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Posts posted by chantorn

  1. We should inform the world not to visit Siam Reap for 2 reasons:

    1. Training ground for violence separatist to cause bomb and death in a friendly, loving & forgiving neighbor country (Thailand).

    2. Angkor Wat is a competition to our Grand Palace "Wat Phra Kaew"; and I heard many dishonest people make up stories to rip of tourist at the entrance of Angkor Wat.

  2. Last Friday, a friend from Singapore and myself were doing some bar hopping. As we decided to go waking up towards Burger King, we were approached by XXX DVD sales boys working all along Silom area, on both sides of the road. They asked my friend if he liked Young Boy and showed him some of the covers and both of use quickly got away. We were then again approached by another man advertising the same thing. We told him, we're not interested.

    As we turned around and headed in the opposite direction, toward Pat pong. Some old man asked us, you want young boy or girl to play with.

    Just then, Silom was closed off. A whole caravan of police cars, security van's and so on. Right in the middle was a tan colored car with one of the royal family members. My friend and I played out respect to whoever was in the car. The old man, continued to try to pawn off some young boy or girl for sex. I then pointed to the old man, the royal family. He said, who cares, we own this part of town and proceeded to point to the police standing guard.

    After that episode, my respect for Thai in that area just went into the gutter. To do such a shameful act in front of a member of the Royal family or even to any royal family is complete disregard in any society. My friend stated the same thing about Thai to; they lack respect and don't deserve respect in any way, shape of form.

    So, how can any Thai in that area, doing business in that way which is considered by most to be one of the lowest forms of illigal business, be asked to be respected. Clearly, why didn't they just flip off the car as it went buy, that's the same thing. Clearly, the police on patrol don't care either to enforce a level of morality or standards there.

    If you did not report such crime to the police, you must be lying.

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