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Posts posted by gemguy

  1. True story:

    I met a young Thai women at a coordinated business party put on by the Canadian chamber of commerce.

    She was handing out her business cards for her family run business supplying organic rice products being pesticide free and all.

    She spoke English very well and went on to tell me that her family business had been selling chemicals and fertilizers and pesticides to many farmers in her region for nearly 30 years while her parents and uncles sold a variety of agricultural pesticides.

    Business had been very good all those years.

    She told me her Uncle, who ran the warehouse facility and pesticides handling and blending operation, died and the cause was toxic poisoning from all the pesticides he had handled for all those years with little or next to no safe handling of all those chemicals.

    She also said that they were aware of the health issues while she and her family could see and witness many of their client farmers growing ill and some of them dying while they were aware that the pesticides were the reasons or certainly a large factor.

    So, after the death of her uncle her father decided they would leave that business and use their money to start all over again and stop selling chemicals and learn how to grow pesticide free rice and other food crops while canvasing the same client based areas and encouraging the farmers and their customer base to grow only organic rice and other food crops.

    Eventually their family business had evolved into working with hundreds of small farmers and educating them how to grow and sustain chemical free rice crops while they would help market the natural rice product under a brand name and a farmers cooperative style organization.

    When I met her she was marketing her brand name and looking for customers while she told me it was a great struggle to establish her brand and sell the organic rice products in a very competitive market that is somewhat rigged making it all the more difficult.

    Point being....it was clear that herself and her family had grown a conscience and reverted back to an organic farming based enterprise and focused their efforts on helping the farmers to bring their organic products to market proving that it is not always about the money and only the money for some Thai people.

    I still have her card somewhere from 6 years ago and I wish her well of course.


  2. 11 hours ago, Old Croc said:

    He had just shot a policeman in the stomach with a hidden gun. He's lucky he survived.

    They will hold him in a private prison cell and he will be subjected to a continuous stream of Thai television comedy shows and Thai TV soap operas and leave him alone with only a  knife.

    In a relatively short period of time he will turn suicidal and relieve society of the burden he has created while the police will have exacted an unusual and particularly sadistic form of punishment upon him...lol.......known to be worse than the Chinese water drip on the forehead.


  3. 4 hours ago, khunpa said:


    Last time I was in Bangkok I heard a Family complaining to the hotel reception about their trip from the airport. The cap driver had been very agressive and forced them to pay THB 3.000 for the trip to the hotel.


    Imagine you come to Thailand as a first time tourist and it treated like that. No wonder the economy in this country is falling apart.

    And to make matters worse there is a high probability if you complained to someone that you think could assist you they would more than likely ignore you and allow the Rip Off taxi driver continue to rip you off rather than chase off the mongrel rip off taxi driver.

    Trip advisors should advise newbies to remove the luggage from the cab when they arrive at their hotel and then enter the hotel and make like they have to get change in the hotel and then have it out with the rip off driver while in the sanctuary of the hotel while the hotel staff should take their side ( in theory ) and tell the rip off cab driver to get lost or they will call the police......or at least try to assist the tourists.

    But knowing how things work here the hotel door man would probably realize an opportunity on hand and  help negotiate the price down to 1500 baht and tell the driver on the side he will take 500 baht and the driver keeps 1000 baht and still make 2 or 3 times the correct fare.

    Welcome to Thailand



  4. 1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    It is not your job to inform the im if you move to hotel B, or C. That is the job of the individual hotels and if they get caught out THEY get fined.

    If you intended moving into somewhere permanently, then you would be required to present a TM 28 to im. If you did not intend staying anywhere permanently, then you don't have to do anything, as they have your temporary address on file from the TM 30 the hotel gave them.


    None of that counts if an im officer decides differently. They make it up here to suit themselves.

    Yep...and that is the problem as they will still fine you even after you explain to them that you informed the hotel to register you with immigration...but they did not..so blame the foreigner first and fine them 4000 baht and afterwards they can try to fine the hotel owner...especially if the hotel owner or manager is a foreigner...while Thai owners and managers will be given leniency..as expected.

    In the future each foreigner entering the country could be issued a swipe card that is swiped when checking into a hotel and checking out of a hotel that connects with a nation wide internet system while all hotels or accommodations catering to foreigners would have a swipe card system attached to the their internet computer system.

    Not that I am encouraging the tracking of foreigners...but they could easily know where each tourist and traveler checked into and check out of and or where they have been in that swipe card manner.

    When checking into a hotel or any accommodation you would provide your passport and the immigration issued swipe card and the card is swiped and you are now in the good graces of the Thai immigration authorities.

    When leaving the country the card is returned or keep the card and it is considered null and void.

    But then again people would or could corrupt that system somehow and someway and of course many would just throw the card away or say it was lost or stolen not wanting to be tracked...so to speak.

    Thailand.....No way around the corruption as it is endemic, no matter what.



  5. Hmmm...they are so diligent enforcing the laws when enforcing the laws can generate some revenues...extra revenues...on top of existing revenues.

    What will happen goes something like this.

    You are first registered at the ABC hotel and the hotel is supposed to inform the immigration authorities that you, John Doe are registered and staying at the ABC hotel for an indefinite period of time.

    Lets say you stay there for a week and after 1 week you move to another hotel in another city, for example, and when you arrive and check in you inform the hotel in the other city that the hotel needs to notify the immigration authorities that 1 John Doe is now registered in their hotel ..the Ding Dong hotel.

    If they do not do as required ( as in, their part in the scheme of things ) Should you be required to go find the immigration office or the local police station or register yourself within the system and tell them you are now registered at the another hotel in their jurisdiction?

    Apparently so because if the new hotel that you are staying in does not inform the immigration police then the immigration authorities would still have you registered as staying at the last hotel...the ABC hotel...unless the hotel staff at the last hotel are required to inform the immigration authorities that you have moved on and are no longer registered at their ABC hotel.

    So where are you now??  ....while you are not in the first hotel that you registered at so in effect in violation of their "whereabouts are you laws" and where you are supposed to be by way of registered as being here or there but you are not here or there...while you have moved on to another place (as in traveling )  and yet to check in and be registered at a new place...in theory.  

    If the old hotel does not inform them you have checked out then are "you" required to inform the immigration police you are moving from that hotel to another location and what if you do not know which hotel you are going to next check into....so do you have to have a booking in advance so the immigration police knows exactly which hotel or accommodation you will check into.

    And lets say you check into the next hotel at 5 PM and by 8 AM next morning you check out and move on to another hotel in the area..... or on to another city.

    If you rely on the hotel staff to immediately notify the local immigration office or the nearest police or a nation wide registration system that you have just registered at their hotel or place of accommodation then more than likely they are not going to immediately inform the authorities  .....or inform them at all...... while you may have moved on to another hotel or another city in less than 24 hours, as many travelers do ..and possibly before the hotel staff get around to registering you at their hotel...and why would they if see and know you have checked in and then checked out only 13 hours after you checked in   ...and what about weekends when government immigration staff are not working and you have already moved on before Monday comes around.

    If you are relying on the Thais to register you with the local immigration authorities or register within a nation wide network system then you are most likely going to end up being considered not staying where you originally registered and first stayed while moving about and traveling around the country and in violation of the immigration law that says you are supposed to be where you are registered.

    The requirements and rules are nearly impossible to comply with while the whole affair requires and or relies on Thai people supposedly doing their part within a Thai system,  so you can be assured many foreigners will be in violation of the immigration laws that say you are supposed to be only where you are registered to be......and no where else....while they will not blame any of the Thai people while making you the foreigner solely responsible for making sure the immigration authorities know where you are staying at all times.......in theory.

    So, if the new accommodation and registration information is not immediately forwarded to the authorities or not yet recognized by the authorities as a foreigner having moved on to a newly registered accommodation then you are in violation of the immigration laws and fined 4000 baht.


    More mindless law enforcement...but it generates some revenues for the officers that handle each case by case.







  6. 9 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


    I have been researching these recent attempts of finding an effective method to test for THC but to clarify, they are searching for a "simple" technique that can be used in roadside stops but I have not read any method is very far advanced in efficacy. One of the problems are the various methods of THC entering the body (ingested or inhaled) and that each result in very different measurements. For example, saliva tests can accurately measure how recently MJ has been smoked but it is almost useless when testing a user who ingested the Cannibus (and "edibles" are the future).


    My own research, including articles in both pro-user publications like High Times as well as sources from pro-Industry as well as the latest Law Enforcement periodicals, offers no evidence a scientific method which can stand up to the scrutiny of the Courtroom is close to being discovered. Are you aware of one?



    I have never understood this assertion that police issuing fines is simply for revenue. Police could care a less about generating income fo a jurisdiction--their interest is enforcing laws that are designed to protect society. The city adminstrators might design fines as income generators but these decisions are in no way the result of the street cop. There is nothing nefarious in a police officer issuing a traffic citation or removing a driver from behind the wheel who is under the influence.


    I have heard the argument from stoners that pot makes them a better driver. Ironically, I have been hearing the same thing from drunks for 50 years.


    I was surprised, though, by research that does support drivers under the influence of MJ pass far more driving agility tests than was expected...however, those encouraging results are stood on end when the user has consumed both MJ and alcohol ! And I will take your word for it that the two are often consumed together.



    Very insightful and well-informed post on the topic. I had considered a business in this Industry since I reside in CO and have the warehouse space to make it happen BUT I cannot do it with a clear conscious UNTIL we have a method of testing and prosecuting stoned drivers that will hold up in court.


    Thanks for your post.

    I am not anti pot and certainly not in support of prohibition while people should be free to choose to consume or not consume...while it should be up to them......same as alcohol.

    But the free and liberal use of the drug does come with a variety of social ramifications and it will always remain a contentious social issue.

    While people are accustomed to seeing others have a drink or 2, or a dozen, and considered somewhat of a common occurrence and considered as acceptable, the consumption of marijuana will continue to carry a degree of social stigma while users of marijuana will always be referred to as "Pot Heads" by the percent of people that do not consume marijuana and or those that do not consume any intoxicants at all.

    Of course the pot heads do not care what others think, as it should be in some respects, but still, lighting up a joint in public verses opening up a bottle of beer in public will not be readily accepted by main stream society for a long time to come.

    I predict, in the evolution of pot becoming an acceptable social intoxicant and tolerated, so to speak, there will develop specific establishments that facilitate the users of marijuana where they can go and smoke all the pot and hashish they want and consume the other forms of THC...just like a pub or beer hall that caters to those who like to drink....while more than likely existing licensed alcohol consumption establishment will evolve such that both Alcohol and THC based intoxicants are on offer

    On the other hand I am certain that while you can order a alcoholic drink at a restaurant and various public venues and enjoy that drink uncontested and even be surrounded by people that do not drink, while they tolerate your alcohol consumption, the same environment will not tolerate you lighting up a joint or whipping out your hash pipe and lighting up.

    Mainly because of the smoke aspect involved while THC edibles would be acceptable and many would readily try edibles as opposed to smoke inhalation while one day you will see Alcohol with activated THC blended into the alcohol....Double Whammy...Wah- Hoo!...lol

    When Cannabis consumption becomes all the more socially acceptable and "consumption decorum" and practiced social etiquette concerning the consumption of the drug is eventually established then you will see all the more cases of drugging and driving as people will chance getting caught rather than abandon their vehicles and get from A to B by alternative means...similar to people who drink and drive.

    In some aspects it is inevitable as people who are habitual users of marijuana and licensed motor vehicle operators are going to carry on with their daily routines involving the daily and hour by hour use of their motor vehicles to get around while their daily use of marijuana and being stoned everyday is going to be practiced together resulting in the users being intoxicated and then have to do something, many things, that involve driving around taking care of numerous personal matters...including delivering or picking up the kids to and from school...for example....while stoned.

    Right now in America alone there is easily 10, 000  ( possibly 100,000 ) citizens driving around stoned when you realize that about 10 million Americans per day are high on Marijuana ..so, 1 percent equals 100,000 people driving around while stoned and in effect endangering other people using the same roads and highways. 

    Known to be less dangerous than people intoxicated on Alcohol but the laws relevant to operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated on any kind of substance, legal or illegal, that impairs your driving ability is not to be tolerated in theory while in practice we see the law enforcement agencies developing the means and ways to curb the practice of drugging and driving.

    Point is....how will the mass of citizens feel about those people ( "Pot Heads" as they are affectionately  known )  that drug and drive and continue to break the laws and recklessly ignore that particular law and how harsh should the penalties be for those that do break that particular law and how vigilant should the law enforcement agencies be concerning that particular law attached to the legal consumption of THC.

    What would be an acceptable deterrent, short of prison time, that would lower the percent of Pot Heads that will continue to get stoned and then drive about while stoned and endangering other peoples lives ..including yours also if you so happen to be in the immediate vicinity of a thoroughly stoned Pot Head and he crashes into to "you"

    Would you then accept the pot users adamant argument that driving while stoned on THC is safe ( or safer) while it is argued by the pot heads that alcohol is the real culprit and the pot head is an otherwise law abiding citizen that has been driving around thoroughly stoned on THC everyday for say the last 20 years,  without incident...but on this or that particular day he or she ( a Ladyboy perhaps..lol )  crashed into "you" and your family while thoroughly stoned, as per usual and everyday.

    I surmise most people would want to kick the crap out of the Pot Head for ruining their day or ruining their life for that matter.

    Just pointing out one of the many social implications and ramifications of drug use regardless of being legal or illegal to consume.


  7. On Monday, October 3, 2016 at 8:42 PM, ClutchClark said:


    There is no reason to bring alcohol consumption and dangers into this conversation.

    The subject of MJ is a "stand-alone" topic...it is a unique drug with its own set of dangers.


    The dangers of alcohol and motor vehicle is well documented and there are laws and safeguards well established and enforced.


    This is not the case with MJ. The science is not there yet. Piss tests are fine for employment screening but do not measure recent or active "highs".


    Blood tests do work to some extent.


    Saliva tests for roadside stops appear to have some effectiveness but only when the MJ is smoked and not for "edibles".


    There are some excellent studies on this topic but the science has not yet effectively shaped legislation.



    Problem is, amongst many,  Alcohol and Marijuana go together like peas and carrots while you can argue on behalf of cannabis as a stand alone drug having its own merits and benefits and detriments the marijuana is commonly consumed while also drinking and more often than not.

    We are talking about the wide spread use of the drug and although less detrimental and less problematic than alcohol the drug is an integral aspect of the party hardy drug consumption culture and is not separate from all the other drugs and or alcohol being consumed within that party hardy drug consumption culture that is prevalent in many liberal societies.

    That being the case, then commonly, those that are apprehended for operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated are found to have both Alcohol and THC in their blood stream and in effect considered by the law makers and law enforcers to be making matters all the worse.

    It really does not matter what we believe or know about the drug more so than others and argue as such compared to those who are said to be ill informed or brainwashed or ignorant about marijuana and all that is entailed.

    Meantime it is being made perfectly clear that the government entities and law enforcement entities in particular are going to judiciously enforce the laws concerning operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated on any kind of mind altering or physically altering substance that alters your ability to drive 100 percent alert and safe as possible...including marijuana, the new concern more so than before now that it is legal to consume.

    The argument about being safer than alcohol is moot, although interesting, while the authorities are not going to listen to any reasoning or excuses in defense or favor of any person caught out and apprehended while driving while stoned ( intoxicated ) on Marijuana and in effect endangering the lives of other people on the roads.

    Eventually there will be a standard test while there are numerous companies, as we speak, developing cost effective and simple enough ways of accurately detecting the presence of THC in the blood stream and the current levels at the time of testing...just like the alcohol breath analyzers and other means of on the spot testing conducted by the police.

    This is becoming a contentious social development because many people and pot users will argue that driving stoned on marijuana is not the same as driving drunk....but that is a moot point in respect to the laws as the laws will be enforced while many people, as in tens of thousands of users at any given time, will continue to violate those particular drug consumption laws on a regular basis the same way they have always ignored or violated the laws of drug consumption, as is the history of marijuana consumption.

    Now that the drug is legalized to consume the law makers and law enforcers will demand that the supposedly law abiding users comply with the laws of legal consumption while "drugging and driving" will not be tolerated if you are caught out violating that particular law concerning the legal consumption of marijuana.....now that the drug is legalized.

    There will be plenty of people arrested and fined and the fines will become a notable source of revenue for the police in all parts of the country while the pot heads will be whining and whinging they are being persecuted by the government while trying to have everyone believe that driving, while high on marijuana, is perfectly safe or acceptable.

    That is in a pot heads mind and to their way of thinking and nothing to be concerned about while they will inform you they can not understand why the police and the judges, during their arrest and or court appearances, do not understand about the medicinal benefits of marijuana nor understand them and all the other habitual marijuana users and respect all their vast knowledge about marijuana spoken about in their defense of drugging and driving all in the hopes of convincing the law enforcers to see things their drug induced and drug seduced way...... and grant them lenience and just a warning.

    Not going to happen the way they are thinking.


    I am pro legalization by the way...but just pointing out the bitter realities that the stoners are going to be faced with while those laws will be enforced and supported by the masses of citizens that do not drink or drive while intoxicated.




  8. Best advice you could be given goes like this:

    Have a No Strings Attached relationship with her for about ....ohhhh....lets say....10 years minimum, until you are really confident she is not a gold digger and using you as her means and ways to achieve her agenda and goals in life.

    10 years later and After you are confident she is not a gold digger then you may suggest living together in a small rented apartment that you can easily abandon such that ..."after" .......you learn she is a gold digger, if that is the case, and come to realize she actually played you all that time for the Long Run / Long Term angle.


    Meantime feel free to have as many No Strings Attached relationships with various other women until you finally feel that you need to settle down with one of them while the one presently in question may be or could be the one that you feel the most confident and comfortable with .


    Until then ...enjoy ..just enjoy the care free, less hassle single life.



  9. I would surmise the Fifth wheel lock pin mechanism failed and the male pin component bounced out of the female receptor on the 5th wheel plate and eventually the trailer completely disconnect and drifted to the left and keep on steering ahead and to the left and ..crash.

    Normally ( IF ) there are air operated brakes on the trailer wheels, the trailer brakes are locked out until air from the air pressure system, incorporated into the truck cab and body and attached by quick connect / disconnect glad hand connections with air lines leading to the rear air brake components, the air pressure will release the spring loaded, locked out brake components, then allowing the trailer to be free to roll forward

    If that is the case, when the trailer somehow disconnects and looses the air pressure to the trailer brakes , as seen in the video, then the spring loaded mechanism will immediately lock up the brakes and the trailer comes to a skidding halt.

    It looks as though that particular trailer was not fitted out with an air brake system and may of been designed and used for light load transportation where trailer air brakes are not required....or...the company altered or removed the axel mounted spring loaded air actuation components letting the wheels be free rolling and have no braking capabilities.


  10. 58 minutes ago, impulse said:


    In over 100 taxi rides from Swampy over 5 years, I have never once had a taxi without a functioning meter.  Recently. the luck of the draw puts me in the vans quite a bit, and I have never had one of them without a meter.   Nor have I ever had a driver at the airport refuse to turn on the meter.  Some have offered a flat price, but in my first 2 years, I always had them turn on the meter.  None of them ever declined.  Over the past 3 years, I usually offer the driver a flat price to my place and recently, the guys turn their meters on just to leave the airport and then turn them back off when we're on the road- but only because I volunteer a flat price up front.  I doubt they can even get in and out of the airport queue without a meter.


    I'm sure there are exceptions, but scaring newbies by painting the Swampy taxi experience as a sure-fire scam isn't fair in my book.  My experience says different.  I'm actually a fan.  Cheapest ride home of any major city I've ever lived in.  And rarely more than 5 minutes in line nowadays since they got the queuing machines dialed in- usually less than 2 minutes..


    That was my experience 5 months ago with the new automated ticket cue system while who is to say what happened to me has not been the experience of many others also...because, for 50 years the Don Muang airport and the more recent Swampy airport have always had taxi cab rip off problems .....always...

    No matter what the authorities do to try to curb the problems there are all too many taxi cab drivers turning "rip off" creative and clever in the ways they can over charge newly arrived passengers.

    It has not happened to you ( yet ) ..but I have no doubt at all it has happened to many others....as in thousands of tourists ( out of the millions of arrivals ) ripped off by clever and sleazy taxi cab drivers while many of them turn very aggressive as part of their perpetrated scam to subdue the vulnerable and unknowing tourists and get their money....while they feel entitled to do so...and argue it is "Just Business"  


  11. Yep more Taxi driver shylocks operating out of the airport taxi cue.

    After you get into the Taxi Van and off you go you notice there is no meter while they guys with the Taxi vans "claim" they do not use meters

    When you ask where is the meter and ask them to turn on the meter then the driver shows you a nice big laminated plastic, price per kilometer, fare rate information sheet that states a minimum of 800 baht posted on the card up to 2500 baht to some destinations.

    I told the old guy : "My Ow" ..."Ow Meter"..."Meter You Ny" ? .....

    "Prok-Ka-Tee, Song Roy Ha Sip Baht Eng"

    The old guy tells me (all) the Taxi vans do not have meters and charge per kilometer or trip.

    So I told him I will give him 300 baht for trip because normally it is around 250 to 300 Baht,  if traffic is bad from the airport to were I live......or turn around and go back to the airport terminal.

    So he says 400 Baht 400 baht OK price ..Ok ...so I said OK.....and said:  Cap Lot Dee, Dee Noi ( please drive cautiously )

    So it turns out if you have a lot of luggage and you want to use a Taxi Van to get all your luggage in, with room to spare, or have too many people and luggage items for a regular taxi then you get the ticket cue number for the Taxi Van sector and cue up for the Taxi Van ...and then load up and off you go, and then, no meter to be seen and then they scam you along the way, especially if you do not talk Thai to them while they are thinking ..."Suckers"

    It is worse in the Philippines.

    At the Domestic Airport taxi cue, no taxis show up while there are several touts hanging about telling the people waiting for a regular metered  that a Taxi Van is parked, just over there, in the parking lot and can take you to where you want to go .....but the price is 3 times more than a regular metered taxi fare.

    At first everyone says no and continues to wait around for a metered taxi, but, 30 minutes later there is still not one taxi cab showing up so people start negotiating a price for the taxi van service.

    After you get into the van they do not leave until they fill up the van with other people that have reluctantly agreed to the final fare and that may take 10 to 20 minutes waiting before finally leaving the parking lot.

    Later, you learn that part of the scam is by way of having one of "their guys" standing at the entrance of the airport parking lot and dressed in a construction workers outfit (Orange colored safety vest and Hard Hat ) and telling everyone and specifically taxi cabs that there is construction going on so no entry here ..please move on...so that way NO taxi cabs enter into where all the people are cuing up waiting for a taxi ..that is not coming in anyhow.

    Supposedly President Duterte ( Too-Dirty ) is going to or has already run off all those scam artists and touts hanging about the Airports making like they are baggage handlers and supposedly working for the Airport ...but they are not employed by the Airport Authorities....rather opportunistic scam artists and

    "fllm flam" folks of sorts  ..plain and simple


  12. If they really wanted to bust them then have 2 foreigners as decoys book a trip with the illegal company and also have an under cover Thai police officer on board the van from hell and nab them in the act and arrest them all.

    You know  ...they call it a sting operation...and have the media descend upon them and publicize their rat bag faces and the shame the owners and have a good old time prosecuting them while the police share the apprehended proceeds as their reward for a job well done.

    It would be fun...lol

  13. Do like the Thais do...just more or less disappear and do not talk to her anymore.

    By now...It must be obvious to you she did not marry you for love rather you are the one she figures can bank role all her dreams and aspirations in life.

    If that is the way she is then your marriage is doomed from the beginning.


    • Like 1
  14. 19 hours ago, Alive said:

    The poor envision jobs that allow them to feed their families, own a house and car. The real geniuses and superheroes of tech and wealth envision things far beyond Elon Musk's trivial dreams of Mars. Everyone has a dream. Why is it we have to hear the dreams of the wealthy and successful alone. Why isn't this man already on Mars? Anyone can dream but some the regular suspects get all the attention. All dreams are valid and deserving of attention now.

    There you go...he should be building a business and system, so to speak, that allows all the people with dreams and visions and many brilliant ideas easy access to "the system"  that analyzes and considers peoples ideas and inventions and then put them to practice and market them and share in the profits while a healthy percent of those revenues and profits will be used to alleviated poor people of poverty and create jobs and social services ...etc. etc ...like that...you know.

    There already exists many Invention or Idea Companies that will help with a persons idea or inventions or concepts but they have an agenda that thwarts as many good ideas as the ones that are actually considered and then they narrow it down to only a few ideas or inventions being pursued by those companies.

    Many good ideas are ignored or not recognized.

    So...some one like Ellon Musk is needed to bring all the ideas together and make all the more ideas or inventions or concepts a reality ...Because...Ellon Musk is a guy that can secure the money that is nneeded to make  many of those idead a reality.....as the biggest challenge that inventors have, 9 times out of 10, is securing financing or financial support to  bring their ideas or invention to market.

    Ellon seems to easily secure the big finance for all his ideas ...and that aspect is a significant factors as to his success and the barriers that thwarts  many a good idea that would have already existed if not for the challenges concerning securing the needed financial resources.



  15. 1 hour ago, louse1953 said:

    Only if you stupid.

    Now that is a odd answer if  ever there was ...lol

    You included, can not know what the person is up to or all about, that you met at the bar or in the hotel lobby or at the airport or at the restaurant or near anywhere for that matter where you meet people and socialize.

    No one can read another person immediately and know...but given time you will or could find out or be suspicious of various people that act in ways that are concerning or questionable.

    They probably met several hundred people and no one said a thing or took action until now while seldom if ever do people call the police and tell them: "I met this guy today and he seems strange so you should check him out"

    That is part of how con men operate while counting on people not being suspicious or concerned...until it is too late.


  16. 4 hours ago, greenchair said:

    I guess one will need to be held in the hospital until the bruises and swelling subside from his face. Of course they will be very careful not to let any phones for pictures in the room. I don't understand why they are all being charged for shooting the policeman, when in fact only one of them did that. It's quite possible these guys are people smugglers, hence the need for many passports. Whoever is the leader of the set up, the renter of the apartment, the hirer of the maids, the buyer of the freezer and quite possibly the person that tipped the police off, is surely the murderer. Quite possibly, they were set up.

    Accomplices...Accomplices in crime....and criminal enterprises.

    I am wondering just how many people are seeing the photos of the criminal Perps and realizing they know  one or some of those guys or all of them while believing they were seemingly nice guy(s)  they had met around the Farang entertainment areas....Yikes.....

    Best not to be so friendly with other foreigners  or allow others to befriend you so easily as you never really know what they are up to while you could unknowingly get dragged into nefarious criminal activities and be a fall guy of sorts for scum like that.




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