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  1. You are one of these people that can never be wrong. I will bet you you can't change an A/C filter in 3 min. And yes I have change/cleaned them myself. Regards servicing the NEW Toyota Engine unlike the old one you have to put it up on a lift to change the Eng: Filter. As it's hidden away under the engine. Unlike the old 3lt one that used to be on top. So try and do that yourself. Then we get to saving a few bob. How much would you save by doing it yourself and getting covered in oil and muck? and that's trying to change just the Eng: Filter alone. (Look it up on the internet) Bugger me the whole bill only came to just over 3k BHT Inc of 8lt of oil, filters, grease prop, lab: & Tax. If anyone is that desperate for a few Bob you shouldn't own a car anyway.
  2. I would like to see you change an A/C filter in 3 min. You have to take out two turn clips and the retaining thing, lower the glove box take out the Filter cap Slide out the filter replace the new one then repeat the whole proses to refit. I don't get treated any different from any person that services their cars at Toyota. Everyone gets the correct oil filters (IE NO copies) free coffee snacks and a free valet after service. And all for what I think is a moderate price of 3,078 BHT INC. (8lt full syn: oil, Eng: filter, A/C filter grease prop Lab: and Tax) Come on then how much does the place you use charge to do a full service on a Tuna not forgetting the extras ? Or are you still tying to save 50 BHT and get copy stuff.
  3. I do see where you are coming from. But to buy filters from Lazada then mess about putting them in when for 460 BHT I can use Toyota ones. I normally do some 10/11K KM per year, cost for one service on average per year is less than 3k BHT including all filters is peanuts. That includes some around town and some fast long journeys. Toyota in the service book say if you do fast journeys you should change the oil at 5K KM. Hence I have a service at 5K KM. Toyota always use 8LT of Full Syn: oil + the correct filters. They also keep a full log of your car services on their comps: you can get a print out whenever you require. Also have a full valet every 3 weeks on average including the engine so my Tuna still looks like new at nearly 7 years old. Will I chop it in? Maybe. All depends what the new Tuna TRD is like. So far there doesn't seem to be any info on the new ones. If there's not much difference I'll keep the one I have. Then the peeps that are gaging for it can go run.
  4. I'm not going to bother. As in the past they have held up. I might just have been unlucky with a rubbish one. Mind you I change them most times at 5k KM regardless of whatever their condition is. If I was worried about cost (460bht) I wouldn't have a service every 5k I would leave it to the 10k Toyota recommend. Yes I know most would say I'm stupid to service it that early. But it pays dividends, at present I have two peeps that are gagging to buy it if I ever decide sell.
  5. Update on A/C filter. I was in Toyota this morning. Spoke to one of the peeps that had serviced the car a few weeks ago. He did a online check, seems that when I got it from them new, one of the free extras they put in was some sort of filter that stops critters getting into the A/C. It's not a Toyota thing but supplied by another company cost is 300 BHT. He checked it and all is fine so a critter couldn't have got into the A/C. Seems he and myself were correct the thing had just degraded. N/B the new one is so far holding up. But it's only been a few weeks so who knows what a few K K/M will show.
  6. When they changed the filter Toyota said that they didn't think that a critter had eaten it just that it had degraded. So far so good but I will check on it again soon. I did have the rear set up on this morning as we had our dog in the back all seemed to work great.
  7. Sorry for the late reply but I don't look at TV that often now due to there being far too many Adds. Well around two years ago they changed the filters too much thinner ones. Like you I never had any problems with the old filters, but these new ones seem to clog up very quickly. I'm lucky if I get 10 K KM from them before they are dumped. Most times they are changed at every service that's 5k KM. Thank Buddha they are cheap @ 460 BHT a go. And yes My Tuna does have rear A/C not that I use it that often. As the front ones cope with the cooling most times. It's a Bit to early to say yet but I did check the new filter they put in today (1 week) so far it seems to be holding up also clean. As I say it's only a week so I'll see what it's like in a month or two time.
  8. If I remember correctly it's been some time since you owned a Toyota. Some two years ago they changed their A/C filters this was one of the new type. As luck would have it they left the new filter box in the boot. Snap of same. Seems they use them on Lexus as well. I'll report in a few months to see how the new one is doing.
  9. If you read my post you would have seen that I stated that nothing had chewed on it. When they took the filter out it just fell apart or as I said degraded. If you look at the creases in the top of the filter you would see that they had already started to crack open. The thing was like tissue paper. No way would it have lasted 10K KM. Will be checking it after a few K KM to see if I was just unlucky or it's a normal thing with these new Toyota filters.
  10. Yes and before anyone asks I am referring to car A/C. I went into Toyota this morning for my usual 10K K/M Service that I do every 5K K/M. I always stand with my Tuna when it's serviced just to make sure they do things I require. Now we get to the heading A/C filters. They as usual took my A/C filter out and showed me the state it was in. Of course I replaced it. Question has anyone had the same problem with A/C filters lasting 10K KM? If this is the state of my filter after only 5K MK how can they last 10k. N/B and No it's not been eaten by anything it's just degraded.
  11. Completely incorrect I have always bought Toyotas. First a 4x4 3lt pickup. Then a Tuna and now the latest Tuna TRD. I picked what I wanted the G/L never got a look in. And by the way ALL in my name.
  12. You can always do what I have done, that's seldom look at TV anymore. I used to have a look at what was happening most days now it's once every Two Three weeks if that. TV take notice that in the end these adds will close TV down as there will be no one watching.
  13. I have a Fortuner 2.8lt and I can tell you it's great on fuel. I get around 6lt = 100km on a run loaded Much lower in the mid 5lt if I stick to 90kph. The 2.4lt will do less KPL so if you go for one buy the 2.8lt. To the person that said the back seats rattle I can tell you they don't My Tuna is over 6 years old and not a rattle/squeak anywhere. Just wish people that don't know would stop making up things to look like they know something. Not unlike the chap that said that they have drum brakes so don't stop. The old ones used to have disc and drums but all the new ones have discs all round. Also stop on a postage stamp. My Buddha there are some strange know nothing folks posting on TV.
  14. This is Thailand and the second hand prices for used cars are through the roof. EG I have a 6+ year old Tuner TRD and have been offered over 1MIL BHT in PX initial cost was 1.6MIL. Whatever I have decided to keep it as it still looks and runs like new.
  15. So the old LI will be by your statement unsellable. And any one that got one is on a big loser cash wise. You maybe correct about LKP but they will still Degrade over time. As of yet there is no one that can inform me of the resale price of an EV once it gets old and out of warrantee. Or disprove that my assumption that they are not worth even thinking about yet. Maybe in several years they will be fine to buy but that's a big MAYBE.
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