD Ch. 674.

    In an interview with Fox, Mr. Sterling said that the Clippers are not for sale.



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  15. I guess a few states still/currently have alternative forms of execution available to complement lethal injection.

    Oklahoma appears to still have electrocution and firing squad available, but I'm guessing they might not have a functional electric chair on hand?

    Oklahoma offers firing squad only if lethal injection and electrocution are found unconstitutional.


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