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Posts posted by gemguy

  1. 16 hours ago, Basil B said:

    Yes, there should be serious investigations into "Dereliction of duty" & "Corruption", and the investigation should start at the top and work it's way down not the over way as seems the norm.


    Yesterday in the UK a lorry driver was sent down for 10 years for accidentally killing 4 people while being distracted while changing the music on his phone, so in the case of the  Santika nightclub fire if a number of public officials went down for  "Dereliction of duty" or "Corruption" may just be a warning to others and may save some lives in the future.

    Yes that is how it should be and can be...while that is the way it is in numerous "other" countries

    However with the "My Ba Lie" attitude and the "My Pen Rai" collective thinking amongst the Thai people it will be a long time coming before you see any preventative measures kind of collective thinking and practiced widespread.

    A spicy Som Tum meal is what preoccupies their collective minds....lol


  2. 3 hours ago, starchild5 said:

    Its part of tourist attraction....I really want to see how ladyboys rob you...It can't be that simple...common...You have sex with me...NO...then snatch your wallet or chain...1,2,3...Its harder to get a freelancer here


    Since, last two days, I'm walking the usual hunting places of robbery past 1 AM beach road and no one is approaching me...I'm keeping my wallet out, chain out but with ZERO money...just to experience ladyboy snatching ...I don't believe it can be that simple...


    When you are out to get robbed with no money in wallet...no one robs you...strange...:stoner:

    No, No...you have to dress up like a Chinese guy...then you will get robbed by the Chinese guy robbers.

    If you want to get robbed you have to go to where the Farang guy robbers are.

    You know, Thailand is a Hierarchal society.


  3. On Friday, September 16, 2016 at 2:42 PM, mike1967 said:

    Read into this what you will.

    I have signed up to a thai dating website. I received lots of interest and messages but got fed up with too many conversations surrounding the conversation of money. One particular girl was looking for "true love" but also wanted 5,000,000 baht from a westerner for the entitlement to marry her. She had already been married to a Thai man and had children.

    I changed my profile adding, "please do not talk or ask about money". Guess what? The interest in me has dropped by 95 percent.

    I'm not making any judgements but what does this tell you?

    I hear you......

    It tells you that you have to learn to separate the money hungry ones from the ones that are not gold diggers.......until then, carry on enjoying their feminine presence with as many as you can ........if you know what I mean...lol

    • Like 1
  4. I would surmise that they want to work for such companies mainly because they believe they would secure comfortable jobs in a nice cozy office environment while the work environment is fun and cheerful ......and most important..... do not have to do too much work...rather just show up everyday for work and get paid while doing as little as possible.

    In my experience the ones with the university degrees come with an attitude that has them thinking their supposedly hard won degree entitles them to do as little as possible and get away with doing as little as possible.

    The girls are much worse than the men in that respect.

    In my experience, maybe10 percent actually perform their jobs well such that you can not help but notice that this person or that person is sharp and they mean to get recognized and genuinely want to work hard and diligent and work their way up by way of proving themselves and proving their capabilities in many aspects.

    They easily take on responsibilities and they get the job done and the bonus is: "They" fix all the other peoples mistakes and help resolve all the  gross incompetence practiced by all the other workers.

    They have leadership qualities.

    Meantime the rest of them perform poorly but want to be paid well for basically doing as little as possible and actually resent being told what to do by others while they all think they should be the boss while those that do perform well and get recognized for their extra efforts and receive the higher wages then become the enemy of the rest of the workers.

    Then the silly office politics start to evolve with the "them verses us" mentality and developed attitude and the end result is the non performers start to deliberately perform even less while they try to sabotage the good workers with gossip and slander and displayed resentment while trying to be uncooperative while they form little groups of like minded thinking co workers who all go to lunch together and gossip and or more or less less plot and scheme with one another as to how to do as little as possible but try to look busy while passing the buck off to other workers and often outright refusing to do what is asked of them by the person they dislike.

    This goes on in office environments all around the world ...but point is, it is so common here in Thailand in the types of companies that are mentioned in this post.

    They seem to thrive on this large company office environment that seemingly suits their personalities that brings out the worse in them all too often ...but seldom brings out the best of them.

    Strange stuff...but witnessing it is even stranger.


  5. 7 hours ago, Kabula said:

    I recommend the Sizzler salad bar all you can eat.

    Yes...the salad bar at Sizzler outlets are more than adequate and more than enough choices on display...unless you are like some people and make like they are some sort of salad bar connoisseur and some kind of expert on salad bars.


  6. 4 minutes ago, rogeroc said:



    But is it not widely true (there are always exceptions) that the same also applies in a very substantial number of non bar girl realtionships. Women from all walks of life, of all Nationalities have a potentially powerful manipulation tool of sexuality and many will use it.


    The mentality and attitude for some women to use their sexuality as a way to achieve their goals is definitely not formed by prostitution.

    True...very true ..no disagreement on my part.

    Meantime, with prostitutes and or bar girls that sell their sex for money it is about the money all the more so while usually...( but not always ) it carries over into a relationship or a marriage and becomes the contentious issue more so than most other factors.

    I mean hey...when a really cute bar girl that you lust for and she likes to spend time with you and you like spending time with her and you are beginning to have feelings for her and you suggest that maybe she could come live with you and be live in lovers and take it to the next level, so to speak, says:

     "OK, can do, but how much you pay me every month???....

    You can pay "50,000 Baht ..Nah"  ....then I would suggest you think long and hard if that is the type of relationship you want to have with a woman that you think you could love.


    25 years ago I remember I was introduced to a young guy who had a Thai girl friend who was the ultimate super cute "Babe"

    I was jealous as she was everything that I was trying to find in a Thai girl.

    Several months later my friend informed me they broke up and the man was devastated because she left him while my friend told me that guy wanted to marry her and have a life with her and be committed to her....everything ......but, apparently, she had other plans.

    Another year later he told me how he ran into the girl and she remembered him and they talked briefly while he told her that guy, your ex , his friend was seriously heartbroken and truly loved you.

    Her answer to that was:..."I not care...I not working for him now"......




  7. Well...it seems many men find out the hard way that marrying a bar girl or trying to make a serious relationship is all the more challenging.

    It is not recommended.

    There are many factors involved but you could say, for the record, the fact that the girl was a former prostitute is a large factor in the way her mentality and her attitude and her thinking has been shaped concerning her self serving agenda in life and her relationship with her husband and men in general.

    We hear about most of the relationships being far from smooth and drama free and far more tempestuous  ....so ...you could say that that expression is valid enough.

    I surmise that while they are young enough they always realize they can get a lot of what they want out of life by way of using men and by way of prostituting themselves for numerous forms of compensation...but mainly money...preferably hard cash, while marrying a man is another means of achieving their goals in life using their sex and sexuality and "giving" their sex in return for "something",  for a price, so to speak and a means to sustain their agenda.

    While the man may be thinking he loves her while he also lusts for her, she is thinking her sexuality is her means to get as much as she can out of that man while there always exists other men who can also help her achieve her goals if her present man does not provide what she wants or needs.

    When a relationship is more or less embroiled in the mentality and attitude formed by prostitution and sex as a means of personal achievement then that relationship is probably bound for failure far more so than a relationship that evolved under what we would call normal circumstances.



  8. I keep on telling everyone that cares to listen.

    Join...The...Peace Corp....lol




    Seriously though.........You may not make any money ..but all your expenses will be taken care of and one thing leads to another as I would easily surmise you can meet plenty of the "right people" that will help you secure work in some way or another.

    An adventure in the making.




  9. Good in some respects but no good in other respects.

    For those living in Pattaya they are now being subjected to the police tracking them down and finding something that the police can use to extort money out of them.

    This is the fundamental problem with the laws here in Thailand concerning the police that enforce those laws, as good intentions "always" Run Amuck.

    : If you do not have your passport on you at all times then they will try to extort money out of you that way.

    : If you are not registered or re-registered at what ever hotel or residence or place of accommodation then they will use that as a means to extort money out of you.

    : If they see too many visas in your passport they will accuse you of working  in the Kingdom without a work permit or correct visa.

    : If they keep your passport then you have a big concern.


    The list goes on concerning what they could use as a reason to extort money out of you when they "do their job" and start asking all foreigners for their passports at the discretion of the police and demand information and documentation and demand to know what are you doing here and where are you living.

    I see a lot of the TV subscribers are applauding the work of the immigration officers as if this new found immigration enforcement enthusiasm could never effect them in any negative way.


  10. On Saturday, October 22, 2016 at 7:53 AM, lemonjelly said:


    Basic procedure

    Sent from my twisted mind using Thaivisa Connect


    On Saturday, October 22, 2016 at 7:53 AM, lemonjelly said:


    Basic procedure

    Sent from my twisted mind using Thaivisa Connect


    Yes...that is the way to do it...but in the case of the kinky young man and his attempts to pleasure himself and his swollen member with a cock ring, that particular procedure seen in the video would probably have excited him all the more while he would have been grateful for the extra stimulations afforded to him bye the nurses in particular


  11. On Saturday, October 22, 2016 at 11:00 AM, realenglish1 said:

    Take the advise in the short term you have nothing to worry about but having said that get on a plain with your British son and after you get to Britain tell you girlfriend to take a hick If she wants to see him she will have to come to Britain on her own for a visit with her own money

    NO ..no.......she can come to Britain using the supposed new boy friends money  ...who supposedly has loads of money... supposedly...lol


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