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Everything posted by orchis

  1. getting there. https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/thailand-edges-closer-legalising-same-sex-marriage-2023-12-21/
  2. A lot of coughing and sneezing in public transport in Bangkok now. The trend seems to be that air pollution in Bangkok is now Dec Jan Feb and up North Feb to end of April, so that makes 5 months of the year and all of tourism high/peak season. Apart from burning in and around Thailand (fields/agricultural waste/household waste/sugarcane fields-to increase sugar contents-/charcoal burning in households) there is pollution and/or dust from traffic but also a lot from construction and airplanes. The relatively cooler air keeps pollution to the ground.
  3. Bangkok immigration at IT Square Laksi has asked me twice. You can ask your GH/hotel to print it, if you stay with friends they register online and print from there.
  4. How did it go? Did you make an appointment? For the TM30 I am in a similar position (older landlady) but I created an account for her (ID card, house book number) and did the TM30 by myself.
  5. according to the quoted article it was 20 million in crypto currency.
  6. negative image because of scams, crime and accidents.
  7. that you have no insurance and pay your bills as you go along. a kind of a gamble.
  8. https://time.com/6328885/gaza-death-toll-explainer/
  9. another newssource: Eyewitness accounts suggest that the man had been present on the Skytrain platform since 6am and his death was a result of a deliberate jump, as reported by Pol. Capt. Charoen.
  10. I have richer friends; hotel owners and lawyers. Comes in handy, but we've know each other from before their resp. careers so it didn't change much friendship wise.
  11. the uncooperative husband david armitage is teaching at kanchanaburi rajabpat university.
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