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Posts posted by chantorn

  1. Men's head is nothing to Thai women.

    It is the love, caring, passion, understanding & kindness that counts.

    I'm sure they can spot all of that from across the room. I know when I am at a club I focus on all the girls who would make good mothers! :)

    In a relationship I would agree, and it would depend on the woman if it was her preference or not, but I believe the OP is talking about how now Thai women shy away from him or are unwilling to talk to his friend after he shaved his head.

    As human beings we go by looks first.

    As human beings we go by looks first. Quite agree with you.

    However, a relation will not last more than a night if other more important things are taken into considerations.

  2. Here we go again...


    This VDO does not express -opposite- my own opinion!

    The Chinese of South East Asia are of similar calibre to the Jews of Europe.

    They are intelligent, intellectual, have their own unique culture and above all, successful.

    This causes resentment amongst the true native populations and causes difficulties for co-existence.

    I am beginning to feel (I hope I am wrong, and this is just my opinion) that Thailand may be heading as the next Rwanda or East Timor.

    3 ways racial killings among the Thai & Chinese & Muslim.

  3. From the English language news coverage (which might not be giving an accurate picture), it looks like only the red supporters on TV.com are still hung up on the dissolution date. The actual red leadership appears to have moved on, now refusing to end the protest because the PAD is against the roadmap. Which is just silly as the PAD is not part of government, and in fact is a movement that's against the reds and everything they stand for.

    Seems strange to say "See my enemy is against it, so therefore I am too.", but TIT.

    They should forget about PAD - accept the roadmap - get back home and prepare - bizarre!

    It's not bizarre if their reason for being has nothing to do with what they said it was. Any lightbulbs coming on for you yet?

    PAD is all but over. I believe that they are negotiating with the RED on taken over the protest site, includes all the sound equipment, infrastructure. toilets, the barricade, guards, and even the seized weapons.

    Why tear in down and put it up again the next day?

  4. The Yellow shirts should really shut the hel_l up because they started all that mess in the first place. They have no right to argue about anything right now. They are no better than the Red shirts.

    They have as much right to argue as the reds do. And right now under the law neither side has the right to do what they have been. Bring back law and order for the people who's wardrobe isn't politically motivated.

    Wrong. I all started with Thaksin & Sondhi couldn't agree on a business deal.

  5. Red-shirts Slam and Pressure PM


    In addition, Weng claimed that the Democrat Party even turned a blind eye to one of the party MPs who failed to stand up to pay his respects to His Majesty the King during the royal song.

    Weng has urged the premiere to expel this MP from the Democrat party.


    -- Tan Network 2010-05-07

    Does anyone have the name of this anti-king MP? I hope he is not the father of Chotisak Onsoong. Another case of double standard?


    A former student activist has proclaimed his innocence after being charged with lese majeste for refusing to rise when the royal anthem was played in a cinema.Police yesterday brought a lese majeste charge against Chotisak Onsoong, 27, accusing him of violating Article 112 of the Criminal Code by refusing to rise when the royal anthem was played before the screening of a film last September.

  6. It beats my European family, that's why I ran away to Thailand....yeah go on, call me a dead beat dad you schmucks...what would you of done?


    For the non UK guy's and gals, this pic is a quite normal photo of a UK single mum going to the corner shop . :)

    Sorry you are wrong , she is going to get her Dole money so she can get her drugs fags and beer.

    Look at the color of the kids. This is not UK, but UN.

  7. Next week the PM won't have to worry about children at the protest site, they'll all be in school. On second thought the reds won't let them go home and study, they prefer their supporters to be uneducated and easily manipulated.

    a very good thought ! then we wait a week after the children back to school !

    not a reason the reds do allow their own kids back to school !

    ( remarks : sadly, many of those kids are actually no schooling in up country )

    School opens the week after next.

  8. ... Did anyone see the "debate" between the reds and the government about a month ago? The reds looked and sounded like clowns out of their depth.

    I think the Thai people should give him a chance. He could well be the best PM they've ever had. He doesn't have much competition though :)

    Not dissimilar to the PTP debates in Parliament, were PTP has shown a distinct inability to win points.

    Chalarem puts on a big show, but what have they actually succeded in doing via parliamentary control

    either as PPP or PTP... a big ZED, zip, rien, nada....

    Debates negociations, reasoned discussions.... all seem to be beyond their ken.

    I don't quite like Chalarem's children. However Chalarem did put the case of Democrats-TPIPL case forward, which could lead to Mark et al loosing their job for 5 years. It show that there are corruption in every parties, and Democrats are not exempted.

  9. The Yellow Shirts did their thing (Govt. House and Airport). The Red Shirts learned from watching the Yellow Shirts in action. I wonder what color shirt will be next?

    No need to guess. The Multi-coloured of Dr. Tul.

    But the "yellow" and now the multi-vitamines did/do it in a very peaceful way, ain't that right, but what not is can still come!?

    I fully agree with you, 100%. The clips below are fake YELLOW (ie. real RED).

  10. Chamlong Srimuang, a core Yellow Shirts leader, said Thailand's problems would only worsen after the dissolution of the lower house, and subsequent elections.

    "The prime minister has reconciled with terrorists by planning to dissolve the house, it's extremely bad for the country and the monarchy," he said.

    Seems terrorizing tourists want to leave the violence/country by airport doesn't count as "terrorizing" ... hmmm, political hypocrisy is obiously not owned outright by USA politcal idiots ...

    I only wish best for Thai people as a whole, I'm not sure what makes people more crazy [same-same- USA] living in abject poverty not able to feed and house family or rich/drunk with power wanting more for control of other people and keep them down where the real :):D:D think the "others" belong ... sad situation anywhere.

    Elections with UN oversight may be thee avenue to free and fair elections...?



    There has been no asult towards foreigners on the airport by the yellow shirts, unlike the reds did/do to tourist

    Not sure if I understand you correctly?

  11. The reds don't trust Abhisit and for sure the leader want amnesty.

    The yellows believe that there are secret amnesty deals

    The reds need pardon for their banned politicians. The yellows will be furious if that happens and will destroy the roadmap and/or a lot democrat voter will switch to the New Politics Party.

    (which makes a relative majority of the PTP more probable).

    So I see a lot problems

    Mark needs pardon for their banned politicians too, so that Democrates will not be banned for the TPI 258 millions baht abuse case coming up later this year.

  12. AOT closed the airport when the yellows were still outside protesting only, the official who did it was a relative of Thaksin.

    I made a facetious post recently about the closure of the airport, with a sarcastic take on the hypocrisy and lies of the yellow thugs.

    However even my parody can't better the real thing - see above.

    In short, Thaksin close the airport, and not PAD. If h90 is correct.

    Anyway, I heard that Thaksin is dead AGAIN. This time is for real.

  13. There's talk of amnesty for the reds - let's hope the Government stands firm and does not grant amnesty for those who committed criminal acts and those who incited others to do so. The core leaders should not be granted amnesty whatsoever, but I bet that is the first item on their agenda as they mull Abhisit's proposal.

    Just a quick question.

    Was there an amnesty after the coup the torn the "People's Constitution"?

    By the time of the "yellow" revolution, the reds are starting to hurl bombs as well.

    the yellow site didn't resort to violence, so they get out on bail, but still must face justice.

    This time there was a lot of violence and destrucktion, calling for violence from the leaders, etc.

    The Yellows have done all but flee the country, the reds have and need to keep up their reputation by running and going in selfimpossed exile.

    I see. The clips below are from the men in black (i.e. fake yellow). IMHO, the same men in black in 10-Apr-2010 shooting.

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