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Posts posted by chantorn

  1. I saw the clip in Youtube, and I agree 100% that it should be banned.

    Unless it remove the scenes:

    1. The PAD airport protest

    2. The soldiers shooting innocent people.

    Because it might led Thai people to believe that it really happened.

    Then it is OK to air.

    I like your answer .

    Almost spot on. I have not seen the cut version yet.

    "To allow the commercial on air, the panel has ordered that six scenes of the 150-second commercial, involving images deemed legally and morally improper such as the burning of buildings, soldiers pointing guns, nudity, monks being arrested and violent protests, be taken out." - The Nation

  2. Abhishit is getting bolder by the day....he is running the country like his own.. :angry:

    Probably thinks it is...

    With the support of his dodgy boy scouts and the ones we dont discuss he is behaving exactly as expected...normal aftermath of a 3rd world country with a "gov" :unsure: developed from a mini grunt coup......Supprised..... :cheesy: ...why?...que sera sera ....but 1 day..... :mellow: mia lai de pou....

    Please please.

    Abhisit is still the smart kind handsome gentle loving man he was.

    He has not changed, and never will.

    That's why Elite Bangkok Upper Class people still love him. Especially the female.

  3. Agreed. Those stupid rice farmers don't deserve a vote! Why can't they just shut up and accept their lot?

    Rice farmers are people too. They have to be treated with respect.

    I agree that they should not vote, but that doesn't mean their voice must not be heard.

    As a alternative, why not select someone smarter to represent them.

    This is better than letting them sell their vote for 20 baht each (plus transport).

    And their voice will still be heard by people in Elite in Bangkok.

  4. Well I'm confused K. Rucharee.

    You say the Economist is highly credible, so I'll therefore assume that you read the magazine regulalrly.

    However you also say that your local village doesn't have stock of the Wall Street Journal.

    Doesn't seem to be logical, so perhaps you could clear this up.


    Ever heard of subscription?

    plus FYI: The Economist is a newspaper not a magazine. How comes that you don't know that when you pretend to know The Economist for decades?

    Well if it's a newspaper, how come:

    - I've bought a magazine called the Economist for many years (typical magazine size, , production style etc., as Time, Newsweek etc.)

    - A quick Google search shows the cover of the current issue of the Economist magazine.

    It's a semantic thing - the Economist, despite the glossy cover and "magazine format", has always insisted (for reasons unknown) that it's a newspaper.

    You can read the Economist online for free. At least the said article.

    I am not sure about the Wall street Journal. The internet link was not provided.

  5. I'm not sure about that : the Thai legislation isn't qualifying the trespassing of an international airport or any demonstration leading to the close down as "Terrorism"?

    If the law is written lik this, there's no matter to discuss wether it should be considered as Terrorism or not ...

    I don't know, either, whether 'Thai' law classifies the storming of International airports as 'terrorism'; I doubt it. However, there are definitions whereby modern, 'civilized' countries DO agree that would be a class of 'terrorism'. That raises the question; is Thailand a modern, civilized country???.


    Here is the SIMPLE problem with the whole 'terrorism' issue; there should NOT be a crime of 'terrorism! [Wasn't it brainless Bush who started that nonsense?] Just like 'hate crimes', 'terror crimes' should only be an issue of sentencing NOT conviction! No 'hatist' gets charged with 'hatism'. < sounds stupid right!? So is charging someone with 'terrorism', stupid. Those words are not even in the dictionary, for Vishnu's sake.

    After the criminals of 'hate crimes' get charged, it is argued whether they will be 'classified' as 'hate crimes' only to allow harsher punishment guidlines.

    The actual criminal act is processed on the facts and evidence. If you punch out a man in the Park, you get charged with assault. If evidence shows you were shouting anti-gay epitaphs, then it gets sentenced as a 'hate crime'.

    There have been 'convictions' for violence, where the defense argued 'succesfully' it was not a hate crime getting a prison sentence, but a reduced one. Firebomb a religious building, arson... don't shout anti religious slogans and you might avoid 'hate' crime status?

    All of these red AND yellow criminals should just be charged with the normal criminal acts they commited, convicted, and sentenced how severely their actions affected the lives of foreigners and the economy of Thailand.

    Reds call Yellows 'terrorists'; Yellows call Reds 'terrorists': hey they BOTH committed 'terror' crimes, they should BOTH get appropriate punishment. INSTEAD, they will continue to fight for political control to free themselves and prosecute the other.

    Those Government seats used to only be important to get one's nose in the pig trough, NOW it is ALSO a fight to make one side heroes and the other side 'terrorists'.

    If Thaksin AND Sondhi are not seriously serving hard time before the next elections, WATCH OUT!!! get out, even.<<< some 'smart' expats have made the move, already.

    The Red is actually want the Yellow to walk free. Really.

    So that the Red can go storm the airport themselves next time. Last time (Apr-May 2010) the Red cannot because Red criticism Yellow as terrorist (for taking the airports), so they have to take Ratchpasong instead, which is no where close, in term of its disruption power.

  6. I recon this guy has been setup. I have had three or four Thai police want to 'help and get to know me'. We warned, they are not after your friendship, they are looking for an opportunity to fleece you. A bit like the motoring offence but on a bigger scale with the backing of the Thai legal system. Once you are convicted by the legal system (whether you were correctly convicted is irrelevant), it does not matter; now you are a criminal. Once that happens there is not much chance of rewinding things.

    My tip: remain a tourist, don't tell anyone you have any money, don't throw your money around buying property, etc. Enjoy your time here but don't commit to anything. Leave when any trouble starts brewing.

    I think he is set up too.

    Because i have never met a musician who is gay.

    Especially a Russian one.

  7. none were closed... move on

    The AoT made the decision to close the airport, not the PAD. Are you saying that if airport authorities in any of the incidents listed above had decided to close the airport in the face of a protest, that the charges against the protesters would somehow be terrorism instead of trespassing? I don't think you have thought through your position.

    Can you tell me if that 'we didn't close the airport' is a official yellow defence line by their lawyers or is it just some stupid argument taken from some yellow propaganda fan page?

    I think fact is fact.

    Did PAD order the closure of the airports?

    Is there any witness? Please bring forward.

  8. Sort of feel sorry for the UDD on this one*. Guess ideally they were hoping to be cheered on by some busty, blonde, Swedish Aung San Suu Kyi freedom-loving activists, but instead get landed with these pair of very stereotypical loony thuggish Pattaya reprobate types. Birds of a feather I guess...

    * Not really.

    Please keep Aung San Suu Kyiout of this one.

    She is a saint to some.

  9. I learnt of charges from internet : accused Russian pianist

    By The Voice of Russia


    Renowned pianist and conductor Mikhail Pletnev, accused of child sex abuse in Thailand, is leaving on a tour of Europe and the United States. Next Monday he is due to open a festival on the shores of a lake in Ohrid, Macedonia.

    Pletnev, a Grammy Winner, has been charged on Tuesday before being freed on bail. The Court allowed him to leave the country but ordered him to be back on July 18 for further investigation.

    Pletnev left Thailand on Thursday for Moscow. He told a news conference in Moscow that he had committed no atrocities and would defend his honour.

    Pletnev, the Russian National Orchestra Conductor, said he learned of charges made against him in Thailand from the internet.

    "I will tell you how things really were," Pletnev said. "I was vacationing in Thailand which I visit often. It is a wonderful country."

    The musician said he had been dining in a bar when policemen approached him and suggested the ride to his house. "They inspected the house, found nothing, and then they escorted me to a police station and set me free afterwards," he said.

    "I have not yet received an official notification of the charges proffered against me," Pletnev sald. He said the next day he was amazed to read in the internet that he was accused of involvement in organizing a children prostitution ring.

    "I was even more amazed on reading in the internet that discs with peculiar contents had been confiscated from me. There was no such thing," he said.

    "So I finally decided to engage in my usual occupations - music, art," he said. He also sail he had never had an incident of this kind either in Thailand or in any other country. "There was no such thing, ever," he said. "I don't know what other provocations are in store for me, but I will resist. Time will show," Pletnev said.

    Pletnev is to leave Russia on Friday, July 9, to go with his orchestra on a tour abroad, beginning in Macedonia on July 12. According to the stipulated procedure, he must be back in Pattaya by July 18.

    Thailand's court permitted Pletnev to leave the country for some time, despite being charged with child molesting.


    -- The Nation 2010-07-09

    According to the stipulated procedure, he must be back in Pattaya by July 18.

    I bet you 100 to 1 that he will NOT be back.

  10. This guy's either extremely innocent (in every sense of the word) or guilty of some under-age sex.

    He apparently allowed (or encouraged) the Thai organiser of the child-sex ring to occupy his houses when he was absnt. Good to have a house-sitter, but why this particular guy? I'd never have a stranger as a house-sitter.

    He apparently owns a restaurant in Thailand. Well, that means he has 49%. Who has the rest?

    There are photos (normal photos) of him with the complainant. How did they know each other?

    As I say - this guy is either an innocent abroad, or a pederast. No in-between on this.

    Or he obviously, is gay, clearly has money, and is a target...

    That is an in between.

    Under age sec is illegal. Have money or not. Willng or not. Does not matter.

    This guy needs to be in jail for the rest of his life.

  11. The local mom and pop shops ty[ically offer very little, have the same offerings as the store next to them. If they go tits up that is called a free market. I am not sure why anybody woud want a shop such as Carrefour to go under as whether you like it or not it is less offered. I don't typically use the mom and pop shops except for things very basic but I don't hope they go under either.

    In mom and pop shops, especially around the wet markets, rat's and cockroache's droppings are complimentary. No extra charge.

  12. Almost any other "1st world" country (I am well aware of the state of this country but it would appear that even the government believes its own propaganda) would simply make everybody go home at the end of day 1. I'm convinced there are probably laws that allow this kind of dispersal (same techniques used at sporting events), why not here?

    So they use war machines and equipments (tanks and machines guns with LIFE bullets) in dispersal of sport events in your country?

    Nice to know that Thailand & Burma are not alone.

  13. Activists voiced concern yesterday that a famous Russian pianist and conductor arrested in Pattaya this week for alleged child-sex offences may flee and not return after a court allowed him bail and permission to travel overseas.

    Sound like Thaksin case.

    Why free him, if the court know that he is going to escape?

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