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Posts posted by gemguy

  1. 17 hours ago, HerbalEd said:

    Why didn't you just tell her no instead of running away?

    Because ...saying No in that way has more of an "impact" ( you know, as in action speaks louder than words ) while he did not have to listen to her money grubbing BS any longer.

    I have also done that before.

    Excused myself to go to the washroom and did not come back.

    I can not remember how many times I dated supposedly good girl Thai girls and then it came down to wanting to borrow money from me.

    One time for car insurance, telling me the cost was 50,000 baht while I did tell her No, but I was thinking what I could do is say yes and then never deliver on the promise...but I did not, rather just told her I can not  help her like that because she is not my girlfriend or lover ...but if she was....hint, hint ..:P...then maybe ..but she said her BF would not be happy about her having a Farang "Gik" on the side.

    So I said ...Let me think about it..... Let me think about it...and never connected with her again


  2. Well....if you can, then you have to start living a far more healthy life style...which can be done if need be.

    Better diet ..no alcohol or drugs or cigarettes ....regular exercise...vitamin and mineral supplements...more sleep ...less stress.....lots of water....cut out the sugar intake....some meaningful activities...a happy ending at least once a week, preferably 2 times a week..lol .......many possibilities that could lessen the impact of growing old.....and or feeling old and worn down....


  3. We do not know all the details and circumstances about what lead up to the early morning visit.

    Meantime .....may I venture to suggest that the bar owner was not paying some commonly charged local administration fees, as expected, and the same fees as other business establishments are expected to pay so they came and personally collected the over due local administration fees...... plus, some generous "interest" ...also collected ...but done in a most unsavory way.....possibly.......could be...maybe?

    Just saying

  4. Look at the police officer in the photo.....looking as if he is actually listening to the mans complaints while putting on a serious look of concern for the mans plight....like as if he really cares at all.

    Meantime, what he is concerned about are 2 things of more importance:

    His next meal of Som Tam ....and how he is going to get part of that 21,000 baht extorted from the Farang business man.....while he is thinking:  Oh yes......I will be having a talk with the local administrators, for sure, and make it very clear about who exactly does the extorting around here.



  5. Good that someone is scrutinizing their hospital bills and charges.

    The thing , amongst many things, that is irksome is how the hospital staff and administration seldom will give you a confirmed cost quotation or explain the costs of certain hospital fees ( before ) you agree to use their service(s)

    You basically have to shop around and you will learn there are wide discrepancies in the prices quoted to you while the cheaper prices that are quoted to you at some hospital facilities commonly come with hidden fees presented to you after the operation or services are supplied.....plus the costs of medicines at any hospital are 3 to 5 times what you can buy the same medicines for at any drug store outlet.

    Meantime the hospital charges here in Thailand are not all that cheap...for Thailand that is ....while for those living here, comparing the prices to your home country may appease you and others, but still the health care system here in Thailand is a "for profit" affair and one of Thailand's most lucrative and profitable sectors of the growing economy.

    Most Thai people, as in 90% of them, can not afford to get sick as the hospitals do not give them any special breaks on the prices rather try to charge as much as they can get away with....and then negotiate the final invoice with the client.... if need be.


  6. More good intentions that will run amuck and create all the more graft and corruption while they will crack down on the little guys that are easy to apprehend while the big players will simply pay a fine ( you know.."the fine" ) while police actions will do next to nothing to stop the issue.

    It would help if they change the laws relevant to setting up a company as everyone knows just how much effort is involved with all the rules and regulations and costs etc. that put people off from forming a company along with the work permits and Visa extensions etc etc....




  7. 16 hours ago, Anthony5 said:

    How long do you live in Thailand.


    "Friend up" a Thai policeman, pay him the required friendship fee, and he will get the guy out faster than you can say get out of here.

    Generally a good idea but advised you obtain the commitment from the police officer to remove the man first and then make the agreed upon payment to the officer after...as in, do not fall for the money upfront scam and then they tell you:

    My Die....Kaw-Tawt.....My Die......Chuwoy Koon My Di Na Cap....after you have given them money.


    Just for fun I would go around to as many police officers as possible and ask them on behalf of someone else that you know that supposedly has "this problem" and how much would it cost to have someone evict a scam artist off the property...for your "friend" that is ....as in, Just Asking.

    Also your wife or trusted Thai female friend ??????.......could ask and probably accomplish more than you could with the police as the Thais have this way of charming police officers into helping them...Thai way, Thai style


    Then you can formulate a better possible plan ...but.... be aware that when you pull the police into your affairs, all too often the plan can run amuck because now you have the police scrutinizing you and sizing you up and how much money you may have and how vulnerable you are and how easily they could milk you for now..... or in the future.


    If anything you will learn what could be done or could not be accomplished while you make a list of new police officer connections that you may be comfortable with and take the chance that one of them or some of them would help you and do it hassle free....but for a fee.



  8. 12 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:



    You'd want to kill yourself after hearing that chorous a couple of times.

    That is the type of music you will hear played at the clubs where ecstasy reigns supreme.

    When high on ecstasy, music like that sounds great.....or so all the ecstasy stoners will have you know....lol


  9. Well folks, as a matter of fact, just the other day , Wednesday to be exact at around 9:00 AM in the morning at the 7 /11 store, near to where I work, where I enter every morning, I did my part to reduce the likelihood of someone being bitten by a dog.

    There, lying right in the way of the entrance, is a somewhat mangy looking but not too mangy looking dog blocking the entrance while cooling itself off.

    Like everyone else I also had to maneuver around the dog so after entering the store I had a closer look at the dog and figured that dog looks healthy enough but parking itself right there, smack in the middle of entrance way, is "another" dog and one of many dogs I have seen hanging around the entrance on any given day.

    So...I asked the one store clerk girl, who recognizes me, if the manager of the store is present and she says not here but coming soon.

    So, I went on to tell her that there is a problem with stray dogs hanging around the entrance of public stores and often seen doing so at 7 /11 stores while I asked her if she knew about the recent incident at another store where a child was bitten on the face by a dog, just like that one...the one blocking the entrance of the her store.

    I suggested that her and her coworkers chase the dog(s) off when they see them lying about in front of the store while suggesting that a trigger type spray bottle full of water usually works well.

    I also added that if someone gets bitten by that dog or other dogs then maybe they will hold "you" responsible.


    Anyhow,  I did my part.....but now I fear the local stray dogs will conspire to gang up on me and chase me out of their territory...lol.....

    I think they know......



  10. On Wednesday, September 7, 2016 at 8:50 AM, Peterw42 said:


    Have you ever experienced the carnage it leaves behind, lives are ruined. Yes you got out of jail free, often at the expense of those left behind.

    Commonly that is true.

    However there exists that percent of people who make other peoples lives so miserable they would be very relieved if that misery orchestrating person committed suicide.

    Unfortunately there are a fair amount of such people while they seldom do commit suicide and commonly outlive everyone else while inciting others to the point of suicide.


  11. 4 hours ago, jacnl2000 said:


    What I tried to write down in here might only be one of the many possible answers to your question:


    harsh human systems always have had a strong tendency to keep on corrupting themselves. In these two particular cases additional room for negotiation, outside a court of law, might have been much less, than normally, in other parts of society. Once having reached a court of law, rules of society quite sudden loose their appeal, complexity and nuance, so do become so simple that rotten apples can simply be taken out of the basket quickly and be send to prison for quite some time. However, in most other cases, which do never ever reach a court of law, mainly fear plays its role: rotten apples are simply being replaced silently and locally protected by their replacements who actually do know how to consume apples from the poison tree.


    Sometimes their mentality is based on making an example of someone while also making a very strong public statement.... and that being:


    I think this guy is swept up in the new order of law enforcement fervor......unfortunately for him.

    5 years or maybe 10 at the most is more than sufficient and more than enough time for anyone to realize the error of their ways....however,  the judges and the courts here in Thailand are often persuaded by emotion rather than logical sensibilities.

    What is additionally disturbing is how the severe penalties are served upon the little guy, as per usual, while those involved serving justice and given the task of pursuing the criminal elements in Thai society, seldom if ever, seriously think about pursuing the affair any further than arresting the small guy and prosecuting the small guy while they proudly glorify themselves as the nations heroes saving the nation from the evils of illegal drug use.

    Meantime they know full well who supplied the little guy and who exactly manufactures the Yaa Baa on a grand scale but, as to be expected, they ignore all of that and press forward with the prosecution of the end users and the ever vulnerable small time fish..

    Meantime, everything else entailed remains the same.....and will never change as even the perpetrated criminal activities, no matter how nefarious or heinous they be, also evolve based on the values and mentality of a hierarchical structured society. ...that works against any serious efforts to hold the truly nefarious and untouchable criminals accountable...as long as you are not amongst the "little guys" sacrificed on behalf of the big guys...that have to be shown respect for being the big guys or somehow  becoming the big guys and maintain their exulted positions of influence and power and or wealth.


  12. 21 hours ago, joeyg said:

    Deal hard drugs.  Should be executed.  Now before you jump on me.  Think of how you'd feel if one of your children got addicted or died from his drugs.  That's what I thought...


    You stated: Think of how you'd feel if one of your children got addicted or died from his drugs.  That's what I thought...


    You have a point there that is valid....however, think of it this way relative to the bigger scope of what goes on in society: Think of how you'd feel if one of your children got addicted or died from "Their Alcohol"

    The main difference in that respect being that Alcohol is legal and the drug know as Yaa Baa is deemed illegal.


    I am against the drug also as it is a very damaging and problematic drug and well known to cause numerous social ramifications that we can do without and agreed upon by all....yet, societies in near every country  deal with and cope with and or tolerate alcoholism and alcohol consumption and all the negative ramifications of mass alcohol consumed at leisure....but legally.

    Meantime the people and corporate entities that do manufacture the addictive and deadly substance known as alcohol in all the many varieties and forms are not demonized or criminalized while the consumers who do become addicted, along with all the associated social problems that come with alcohol consumption, are also not demonized and or criminalized nor are they seriously stigmatized for their alcoholism ....all because the very problematic substance is legal to consume. 


    Where it is illegal to consume alcohol,  in some countries, the people that do sell it and or consume it are demonized and criminalized as the end result of harsh laws relative to illegal alcohol consumption.


    I would never advocate people consume any of the substances that are say classified as intoxicants or recreational uses substances for the purpose of getting high or stoned  or intoxicated or how ever you want to classify or describe the effects of those substances.


    The recreational drug use is not going to go away while the way they are going about trying to stop the use of the :intoxicants" is not working in a manner that is really worth perusing any further rather they will eventually have to deal with the issue in more creative and logical ways.


    Or they could be like the Philippines and start to murder all the drug dealers and drug users like they are doing in the Philippines while the body count is stated, for the record at 2400 people and rising after only 3 months of president Duterte's crack down on drug traffickers and drug users.


    Just pointing out the realities of what is going on while we are not doing a very commendable job concerning how we could address this vast social malady caused by the drugs remaining illegal to consume while people are criminalized for doing so.


    It is not working as planned so time to start thinking of another plan and the ways and means to deal with a contentious social issue that is not going to go away by way of how it is being addressed at present.






  13. 5 hours ago, Kaalle said:

    Plenty of bar girls who are still just "girls" that make their money a certain way but still want to have fun too. Not every single interaction with men needs to be about money.

    If you are old and or fat unattractive etc its not gonna happen though.

    But its not some sort of con game some falangs are playing. Just say "im not a customer", if the girl wants to spend time with you anyway fine, otherwise you part ways and she finds some one who wants to/have to pay.



    Yes..that is the way it should be and understood to be.

    Or you can ask the girl to: borrow her money...lol ..and reverse the situation and see how she reacts.

    Surprisingly if a girl or some girls like you they will pay for your time together while I did have that happen to me, but rarely......back in the day.

    Occasionally I played like I was poor or did not have money at the time and surprisingly, occasionally , the girl had money, at the time, and she paid for our evening out and then I told her I would service her...just for fun.....and boy was it fun...lol


  14. Well...although chasing skirt and womanizing should not be more or less criminalized or implied to be criminal and the way his situation is beginning to lean, more and more people are beginning to learn that posting and publicizing your exploits, what ever they may be, in this often misconstrued Politically Correct environment can come with its liabilities.


    In this case, it seems, the guy is more or less filming his travel adventures around Asia and that includes meeting and bedding numerous girls along the way...which is what plenty of guys do when traveling anywhere in the world...but, they do not publicize their sexual exploits.


    When and if they do then for sure there will be some scrutiny exercised by "some" people while for Face Book and other public social media platforms "some people" can add up to tens of thousands of people having a negative view about what he does, regardless of what he says he does otherwise.


    Here in Thailand, the many and abundant "Prudes" would like to have a go at him and shame him for his questionable publicized conduct while the authorities have taken notice of the man.


    If he has any sense of smarts at all he would simply omit the sexual content or any implied sexual content before it gets him into more trouble than it is worth.



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