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Posts posted by gemguy

  1. 2 hours ago, gdgbb said:

    The thing is, though, that contrary to what you claim, most are not "swept under the table" [sic].


    Here's a thought, if you pay a bribe, "under the carpet", would that, too, result in something being "swept under the table"?

    You bet...works really well...just a matter of how much you can pay and pay the RIGHT person....lol

    That is what the Thais know how to do better than we do .....as it is a Thai thing ...you know?


  2. Well, never mind...let them do as they please while they are doing it in part to receive their acknowledged  percent, as we all know that is part of the deal or it does not get approved...things being the way they are in Thailand..... while the American submarines will effortlessly blow their inferior Chinese made submarine out of the water and render it useless in quick order....

    And that folks is what would happen.


  3. Now here is a thought.

    When the police learn that a murder as been perpetrated and they learn the person who was murdered has money and involved in a substantial money making operation, do you think that aspect of the case would persuade the police to diligently follow up on all aspects of that particular case ....as compared...as compared....... to a person who was murdered and it is learned the murdered person is just an average citizen of modest means and no money of any significance involved..... or not that they know of or not that they can imagine.

    A good number of foreigners are murdered in Thailand and certainly over the last 30 years for example while most of them are swept under the table, so to speak ....so why are they in hot pursuit of the suspects in this particular case???

    Can you imagine why?



  4. 21 minutes ago, nodomino said:

    There will always..ALWAYS be a sex for sale business because it is in demand and it provides a transactional personal and social necessity. The positive social value is dependent on regulation. I have been in some of the most sexually repressive states and guess what. The social necessity overrides even the most intolerant religious and state sanctioned repression. In my estimation, the Thai culture has been able to regulate and moderate the sex for money necessity better than any place I am aware of.

    That is right ....although the sex for money ( prostitution ) aspect is unsavoury in many ways and commonly turns into a socially contentious issue concerning ALL that is entailed and everything that does evolve because of it, as everyone knows or should know SEX is the basis of "The Business" .....while you can not stop people from having sex ..as in...you can not stop people from having sex....but you can try to repress it and try to control it and make up various rules and regulations and laws concerning practiced social decorum and social etiquette relevant to the wide spread and commonly practiced "sexual interactions" between human beings and all things sexual,  to be understood and practised in a said to be "civilized society"  or civilized cultures.

    The Thai people have had the whole affair, so to speak, evolve in a way that is strikingly different than some societies while many countries have similarities but each country has certain aspects that are universally similar or the same while each country is populated by citizens that want to .......F.........ummm........ copulate and copulate some more and do it again and again and again, their whole adult life.....while no one needs to explain why....LOL


  5. 6 hours ago, fish monger said:

    50 cops and military...? What were they expecting to find, the Red Army...?

    Somewhat of a grand publicity stunt and looks good for the press and media while the public just loves the sensationalism.

    You have to wonder how the Thai citizens feel about this because if they thought it was such as bad thing ( this prostitution thing ) they ( or at least a good number of them )  would be publically voicing their opinions all the time as they well know what goes on in all the massage parlours and numbered hotels and red light districts and the various entertainment areas and leisure time activity areas, or such establishments, that are obvious to everyone.

    Maybe more than enough Thai people do but most likely their complaints are stifled...Thailand being the way it is and all...but still you never see any serious opposition coming from the mass of Thai people in unison about this supposedly dire social matter and the reasons for that would make for another story unto itself.

    Everywhere in Thailand, in any city of size there and even small cities there is a relative abundance of "you know what going on" while business entrepreneurs ( both Women and Men ) open an establishment ( Legally or illegally ) that in effect becomes the operating premises for prostitution.

    Now with the internet the "The Business"  has flourished even more.

    The list of means and ways the services are offered is surprisingly long.  

    The whole affair and everything entailed is not going to ever go away so best to regulate it as best they can and crack down on certain aspects of what evolves...such as underage girls of less than 18 years old ( maybe 19 years would be better )  and or human trafficking and or coerced sexual services  and or indentured sexual servitude which is relatively common as the girl is obligated to pay off a debt  created by their Mother and or Father while  the girl is used as the means to pay off a debt...so indentured sexual servitude is a way to pay off a debt.

    Problem is when you make laws then people are criminalised and sometimes harshly for doing what OTHER people deem as wrong or illegal and commonly those people become marginalised and demonised and stigmatised by society in gneral and in effect socially shunned by the rest of society.




  6. 10 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:


    Give out severe sentences to people using their services, like long jail terms.

    These people are as bad the people in the service.

    Best to ask the girls first if they want you to curb or stop their means of income.

    I mean, if you have a 20,000 to 40,000 baht or often more a month job to offer all of them, then by all means employ them and pay them as much money as they can make in "The Business"

    If they are underage, then yes, put a stop to that aspect ...but if they are of age and willingly participate as a means to make money then that is their choice.

    IF they are not coerced or held captive in any way or indentured sexual servitude is not being forced upon them then they are free to do as they please.

    Even if they get an education and university degree they can always decide to do "The Business" ....if it so pleases them to do so.

    Even in wealthy and affluent societies and  or under excellent economic circumstances there are more than enough willing participants because of the money...or the lure of the potential money to be made.

    They just charge more when there is more money around and being spent on leisure activities.

    Everywhere in the world...not just Thailand.  

  7. Ok..it is a scam ....99% sure...but, the truth be told many people are scammed by way of buying a gold item that is silver based with an electroplated micron coating of 14K or 18 K or 23 K gold and fake certified as standard genuine gold throughout the piece or components

    Not difficult to do for those in the Silver and Gold jewelry trade....if they are inclined to do so.

    Silver jewelry is commonly electroplated with several micron thicknesses of gold ranging from 3 to 5 microns thickness with any mix of gold that you want or require but the standard is 23 K or 18 K or 14 K and some markets  sell 9 or 10 K  gold used as the micron plating.

    Or..... the product is gold throughout but 23 K gold or 18 K gold or 14 K gold or the 9 to 10 K gold throughout the item or components

    Point is, there are more than enough people who have purchased what they thought was say, 23 K gold throughout ...but it turns out to be much cheaper silver and micron plated with 23 K gold ...and when tested it tests as 23 K gold....but that is on the outside while 98 % of what you purchased is 925 silver throughout or some other base metal such as brass.

    There are ways and means to further test if you are suspect that it is Silver base metal or another base metal and gold plated while a standard comparison item can be weighed on a carat scale and know the carat weight  and then weigh the suspect item and learn if it is lighter or heavier by carat weight than the standard weight item .......and if so.......then why is there a notable difference in the weight??

    Not to trash the lady who was buying but normally they will ask to see a purchase receipt and or metal alloy analysis / certificate stating the product is gold throughout as opposed to some kind of base metal used with an electroplated micron coating of gold.

    She should have known better...but I figure she bought the item for a much lower price than could be presently supplied from a wholesale supplier of the genuine item and she kind of shot herself in the foot being too quick and eager to buy from someone looking like they need money and just wants to get some quick cash.

    The Gold shops will advertise they pay this much or that much for the price of 23 K Thai baht gold items  but when you bring in your 23 K gold items and originally purchased from another source and being another type of design and other relative aspects of the product are different than what they have in stock and selling, they can or will make you an offer regardless of what they say they are paying for gold and advertised outside their shop.

    If you do not like the offer, then ....take your wares elsewhere ...but most of them will not just buy it without thoroughly scrutinizing the item and making sure it is what it is said to be and if not they may still be interested in buying it ..but at a  price that is lower and relative to what they would pay for the same or similar item supplied to them from a wholesale supplier that sells the same or similar item made in  Silver base metal and Gold plated and pay the current whole sale price, which for that item may only be 1000 baht for example as compared to the same size and length and design etc  and guaranteed or cetified to be 23 K gold and worth say, 23,000 baht current price from a wholesale supplier.

    Or they make it themselves and they know what the current costs are so they will offer you slightly less than what they could supply it to themselves for and make a little mote profit on the item that you sold to them....if they want...or they do not want your gold item.


  8. One is arrested for selling sex as the  He/ She  "Girly Boy" provided sex for money and the Guy is arrested for having sex with a minor...while he will be saying for sure: "How was I to know the boy was only 17"????.... while the boy , more than likely, did not tell the man he was only 17 and neither did the man ask. ...but he should have ......and if he did then there is a good chance the boy would have said I am 19 or 20 and or has a fake ID card saying He / She is 19 or 20 and all part of the scam ...possibly...possibly ...I am thinking.

    Then,  when the mother found out the boy only received 500 baht she decides she wants more for the services of her young girly boy son as the mother believes her girly boy is a potential money maker and good earner...but not for 500 baht..no way....( My Die ) ......lol


    I bet something like that is what is happening.....but either way, the whole tawdry affair is pretty unimportant on the grand scale of things  relative to what goes on in Pattaya ...the center point of hedonistic pleasure and perversion in Thailand....lol


  9. In the Philippines  my Brother and our vacationing friend were looking at boots displayed in a shop window selling boots and leather goods.

    A Filipino Trike driver told them he knows the factory were the boots are made and can get them a cheaper price.

    So off they go and they pull up in front of a shanty house on the side of the road and go inside and told to wait while the workers will bring the boss of the factory to meet them.

    While waiting  4 Filipino men come out to say hello and start asking them where you from and what you looking for and the usual questions.

    Then,  one of them pulls out a pack of cards and starts to lay the cards on the table while the other Filipino men also sit at the table and start a card game

    My brother is asking:  Where is the factory owner, we want to see some leather boots.

    Coming, coming ..wait, wait ..we play some cards first.

    My brother tells them: Not interested in the cards..... while the cards are still being dealt to him and our friend while the 4 Filipinos guys who are picking up the cards and making like they are playing cards.

    My brother and the friend are not touching the cards and saying: We are not interested in the cards and where is the Boss.

    Coming, coming.... they are told ...lets play some cards .

    So my brother tells my friend:  Let's leave..... and just before they go to stand up the guy dealing the cards flips over my brothers untouched cards and says: You lose...I win.... I  win.... You lose...5000 pesos   ...You pay.

    My Brother told me he looked at our friend and the friend said : "I am right behind you"..... and the both of them bolted for the door and got outside quick enough with the 4 Filipino guys shouting and yelling at them in English and Tagalog and saying: Hey, You Mother Fxxker, you owe money.

    When they ran out onto the street the Trike driver was still there, parked and waiting and he also started shouting : You come back ...you pay ...you bastards ..you dead.....blah, blah, blah .....as my brother and friend were running as fast as they could back towards where they had come from.

    Blatant rip and nothing else....and worthy of a bullet to the head.

    My brother laughingly joked: I can run faster scared than they can mad...lol


  10. You can also see the car that plowed into the vehicle that was rolling into the other lane  could have veered around the rolling car although narrowly

    There is seen room to maneuver around but the person driving was suddenly caught off guard and confronted by a rolling  and flipping car blocking the path of their car.

    Too bad, as the driver of that car had the chance and the room to veer around the rolling and flipping car but locked up the brakes and skidded into the other vehicle ...but at probably half the speed they were traveling just 2 seconds before.

    4 people seriously injured

    I hope none of them dies. 

    And then...you see at the end of the Video when the women is driving off, she nearly causes another accident with another aggressive move to force her way into the traffic flow.........unbelievable.

    All about me, me first ..give way to what I am doing regardless if it is aggressive driving conduct and dangerous.

    The accident did not faze her at all.........carry on as usual...


  11. It looks to me like the driver of Pajero was speeding ( as is commonly the case ) and more or less driving down the center line and came up behind the back of the other vehicle too fast.

    It looks like the driver of the Pajaroa made a more or less last second quick jerk of the steering wheel to the left, as it looks like the Pajero was going to hit the back of the car in front of it.

    You see the Pajero suddenly veers to the left and going around the car in front but goes "too wide" attempting to go around the car in front while the sudden maneuver results in the car fish tailing a little bit and drifts further towards the left shoulder and then the rear left tire of the Pajaro also catches the dirt at the shoulder of the road and creates even more of a fish tail effect and then clearly seen loosing control on what looks like a slightly wet and slick road.

    That is what I see.

    What do you see....other than reckless driving...as is common.



  12. 1 hour ago, thai3 said:

    In the past I have been done out of 40k then 1.5k,  complaints to bank and consumer protection office got nowhere, or even a reply.

    Are you talking about here in Thailand or another country.

    If here in Thailand I am not surprised  at all, as they will do near everything to not account for any money gone missing.

    However I am certain SOME , a FEW ...once in a Blue Moon maybe ...some people are compensated correctly ...but probably took them years and years and years and ...Geeez :

    "This former bank client is really being a major pain in the ass"...

    "Just pay him off so we can move on"

     "I mean the nerve of some uppity individual actually chasing us down for 10 years over 92,369 Baht. .....and 4 Satang...... and then the audacity to demand interest on top of the principle....lol




  13. 1 hour ago, dotpoom said:

    She was hardly robbed by the bank......she was robbed by a person who worked at the bank.

    Dotpoom...come on, come on ...where is your sense of media sensationalism for the sake of creating revenues and stirring up public emotions.

    Misconstruing peoples statements and grandiose embellishment on what was actually said or actually happened is an age old art form, supposedly,  and better known as "muckracking journalism"  in its many forms.

    Boring headlines do not attract the attentions of the public in the same volumes as when a simple story has journalistic "Bling" added for effect...lol



  14. 7 hours ago, vadid said:

    Pretty obvious it was fake, knew from the first time I saw it. You can see by the look in the kids eyes, as he supposedly woke up,  he knows the guy giving him the clothes.

    Well......there you go ....seeing as we all know that the Thais are some of the worst actors ( just watch TV and the Thai movies ) .... or...their acting is as bad as it can get...then yeah....easy to  see it was fake....even if you were not forewarned

    But still, other Thai people would want to hire those people for their good acting abilities...lol ...such are the standards here in Thailand


  15. 23 minutes ago, madusa said:

    I came to Thailand 4 years earlier than you and I noticed that the Thai language newspaper had a lot more murders , suicide, accident reports than the English paper. I was thinking the government wanted it that way to protect  tourism.

    Am I wrong if I say the crime rate should be related to the population? If Thailand has 65 million inhabitants then if the murders rate goes above a certain number then it would be consider bad .

    Japan has the lowest murder rate I guess. When I was there 1979 it was something like 12 murder cases in the whole year,  I lived there for a year . Population about 138 millions. You could sleep without locking your door or gate.

    Thieves? Robbers? Sometimes I had to shout "excuse me" then an old man came out from the back of the shop and asked what I wanted to buy. That's Japan, an interesting country. A rational thinking country.

    I can surmise a lot of it is censured ...somehow, some way as tourism is a big money maker and you do not want to be scaring off the tourist, so the less publicity the better.

    Meantime if you read about some of the nasty stuff that goes on in other countries relevant to the killings and murders and robberies and assaults etc....then those countries makes Thailand look real safe.

    But still there is a degree of danger here and you should be aware of it and always be vigilant...or try to be as best you can.

    Meantime they do not seem to have too many serial killers or certainly not as bad as some other countries and mass shootings are fortunately not a regular occurrence.

    I think over all we are safer here than possible about 20 other countries that have more social problems and social strife than Thailand does creating more chance of encountering a serious life threatening problem...besides the road and traffic dangers here in Thailand  that end a fair amount of foreigners lives...but overall.....not that many and not too often.

    But, in reality there are a dozen ways to meet your maker here in Thailand, besides a natural death.

    *** Opps ...I forget to mention the coups....as there have been several really murderous coups that have occurred in the last 50 years....but everyone seems to forget those when they say Thailand is the safest country they know of ....lol....

    I wonder why they say that without remembering the coups ???


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