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Posts posted by chantorn

  1. Ex-PM Chavalit to be summoned for alleged plot to topple Monarchy

    BANGKOK, 28 April 2010 (NNT) - The government's Center for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation (CRES) will issue a summons for former Prime Minister Chavalit Yongchaiyudh for alleged involvement in the plot to overthrow the Monarchy.

    Deputy Prime Minister and CRES Director Suthep Thaugsuban disclosed today that the center was planning to call in General Chavalit, as Puea Thai Party Chairman, for clarification after he was alleged of having connection with the conspiracy to topple the Monarchy.

    He asserted that General Chavalit would face an arrest warrant if he failed to report himself with the authorities after being called twice.

    Based on existing evidence, the CRES earlier indicated that the ex-premier possibly played a part in the move to topple the royal institution.

    All other individuals behind the inauspicious plot will also be tracked down by a special committee set up by the CRES to face their prosecution, according to the Deputy Prime Minister.


    Chavalit reported for questioning today... in his General's uniform... :):D


    I heard he was not summon at all.

    I heard Mark & Suthep was only joking that they want to summon a former PM.

    Can anyone confirm this? I am quite confuse why he even when there?

  2. What is wrong with this picture?

    US has a lot problems at home and abroad, doesn't give a hood about bunch of Issan farmers or Thaksin's messily 1.5 billion Dollar. They can spend that in a min


    But maybe they can help use the use the Army and Police efficiently for crowd control, if there are really any Police and Army that can be counted on. They for sure have a lot of experience and some success

    "Reportedly, Amnesty International has also called for President Obama to seek a guarantee from the Thai armed forces that they will not use US made weapons against the protesters."

    Is there a difference getting killed by a bullet fired by an M 16, or a AK 47? Sorry, but the problems in Thailand are not American problems. Better they clean their own dust first.

    How could Obama have a guarantee from the Thai armed forces and cops not using American weapons?

    Amnesty International, please wake up. Look at Obama's problems in Irak.

    Would be better to ask the Dalai Lama, indeed.

    Don't worry, Thai Army can use TAR-21, which is Israelis.

    The firing of TAR-21 on 10-Apr-2010 using live bullets can be seen here. 26 people was dead (not sure how many by TAR-21)



    The Royal Thai Army purchased 15,000 T.A.R. 21 rifles. The second batch of 15,037 was ordered on September 9, 2008.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IMI_Tavor_TAR-21#cite_note-16 An additional 13,868 Tavor assault rifles for US$27.77 million (964.99 million baht) are to be purchased through three payments.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IMI_Tavor_TAR-21#cite_note-17

  3. Hmm - that would reek of a cold war, meaning in the same vein, why wouldn't china send in some troops

    as a red victory would make thailand a natural client state for PRC

    Scary thought but quite true and with many Thai's having Chinese heritage resistance would be same as red shirts. Zero resistance against them :)

    The YELLOW are predominantly Chinese. Which side will they take?

    PS. Mark, Somchai, Samak, Thaksin, Banhan, Chuan, Chatichai, ..., etc are all Chinese.

  4. Arrest anyone not carrying an ID card.

    Arrest somebody. The red convoy that was cut off yesterday should have been rounded up and arrested, not allowed to go back to the main rally site. Start arresting the protesters, get them off the street. Cut out the catch and release policy, this isn't fishing. They are breaking the law, start enforcing it and they'll get the message. Keep sending them back to join the protest and it will never end.

    As already said, there is complete breakdown here now of law and order and a useless police force, ditto the army both of whom are refusing to take orders. The PM has already issued the orders, now they are making the decisions when they 'wish' to act. Unbelievable. If ever anarchy was set to rule, now may be a good time to understand what it entails. :)

    I heard from some political programs (definitely not from NBT), that the police will only take take written orders, black and white only, in original format, and signature has to be verified first. Hence, most of the time, they were just standing there waiting and waiting for the piece of paper.

    The reason that police do not take verbal order anymore was because in the last crack down (of PAD), there was an argument in court between the police and Big Jew. Big Jew said the police acted on their own, and police said Big Jew ordered on the behalf of Somchai. Somchai like always, kept quiet.

  5. Rather than asking why Red Shirts turn colorless, why does the writer not ask why all Red media is shut down, why freedom of informaiton is now the same as Burma, why the government/Yellow side are still rampant in their use of propaganda ?

    Want to research some on this issue then



    "why freedom of informaiton is now the same as Burma" ... yet you are able to freely criticize the government. That doesn't sound like Burma to me.

    Can someone inform CRES to block http://facthai.wordpress.com/ as well.


    PS. I am still waiting for http://www.springnewstv.com/ to be unblock to watch Soldiers Shooting Soldiers (SSS).

  6. I don't see what seems to be the problem in Thailand.

    Mark and said again and again (in Hardtalk) that he is in control, and the RED people are contained in just a tiny area.

    For those who cannot affort BBC (like me), here are the sound clip.

    MP3 of Abhisit on BBC Hardtalk 28th April 2010 Pt. 1


    MP3 of Abhisit on BBC Hardtalk 28th April 2010 Pt. 2


    MP3 of Abhisit on BBC Hardtalk 28th April 2010 Pt. 3


  7. Are the protesters innocent

    In a protest the protesters are deemed to be innocent if they march or congregate in an area that is free by law for them to congregate

    If they are moving and come across a security force which has the authority to ask them to stop, and they do so they are considered innocent protesters

    If they make any hostile movement towards the security forces, while under and order to stop, they are no longer innocent protesters

    The security forces would then command them to stop or they may be forced to shoot

    If the protesters do not obey this order they, are no longer innocent, but provoking hostilities

    The security forces are then within their rights to again command them to halt and shoot a warning shot into the air

    If the protesters continue to advance on security forces they are then considered to be a hostile force. and definatley no longer innocent protesters

    If at this time after multiple warnings that the security force may open fire, protesters are putting themselves into danger of their own making and may even be considered suicidal

    It would be advisable first for security forces to shoot at the protesters feet, taking away their ability to advance.

    The Thai security forces use a similar method, with there rules being the distance that protesters are from the security forces, and if they do not show any signs of halting their progress

    There is no way under the rules of engagement that the red shirts can be called innocent protesters

    At this point in time they have full knowledge of what can happen and confirm this with their statements that they are willing to fight to the death

    At common law the responsibility of any injuries or deaths must be born by the leaders of the protest if at a time they saw danger in continuing the protest, there could be injuries or deaths and they failed to stop the protest

    I am quite sure I heard the shooter whispering to his charging mate: "stop or I will shoot between your eyes".

    Anyone care to disagree?

  8. The opinion writer dances around the answer to his question.

    Yet, in the middle he gives the plain answer instead of all the cute window dressing answers:

    Officially, the reds say they have turned colourless (or multi-coloured?) because they believe that the government is on the verge of cracking down on their protesters. Their rationale is that if the police or army try to disperse the red protesters, they won't be able to find them anymore. They may still be protesters, but they are no longer red.

    And to further confuse the law-enforcement officials (if there are any left), they may not be able to separate normal shoppers from the real protestors, even if they come determined to put an end to the protest.

    from: The Nation newspaper

    Basically, the Reds are cowards. They know they're doing bad things, and just like naughty children, they're running from responsibility. Not much different than the man stopped on the motorbike which carried several dozen grenades (last night) who ran after being detained by cops. Why the cops couldn't detain him is attributable to lousy law enforcement, but that's another facet of this crazy imbroglio going on in Bangkok and throughout Thailand.

    Incidentally, avoiding being identified (and shirking responsibility) is in line with how hard core terrorists in the middle east do their dastardly business. The middle eastern terrorists also have a death wish (why else have so many suicide bombers?), which also dovetails with the Reds piling thousands fuel covered tires around themselves. Any relation to how Jim Jones' and David Koresh's brainwashed minions perished are not coincidental.

    Abhist is the coward for not holding an election because he know he will lose :)

    Boiler plate response. Try and up the quality of the rhetoric.

    The RED may by coward and stupid like a cow. However, they only follow and learn from the YELLOW, who went colorless first.

  9. that means he was shot by his own men not red shirts

    Although obviously would still be friendly fire ... I originally heard a policeman shot him. Has anybody got any more facts on what actually went down?

    One thing that was clear today is there were a number of reds (or are they former reds now) dressed in army fatigue type attire. Not saying they shot the soldier but certainly could have played a part in the confusion if that is what this was.

    Come on, who would shot their own side.

    It is obvious that The RED have snipers, and shoot the police.

    Thai TV (all channel) last night have shown a table full of big bullets captured from the RED. Unfortunately the RED guy got away. I ask myself, how could 1 RED guy carry so much weapon on a motobike?

  10. Big Jiew comes out swinging. But hits nothing...

    But all American's keep getting bashed for some reason.

    Chavalit took the reigns of PTP

    PTP along with Thaksin controls the redshirts

    The redshirts are breaking many laws and confronting citizens in their daily lives,

    Redshirts and PTP MP's all conspire to bring down the government.

    The only PTP legitlative actions in a year have been signally unsucessful attempts

    to bring down the government.

    This is just an extra legal means to try the same thing.

    Chavalit can't sue and can't do more than throw counter accusations,

    because taking this to court would expose him further.

    By exactly the same reason I do not see Abhisit or Suthep taking Chavilit to court for defamation over the "MURDERER" charges.

    By your reasoning does this mean Abhisit and Suthep know they are likely guilty and not want further exposure ?

    Yellow apologists, they do have some funny views :)

    Here is a thought,maybe they are trying to act like statesmen and adults.

    In a situation like the present one ,if they were to follow that path they would be suing everyone,would they not and then no doubt we would then hear you and the other misinformed slamming him for wasting time suing people and not running the country.

    Have a day off mate !

    Big Jew is now in Big SHlT.

    He just couldn't control is Big Mouth yesterday.

  11. What is Martial Law?

    Does than mean everyone has to go be before sunset?

    Martial Law is like a temporary coup. The military has complete control of nearly every aspect of the state. And yes, curfews can be imposed at any time (even daytime). The streets can be cleared of all non-combatants.

    Whatever the military says it is. Rule by military.

    So Thailand will become Burma?

    What about internet. Will the military cut it?

    What about shopping. Will the military allow it?

    No it does not turn Thailand into Burma. But the way things are going you might want to ask those same questions of the reds. Someone attempted to block the TV signal used to broadcast the PM's Sunday address. Someone tried to disrupt the electricity flow to Bangkok using a series of bombs. So ask yourself how long before the reds cut your internet by either interfering with the satellite companies or disrupting the power systems. Concerned about shopping? The reds have set up roadblocks and searched ordinary citizens. They have disrupted the skytrain. They seem to be able to disrupt the movements of ordinary citizens. If this gets worse the reds might not allow you to go shopping, or may disrupt the flow of goods you wish to buy. They certainly aren't letting you shop at Central world. Martial law is a tool that might allow you to go back to doing the normal things you want to do. Ask yourself is rule by military better than rule by terrorists.

    100% agree. It is better to be rule by military than rule by terrorists

    So we need to arrest and jail all the RED people.

    2nd questions. Do we have jail big enough to keep all the RED people?

    I am glad this is not India. Else we have to call them RED Indians. I am sure the Apache, Cherokee and Kickapoo, etc would not be amused.

  12. Who cares if the photos were shopped or not.

    It is more fun to argue if Thaksin is dead or alive.

    Who say he is already dead? How many say he is still alive?

    agree, whether they are tailored or not, doesn't matter. I just asked to see them as there was so much fuss going on about them for the last couple of days, and they were described as a very poor photoshop job.

    To give a non technical view the wife reckons they are fake because Thaksin looks much fatter on the temple one than the others, even though they were supposed to be taken a few days apart.

    I think he is still alive but enjoying the rumours whoever started them. Another one today is that the AP interview with him in Montenegro is fake because somebody is in a short sleeve t-shirt even though it's cold and apparently he is seen in front of a bank that doesn't have any branches in Montenegro anyway.

    The AP interview is fake. Behind the mask is Tom Cruise preview of MI4

  13. "Thai PM Abhisit Says Seeking Political Solution To Crisis"

    I am not sure if I understand correctly. Does Mark mean he is using political mean and not by force?

    "Political means" can include all sorts of things including the truth, lies, propaganda, alliances of convenience, backstabbing, deal making, you name it. Its almost always less bloody but it doesn't always provide long term solutions. Not that violence does of course. He knows he has a lot to lose if force is used, evn if the majority come to believe that it is justified.

    Thanks god. What a relief that Mark decided not to do a hard crack down. Human life could be perished otherwise.

  14. The only problem is , which bit of the military! Now go and read New Mandala.

    Yep. That's not a bad article you are referring to cmsally. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. Can't speak to the veracity of the article, but is was interesting nonetheless.

    I just visited New Mandala. OMG, I think Mark better shut it down, or at the very lease least block it from ALL Thai people. Too much about the institution.

  15. What is Martial Law?

    Does than mean everyone has to go be before sunset?

    Martial Law is like a temporary coup. The military has complete control of nearly every aspect of the state. And yes, curfews can be imposed at any time (even daytime). The streets can be cleared of all non-combatants.

    Whatever the military says it is. Rule by military.

    So Thailand will become Burma?

    What about internet. Will the military cut it?

    What about shopping. Will the military allow it?

  16. Where is Sondhi Lim? I heard he survived the shooting. Sondhi Lim seems to have disappeared, leaving poor old Chamlong doing all the hard work.

    Seems he's somewhat scared:

    this speech by Sondhi Lim is cited by Bangkok Pundit as an ASTV report สนธิ แล้วก็ ช่วงนี้ก็ไปปล่อยข่าวลือว่าผมนี่ถูกสั่งยิงโดย..โดยฟ้า แล้วเขาก็ไม่รู้นะครับว่าข้างบนเขาก็รู้ว่านี่คือข่าวลือที่พวกเขาปล่อยมา แล้วใครปล่อยเขาก็รู้ ปล่อยผ่านพระองค์หนึ่งแถวๆ ยานนาวา พระองค์นั้นท่านก็ฉุนว่าเอาท่านไปเกี่ยวข้องอะไร ท่านก็โทร.ไปรายงานฟ้าเหมือนกันว่าท่านไม่เกี่ยวข้อง แล้วบอกด้วยว่าใครเป็นคนปล่อยข่าวลือ นี่คือความทุกข์ มันปิดไม่มิดหรอก เอามือปิดฟ้าได้ยังไง

    Sondhi L – And at the moment there are rumours that someone in the sky ordered the hit on me. And those in a high place don't know whether it is the rumour that they spread. And who spread it they know. It was said it was spread through one monk near the Yawana district, but that monk was angry and denied it. He telephoned me and to someone high up that he was not involved and said who was it that spread this rumour. This is is distressing. It cannot be completely concealed. How can you use your hand to cover up the sky?

    You mean he is a nut case now?

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