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Posts posted by lomatopo

  1. Mobile phone companies are very protective of their subscriber base, if only to protect it from being poached by competitors. And they would not risk thousands of baht in recurring revenue, to make a few baht selling their subscriber lists.

    I honestly do not understand the OP's situation/relationship re: Ms. Ratchana, but you might ask yourself why this first cold call occurred after just 11 years with AIS? Honestly, we give out our names and phone numbers to many different people, companies, government offices, post office, utilities, ad infinitum. I'd submit that the mobile phone company would be the last one to sell their customer lists, but this seems to be common belief here.

  2. You may have to look on the airline's website to review the fare rules.

    What is the routing? What is the fare bucket? Exact details please.

    I assume you will want to change your return after you have begun travel?

    There may be a change fee, and you may have to buy up to the next available fare bucket. Not sure if Travelocity handles changes, and/or charges any additional fees.

    It looks like KE has a $100 change fee on some Economy fare buckets (E/K), also you have match W (Fri-Sun) and X (Mon-Thu), and seasonality.

    OZ appears to have a $50 change fee, again you'll have to match the original fare bucket.

  3. I reviewed the terms and conditions on the truewifi page, and although I could find a monthly plan as you describe - they have one for 300 baht - there are no terms re: fair-use. They do have some terms re: a maximum 3 hour connection after which time you need to re-connect, the number of emails/attachments, etc., but nothing about volume. And nothing about additional charges or fees, but I'd really have to see the exact terms and conditions for the plan your mate has to be certain. I guess I wouldn't worry about it; if it's a problem maybe your mate can deal with it?

  4. I think Google Maps would work fine better if you are able to enter an address in Thai. Using transliterated English can be challenging.

    I hardly ever use Google Earth, a lot of it is in Thai, ie, try finding the directions for Nakhon Sawan to Pattaya.

    Google Maps with Directions, and even Turn-by-Turn navigation with voice assist, changed over the last year. It used to display road names in both Thai and English, but now just Thai. Unfortunately.

    For a Taxi I might mention Bang Bon, Ekkachai Soi 80, then deal with the exact building as I got closer?


  5. I think a few service providers here offer this as a network service but evidently iMobile does not.

    You could port out to a service provider which offers this service. I assume changing numbers is not an option?

    iMobile may let you change numbers, still staying within their system but I pity the poor person who gets your "old" number. ;)

  6. What type of phone does your wife have?

    TrueMove? TrueMoe H? (Thread title says one thing, thread post says another)

    What model/version iPhone do you have?

    Pre-paid? Post-Paid?

    If pre-paid assume you have value, validity, have subscribed to a mobile data plan, properly configured your device, have coverage.

    Suspect it is a configuration issue.

    52000 represents the CAT/TrueMove 850 MHz 3G network. Should work fine.

    52099 is the old TrueMove/Orange GSM1800 MHz network; 52004 is the new TrueMove H 2100 MHZ 3G/4G network.

  7. Suspect in Shooting Had Interest in Thai Culture, and Problems With the Law

    HOUSTON — Aaron Alexis, 34, the man killed by police officers and identified as the gunman in the deadly rampage at the Washington Navy Yard on Monday, served his country as a Navy reservist, had an abiding interest in Buddhism and Thai culture, and had problems with the law, records and interviews show.


  8. Well we (the U.S. of A.) did tolerate/assist/support/look the other way for a long time while Saddam Hussein "killed a lot of people". rolleyes.gif

    Exclusive: CIA Files Prove America Helped Saddam as He Gassed Iran
    The U.S. knew Hussein was launching some of the worst chemical attacks in history -- and still gave him a hand.
    In 1988, during the waning days of Iraq's war with Iran, the United States learned through satellite imagery that Iran was about to gain a major strategic advantage by exploiting a hole in Iraqi defenses. U.S. intelligence officials conveyed the location of the Iranian troops to Iraq, fully aware that Hussein's military would attack with chemical weapons, including sarin, a lethal nerve agent.

    Back on topic, the run rate for September, with 574 casualties in Iraq so far seems to indicate that September may outpace August for violence?

    • Like 1
  9. The K release used to be called Key Lime Pie, now officially renamed KitKat. Next release will be something starting with L.

    Since it (Android 5.0) has yet to be named, at least publicly: Licorice, Lemon Drop, Lollipop, I was simply referring to the name it was called until this change for Android 4.4.

    Maybe Lemon Meringue Pie? wink.png
    Looks like the earliest release would be at IO at the end of June next year?
  10. and top this baby up so that I don't have to go through this again for a while.

    Note that service providers have been cutting back on validity periods, and publishing usage requirements, so it may be that you have a 365 day validity but you may be required to use the number, or refill it, at least once every 90 days.

    For example, DTAC/Happy have this in their terms & conditions page for the "Simple SIM":

    The users agree to use this service by making a call (only charged call) or making the minimum refill for every 90 day. In case there is no such action occurs during the period, the users permit the service provider to temporarily suspend their numbers for the period of 45 days, and after the 45 days, the numbers will be terminated unconditionally.

    In the past service providers may not have enforced these terms but with a looming number shortage there may be some pressure to recycle numbers after ~ 135 days of non-use.

    One could enable IR, and take a few top-up cards with them and, while roaming in another country, refill for 50 baht. YMMV.

  11. I thought i looked into the NHL streaming package before i left Canada and i believe you had to be living in Canada to access their service.

    Yes, most league-sponsored steaming solutions have geographic limitations owing to exclusive local broadcast rights. However one can use a VPN. But I wouldn't count on having enough bandwidth to be able to see the puck. ;)

    Maybe have a friend at home digitally record games in HD, then upload them to Dropbox or Google Drive; then you can download them here and watch them the next day - I do this for NFL games not shown on TrueVisions. There may also be NHL torrent-centric websites.

  12. Nothing surprising that TrueMove-H is already able to do that for a massive amount of numbers at once because their network on 850Mhz and 2100 Mhz is very developed.

    Agreed, but the challenge is that most (~ 90%?) of TrueMove's 17 million customers are rural, low ARPU, pre-paid - based on their legacy as the "value" provider, and they do not have 3G (850/2100) compatible phones. So I assume that they are either targeting 3G compatible users, based on their IMEI, for transition, or are allowing people to "roam" back on the legacy GSM1800 network.

    I also got another SMS a couple of days later telling me that I would be getting a free phone for having switched

    Maybe they are giving away free 3G compatible phones for use on CAT/TrueMove H's 850 MHz, or their own 2100 MHz 3G network?

  13. Within each of those designations there are multiple slices of 5 MHz, and each service provider has separate and distinct slices, usually contiguous, for both uplink and downlink. Some refer to this as spectrum.

    In the most recent 3G auction here, the NBTC auctioned nine (9) separate bands of 2x5 MHz each (5 MHz for uplink and 5 MHz for downlink, so a total of 90 MHz in the 2100 MHz band), and AIS, DTAC and TrueMove each got three (3) contiguous bands for a total of 15 MHz each.

    the NBTC allocated a total of 90MHz (nine lots of 2×5MHz) of UMTS spectrum, consisting of the bands 1920MHz-1965MHz paired with 2110MHz-2155MHz. The regulator divided the bandwidth into nine paired 5MHz slots

    AIS paid a bit more for their slices as they wanted to be adjacent to TOT's 2100 MHz.

    Service providers are free to offer any mobile voice/data service on their spectrum, hence TrueMove H as offering LTE/4G on some of their 2100 MHz spectrum. Likewise, DTAC is free to offer LTE/4G on their 1800 MHz spectrum, should they wish to do so.

    • Like 1
  14. Any more suggestions?

    1.) Ring +662 202 7100 and ask to extend validity, they can do this by taking some of your remaining balance. I think the fee is 2 baht/30 days.

    2.) Drop an email to [email protected] ask them to extend validity.

    3.) Assuming you have IR enabled and a signal, Dial one of the following codes to extend credit time for 30, 90, or 180 days respectively.



    4.) Use the DTAC/Happy e-Service platform, assumes you've registered for this, to request day-giveaway. Requires OTP.

    5.) Ask someone in Thailand to add value to your SIM, I think any top-up of 50 baht or more will extend validity 60 days.

    • Like 1
  15. Pretty sure ASN retains the NHL broadcast rights for the upcoming season. TrueVisions (Satellite or cable) have ASN. ASN just transitioned to HD on TrueVisions last week! Think the minimum package would be "Super Knowledge" at 590 baht/month?

    The NHL has a live streaming package, which would require an internet connection.

    There might be some other internet re-streamers?




  16. Did you request a change to "Tri-Net"?

    Did you configure a new APN?

    Did you have DTAC before? Did it work acceptably for you?

    I've had to trouble-shoot a few DTAC/Happy Tri-Net problems this week; in almost every case the problem was that the APN was mis-configured.

    APN details which appear to work well:

    Name: dtac internet

    APN: www.dtac.co.th

    MCC: 520

    MNC: 05

    Authentication type: None

    APN type: default

    I would NOT select "Data roaming".

    I haven't switched to Tri-Net yet, I am still on 3G/850.

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