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Posts posted by TyGrr

  1. The marrying in the neighboring country is something that was thought of however we had just assumed Thailand would not recognize it. Does anyone know if they went to Cambodia get married would Thailand be forced to respect it even if she was not yet 20?

    Also for the trolls that think this story is not true and are giving response based on their own personal experiences in Thailand can I please remind you that the point of this thread was to find out information about how one could get married if they are under 20 with out the consent of the parents. Just assume the story is 100% made up if that will help you focus on answering the question at hand. Thanks you for your understanding and kindness.

  2. From what I understand the family had to pay a large amount of money to be the head of the local area. This was from the new found wealth they got from their first daughter.

    Also the girl did not work in the bar for very long as a semi rich fellow did pick her up and has kept her. Some of the men rejected her once they found out she was 16 out of fear.

    Also they were hiding very far from the family and the parents but were able to be tracked because of the work permit. The parents first showed up at the work place. Clearly this would just happen again.

    Thanks for the Bermuda idea, that is the only post that has been helpful. However as you stated she would need a passport and she can't get that until she is 20. They have thought about the option of leaving the country to a neighboring one and living illegally. This clearly is not ideal.

    We all realize that the police could do something so the guy is forced to leave forever. However he as some ties in Thailand. He received higher education here and has a son from a previous marriage. The question really is not can they do it but will they. If this guy who has been in Thailand legally for years is all the sudden kicked out some of his friends will be asking questions. Also from what I understand they will need to go to court before he is deported. His lawyer, also his ex-professor, is ready in case this happens.

    I know them both and this is not something made up all of the sudden. He might have paid too much in the first place but then again it still was not what she was sending back from work.

    Most of the Thai people who have been told this story when they have been seeking help have also thought it is not as bad as it sounds. I guess that is a fair reaction.

  3. The girl has been away for 1.5 years. The girl does not like the idea of hiding for 1.5 years. She and her man have been together for this time and running. The police have caught up with them before but were able to flee. We suspect the police are looking for him now as the police were paid 200,00 baht to find the location of the man and mess up his visa. I realize the police will be able to track him down so the girl is now alone in hidding. I however doubt that the police would do anything to make it so he can no longer get a visa. I would guess it would take more money than that.

    The family will not allow then to be married at any price. The older sister was forced to have an abortion when she was impregnated by her Thai boyfriend this was community knowledge. She ended up marrying a rich farang who built a house and spent all sorts of money. The family is expecting this again. The father is currently the head of the village and this thing has become a very public mess for him and I personally think he can only regain face by taking her. The girl does not want to go back nor does she want money. She has cut off ties from her family for that time as they wont listen to her. She is to the point she would rather kill herself than go back if it came to that. She knows where she will end up and does not want that. They know at this point she will just run away so her options are limited, the type of place she will end up is not where she was before.

    So the two of them together are not an option unless they get legally married. So back to the first question, anyone know how to do this? By the way money is not a problem and he will support her in hiding even if he is deported.

    Also the story is not from the girl. Everything she knows he knows as well as he as been with her daily for that time.

    So if anyone can help with the org question I would be grateful to pass it along.

  4. I guess I should have put this info in the post from the start, The parents are trying to locate her so they will be able to take the girl, abort the baby and send her back to "work". The girl clearly does not like this option and can only stop the parents and police from tracking her down if she is married. She ran away just after she turned 17 because she had been "working" since she was just 16. The parents, wanting more money have paid off the police to find her, she is in hiding but does not want to be for the next 1.5 years until she is 20. We really can't think of any thing for her to do, clearly the police are no help and the lawyers seem to not want to get involved. They always talk about traditional culture.

    Is anyone aware how to get the courts permission to marry if she is pregnant or is this not realistic? thanks

  5. Hello Dr. Latrobe of Rajamangala University will be offering a highly recommended culture class and I thought I would share it with you all. If you are interested please give her a call or contact me more more information! Thanks

    6 interesting Thai cultural courses offered for 14 days

    Thai cultural courses are Thai food, Thai dessert, Thai dancing, Thai boxing, Thai massage,

    Vegetable and fruit carving.

    Participants’ register fee is 20,000 baht per person (excluded accommodation fee). The

    register fee includes:


    Lunch for 14 days


    Snack and refreshment 2 times per day for 14 days


    Learning documents


    1 day trip


    Teaching and learning materials

    Courses start at any time on the participants’ availability between November and December

    2010. If interested please contact Tel. +66 0846121449

    The following is the detail of the courses.

    (1). Thai dancing

    Unit 1 General background about Thai dancing

    • History of Thai dancing

    Unit 2 Practice Thai dancing

    • Using parts of the body, for examples, head, arms, hands, body, knees, legs, and


    Unit 3 Practice local Thai dancing in all parts of Thailand such as Central

    Thai dancing, Northern Thai dancing, Northeastern Thai dancing,

    and Southern Thai dancing.

    • Each dancing is unique and elegant in costumes and styles.

    Unit 4 Practice standard Thai dancing which is popular in all parts of


    Unit 5 Practice dancing in application dancing styles.

    • Application dancing styles consists of various styles of dancing.

    Unit 6 Practice dancing in advanced application dancing styles.

    • This kind of dancing is elegant and delicate which has a lot of time consuming

    1 day trip

    (2). Thai dessert

    Unit 1 General background about Thai dessert

    • Background of Thai dessert

    • Types of Thai dessert

    • Cooking equipments for making Thai dessert

    • Raw materials and how to select

    • The use of fragrance and decoration

    Unit 2 Stir, steam, and bake

    Thai dessert can be made by many ways such as stir, steam, and bake. The

    ingredient are corn wheat, flour, egg yolks, and sugar

    Unit 3 Fry

    • Thai dessert can be made by frying. Before frying, the flour

    is made into many shapes with some decorations in order to make

    the dessert look appetizing. The ingredients are corn wheat, flour,

    and sugar

    Unit 4 Syrup and Coconut milk

    • The taste of this kind of dessert is very sweet. Some amount of ice can mix with

    this kind of dessert in order to reduce the sweetness. The ingredients are flour,

    banana, coconut jelly, syrup, sugar, and coconut milk

    1 day trip

    (3). Thai food

    Unit 1 General background about Thai food

    • Words for cooking

    • Information about Thai food and technique in cooking Thai food

    • Management of food sanitation

    • Food business management

    Unit 2 Thai food cooking

    • Curries and Soup

    Cook tasty spicy and non spicy Thai curries and soup. Food

    ingredients consist of chicken, beef, pork, prawn, fish, eggs, chili

    paste, and coconut milk

    • Stir fry, roast, and fry

    Cook Thai food with many ways of cooking such as stir fry, roast,

    and fry. Food ingredients are pork, chicken, fish, eggs, noodle, and

    cashew nuts

    • Salad

    Cook salad in Thai style by using some ingredients such as

    vegetables, pork, or fish mix with chili paste to make a delicious

    spicy salad

    • Steam and grill

    Steam and grill are also popular way of cooking tasty Thai food.

    Ingredients used for steam and grill such as fish, eggs, pork,

    sausage, and prawn

    1 day trip

    (4). Thai massage

    Unit 1 General background about Thai massage

    • Background about Thai massage

    • Spots in the body

    • Types of Thai massage

    • Equipments used in Thai massage

    Unit 2 Practice Thai massage

    • Face massage

    Unit 3 Practice Thai massage

    • Foot massage

    Unit 4 Practice Thai massage

    • Body massage

    Unit 5 Practice Thai massage

    • Massage with herb hot press

    Unit 6 Practice Thai massage

    • Herb sauna

    1 day trip

    (5). Thai boxing

    Unit 1 General background about Thai boxing

    • Background about Thai boxing

    • Garland for a boxer

    • Equipments used in Thai Boxing

    • Pay respect to the instructor

    Unit 2 Practice Thai boxing

    • Pay respect to the instructor

    Unit 3 Practice Thai boxing

    • Running

    • Rope jumping

    • The punch out

    • The use of knees

    • The use of elbows

    • Kicking

    • Target fighting

    • Fighting against each other

    Unit 4 Practice Thai boxing

    • Fighting against each other; red corner and blue corner

    1 day trip

    (6). Vegetable and fruit carving

    Unit 1 General background about vegetable, fruit, and other material carving

    Unit 2 Vegetable carving

    • Spring onion

    • Flower pattern on chili

    • Leaves pattern on cucumber

    • Lotus pattern on melon

    • Lilly pattern on melon

    • Rose and Zinnia pattern on carrot

    • Flower pattern on radish

    • Sun pattern on tomato

    • Flower pattern on round egg plant

    • Gold fish pattern on pumpkin

    Unit 3 Fruit carving

    • Rose pattern on mango, guava, and papaya

    • Lotus pattern on cantaloupe

    • Delicate letters pattern on watermelon

    Unit 4 Soap carving in various styles

    1 day trip

  6. I meant provincial government if I was not clear. Very hard to guess tone of voice.

    Also related to this case, The first contract I signed with the school was for 3 years. When we made a new one seems they did not fulfill their obligations for the remaining two years. (we changed to one year). This could end up being rather interesting. And to think I would have been happy with a polite explanation and one months pay.

  7. I am not sure what I am going to do about the Visa but I did go to the Labor Department. They looked at my documents and recommended I get a lawyer. Have the lawyer talk to the school and then sue if they don't do right.

    So, I went to a leading member of Government here, who also happens to be a lawyer. He saw the contract and told me he would try to get at least 7 to 8 months pay. I was only going to ask the school for 3 to 4. Furthermore he thinks this is more or less a done deal as I don't pay him unless he gets at least 7 months pay for me.

    Part of this I'm sure is related to my education. My photo in the work permit is me in my graduation uniform. He saw it and said "Oh, you finished from this school. Send me a copy of your diploma, we will show the judge. They can't treat you like this." My lawyer was also a student at this same University and odds are the judge will be as well.

    Anyway over all I am pleased with what has happened so far, however at this time I have no money. So when/if it comes I will let you know.

  8. I was able to find this info below from http://www.worldwideconsulting.com/thailand.htm Seems I should get 4 months pay since I did not do anything crazy.

    Termination of Employment

    Employment termination with cause (in which event the employer can terminate employment without notice and/or compensation) is governed by the provisions of Section 583 of the Civil and Commercial Code and Section 119 of the LPA, and includes gross negligence, willful disobedience, dishonesty or criminal act. When there is employment termination without cause, it is compulsory under employment laws that the employer make severance payment (in addition to notice) to the employee according to the length of unbroken service:

    From 120 days but less than 1 year the amount is 30 days

    Glad to be reading this.

  9. Hello!

    I have just been told by the Govt School I work for that they would like to cancel my 1 year contract with them. This contract started May1st and is to end April 31st 2011.

    They have told me they wish it to end in one week on the 30th of Sept. I think that this is illegal but I am not an expert. I would like to type part of the contract that relates to this case.

    Clause 5 This agreement is terminated on :

    1 Completion of the term of employemtn

    2 If I die

    3 Either party can cancel the contract for any reason if they give a 3 month warning.

    4 If I am too sick to teach, note from Doctor.

    5 If there is "serious misbehavior sesrtion of duty without justification"

    So I think I should be given 3 months warning and pay if they really want to fire me. However under the heading of Copy Right..

    Clause 9 and Clause 10 are related to copyright.

    Clause 11 however states "In case of teaching evaluations per semester is unsatisfied to all parts in school, the agreement will be ended with out any reasons."

    They are saying they do not need to pay me, and can cancel my visa because of this Clause 11.

    They are saying that I did not pass the 80% approval rating from teachers, co-teachers, students and parents.

    This is the firs time the school has ever had western teachers and is part of a new Govt program. I am schocked as I have one year contracts for my house, Internet and my sons School.

    I have not done anything wrong and would like to know if they are in fact under Thai law are able to fire me with out the 3 months pay and with out me keeping the visa for 3 months while I sort something out.

    Clause 12: This agreement is subject to Thai laws and any dispute arising from this agreement shall be submitted for adjudication at the Civil Court Bangkok Metropolis.

    I know most of you are not lawyers but please help me out with advice ideas. Thank you so much!

    (Also I have lived in Thailand for 6 year, Have a Thai son and graduated from a leading Thai University in a 4 year bachelor program)

  10. Hi. I have been in Thailand for about 5 years, the last 4 were with multi entry Ed - Visas from a well recognized university in Thailand.

    I have now finished my education and will be visiting my home country with my son. (He has both Thai and home country passports)

    However next May I have accepted a teaching position at a government school. They are willing to help me get the visa but this is a new program and they are not sure if they are doing things correctly.

    My Ed-Visa will end in July. I had planned to leave Thailand and then come back on that Visa. (Leave March and come back in May)

    Once I come back will I then need to leave the country again to change the Visa? The school thinks I need to leave to get a new Visa. If this is not true can it be done in BKK? If this is true can I go to any Thai consulate or embassy? Cambodia or Myanmar?

    Are there any problems with what I am trying to do?

    Is there such thing as a multi entry visa for the type of visa I will need??

    Thanks for all of your help and assistance;)

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