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Posts posted by TyGrr

  1. I have just been doing the 15 day runs and had no idea I could extend. I have filled my passport with Cambodia visa stamps since I was going two times a month. This seem like a much better idea but can you confirm they can extend the 15 day entry to 60 days? I have never heard of them being able to do this. I thought I had to have some sort of visa and not just a stamp.

    If they can do this, what will I need to bring? Just the same documents as I would need to take to Laos?

    Thank you.

  2. Hi all.

    I think I understand this correctly but I want to just make sure. If anything is wrong with this PLEASE tell me :)

    I plan to go to Laos or maybe Cambodia in a week to get a 3 month visa based on marriage. All I need to bring is a copy of my wife's ID card and a copy of our wedding certificate. Nothing else is needed until I want to extend right?

    How long will it take for the embassy to make the visa? I know the tourist visa in Laos was the next afternoon.

    I only have 4 full pages left in my passport (and I can no longer add pages) so I will need to make a new one.

    Once I have the new passport I can just take the old and the new passport to the place where I need to extend? (This is also somewhere in Thailand?)

    This should be pretty easy right?


  3. I understand a Thai national can enter Loas and get a temp border pass. They can then extent this and get 15 days and move all around the country of Loas.

    Can this Thai national then exit Loas via airplane or walk into a differnt country for example Camboida with their Thai passport (assuming they have the correct visas)? Or are they forced to enter back into Thailand they way they came in?

    Can they just turn in the "temp boarder pass" at the airport or at the Cambodian boarder?

    I understand the Thai national can just use the Thai passport to get into Loas but this is not my questions so please do not suggest this.

    Thank you very much.

  4. My child has been repeatedly denied exit from Thialand becasue he does not have entry stamps in his valid American passport. He entered Thialand on a Thai passport that is now expired and can not be renewed without the mothers concent (new law). The mother has no interest in her son and we have not been in contact in over 4 years. The last I heard she was in BKK somewhere "working".

    Even thought we have showed immigration the old Thai passport they keep tellig us he can not leave.

    Since I am unable to get a new Thai passport for him to leave what options do I have? We would really like to visit the USA for Christmas.

    Thank you.

  5. We lost my sons American passport. I assume I need to go to the local police station and file a report. Then go to the embassy and request a new passport. But after that how can I get his stamps back in the passport or will it not be needed for him to leave? How can he leave Thailand if he does not have the correct stamps? do i just needto show the police report?

    He is also Thai but dose not have a Thai passport.

    Thank you.

  6. Hi all,

    I found out that my wifes "Packet 3 instructional letter for immigrant visa applicant" did not get to me but was sent sometime in mid May. After a few weeks of e-mailing differnt depatments I was able to find this out and be sent the forms via E-mail.

    What really worries me is that I had heard I needed to respond within 3 months or they will cancle the application. Is this true? It will take two to three weeks to get the letter from the police and I have no idea what I need to do for the "Evidance of finacial support".

    Also sadly due to a death in the family I will need to go to the USA next week and will be there for almost a month.

    My first and biggest question is what can I do to get more time?

    My second question and not as pressing is what do I need to do for the "Evidance of finacial support"?

    I have the ability to go to talk to someone directly in BKK on Monday before I fly home. What office should I go to?

    Thank you.

  7. Can you not obtain a visa in any of the cities you visit? Should only take a day or less and there are a number of Consulates and honorary Consulates in the US? Also you could obtain a non immigrant O visa if married to a Thai and 90 day say or a multi entry for a year of up to 90 day stays. Even getting visa by mail should be an option with your extended period of time in the US. Takes less than a week from honorary Consulates. Take marriage certificate and have copy of wife ID card and home register (although may not be required).

    Problem with trying to get the visas in the USA is that I will be getting on an airplane on average 2 times a week. 5 days with out the passport might be okay. But 2 weeeks there is no way. I have been here so long I have no other valid form of US ID to get on a plane.

    Is there anything I can do in the next few days in Thailand?


  8. Without a visa you must have a ticket out of the country within 30 days of arrival. If not, the airline can deny you boarding. So depending on yur travel plans a new tourist visa might be advisable.


    How can I get a new tourist visa before I leave Thailand? I will need my passport when in the USA as it is my only valid USA ID and I will be taking about 6 internal American flights to visit family.

    If I can not get a visa should I just buy a plane ticket to Cambodia or something on AirAsia? Will they accept the printed out voucher as a ticket?

    Also what are my odds of them not letting me on the plane? I've never had anyone run into this issue in real life.


  9. About 8 years ago I tried to fly to Thailand with oneway tickets. At the ticket counter the airline in the USA asked to see my visa. They said I could not go to Thailand unless I had a visa because if Thailand did not accept me the airline would have to pay for my flight back, plus fees. I was able to provide them a letter showing I had been accepted to study in Thailand. They let me on the plane.

    Every other time I have flown into Thailand since I have had multiple entry one year visas. This time however I have a 2 month tourist visa that will end on the 20th of Aug.

    A family member has died in the USA and I need to go back. I plan to return to my Thai wife in Thailand after the 20th of Aug but before the end of September. I have no problem with getting the 30 days at the airport and dealing with the Thai visa once I get back here, what really worries me is will the airline in the USA let me on the plane?

    Does anyone have an experience like this? Should I be worried at all?

    Thank you.

  10. hello

    I have a small collection of .999 fine Silver 1oz coins I want to sell in Thailand. I assume that the best place to go would be in BKK. The local gold shops look at me funy when I try to sell silver coins. Also I have some Kruggerands for sale (92% gold). Local shops only like 23K or 24K. If anyome can let me know of a good shop in BKK or maybe Pattaya that would be awesome.


  11. Okay, I can get all these documents. I assume I can just take it to BKK and hand it to them? I do not mail it anywhere? I can pay in Thai Baht?

    This is the check list I found, seems to be very clear and helpful.



    Also, since this is a new legal relationship, it will be very hard to prove there is a union. I can however show photos of us together. Will that work? it is the best I can do

  12. Hello all. I’m having a heck of a time working this all out. Please help.

    What I want to do is file for an I-130 in Bangkok. From what I understand I need to do this at the Bangkok USCIS Office. Do I need to make an appointment or just show up?

    My wife and I were married about 2 weeks ago. She has changed her name to mine and got new ID with my last name. She has applied for her first passport with my last name and we are waiting for it to arrive. We went to her home town and got copies of her birth certificate. She changed her name in the blue house book to my last name. We also have copies of the marriage documents (only in Thai). I think we have everything done for her that we need to do but did I forget anything?

    I have been living in Thailand for the last 8 years. My visa and work permit will expire on April 30th so I need to file by then. However I am having a hard time trying to figure out exactly what I need to give the USCIS. This is a list of the stuff I think I have to give them.


    U.S. Bank statement with over $17,000. (or over $21,000 because I have a child?)

    A letter from where I will work in the USA once I arrive explaining that I will have a job and I will be paid at whatever rate.

    My work permit in Thailand showing I have been here for over 6 months.

    Would this be helpful, a letter from my parents saying my wife and I will be able to live in their home once we arrive in the USA as this is our plan?

    I do not have any recent W-2’s or anything as I have lived in Thailand for 8 years. What other documents do I need to give them?

    Once I file it will be okay that my work permit will expire? Can I file before the passport of my wife arrives?

    I know I will need to have these documents translated to English.

    After I file for the I-130 what do I do?

    Anyway what else am I forgetting? I am really stressing about all of this because I only have about a week to file.

    Thank you for your help.

  13. Okay, so do the DCF IR-1 / CR-1.

    http://www.visajourn...Immigrant_Visas This is a list of documents needed.

    Can these be copies or do I need to have the orginals? She does not have access to her orginal birth certificat for example. If I need the orginals how can she get them done agian?


    Come to think of it, I do not have my birth certificate! Can I have a copy faxed?

    I have not paid taxes in the USA for a while as I have not lived or worked there. will this be an issue?

    Will a bank blance of $17,000 in my USA bank account show I have enough money or will i need $21,000 since I have a child?

  14. Thank you all for the many helpful posts.

    I now have a better idea on what I need and want to do. I will do the fiance/spouce visa (K3) and the I-130 Form. I have a Non Imm B but this will end April 30th. We are not longer going to attempt the tourist visa. 4 to 5 months is acceptable.

    We are legally married in Thailand. She has not yet changed her name to my last name in her home book. We ahve to go to her home provience to do that I ahve been told. I assume she need to do this and change her ID and get a Passport with her name before I do the I-130? Once I do the I-130 will it be okay to have my Non Imm B expire? I quit working becasue I will go home sooner or later and did not want to leave mid contract.

    After the I-130 I can do the K-3? We have not been married 2 years. We have not been married 2 months! We however have been living together for 3 years.

    So, is it reasonable to get all of this done if I jump on it? To file for the I-130 is there a wait? I'm somewhat worried now that quiting my job was not the thing to do.


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