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Posts posted by chantorn

  1. The turban should simply be viewed as part of the immigration officers' uniform, just like the headscarfs worn at KL Airport. It shows that you are a native. It is important for UK immigration officers to be as rude as possible to all non-EU nationals and contradict everything they say. If they say they don't speak English, it is vital for the immigration officer to ask further complicated questions in the Shakespearian language. If they can't answer, the immigration officials' questions, they should be arrested and charged for having an attitude and subesequently deported at the taxpayers' expense. To be sure of getting into the country, it is best to say that you are an asylum seeker giving the grounds that welfare benefits are not sufficiently high in your native land and it doesn't rain often enough there. This strategy always works. You should not admit be having a job as this is immediate grounds for entry refusal. It is best to say you don't like working and have heard that Britain is well geared up to your cause. Have a wonderful life in the "Perfide Albion".

    great stuff

    Thanks of the tips.

    I remember my first trip to Australia. I was on the plane filling in the immigration document and one of the questions was "do you have a criminal record". I thought that was strange - I was sure you no longer need one these days.....

  2. There's talk of amnesty for the reds - let's hope the Government stands firm and does not grant amnesty for those who committed criminal acts and those who incited others to do so. The core leaders should not be granted amnesty whatsoever, but I bet that is the first item on their agenda as they mull Abhisit's proposal.

    Just a quick question.

    Was there an amnesty after the coup the torn the "People's Constitution"?

  3. Thai PM says ready to hold November elections under roadmap

    BANGKOK (AFP) -- Thailand's prime minister said Monday he was ready to hold elections on November 14 to end a tense standoff with opposition protesters, subject to certain conditions under his reconciliation roadmap.

    "If all five goals are achieved ... the election can be held on November 14," Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said in a nationally televised address.


    -- ©Copyright AFP 2010-05-03

    Published with written approval from AFP.


  4. So the army goes in, bulldozes the barricades, kills 50 or 60 people, injures another 300, captures a couple of 'leaders' - and then what? None of the hang em and flog em brigade seem able to answer that question.

    just remember they all follow leaders. their sponserships and moral will thin too. and their main sponser in exile has some serious health issues (he's trying to conceal).

    Thaksin is dead. I am not the only one who heard this. Try google it.

    All his photos / video were either photo shopped or old.

  5. Isn't the PM announcing this for the past 6 weeks?Seems it is a very long roadmap.

    "it's a long long road........"

    Abhsit is a lousy leader. How long does it take to plan how to disperse a crowd? Surely less than eight weeks?! And this "roadmap??!!" Acceptable to all people??!! Forget it Abhsit! Just take a decision that has been carefully thought through for the best for democracy...

    Making a decision is like trying to build a horse through consensus.... you get a camel!!!!!

    Abhisit is a terrible administrator.... a NIGHTMARE.

    Mark may be a terrible administrator, but at least he is 1000 times better looking than Thaksin.

  6. "The armoured vehicles will provide safety for the authorities and protesters as there are armed groups at the protests.

    More absurdities! How exactly are armoured vehicles safer for the protesters? I've yet to see a light tank, or for that matter a main battle tank, that is safe heading for unarmed or lightly armed protesters. APC's are also dangerous in close quarters for the untrained.

    If the attack does take place being in an armoured vehicle trying to smash through a burning tyre wall isn't such a great idea either! The rancid smoke and the heat can be intense.

    Your comments are utter nonsense.

    Armored carriers are used in conflicts around the world.

    Do you really think the operators are untrained?

    I guess you were not here during Vietnam were you?

    The Thai military can take care of themselves the same as any other military.

    Tires and Bamboo are no match for the modern armored carriers

    As far as smoke and heat, that is a dead giveaway you have no clue about these vehicles

    The amored vehicle would go right through these barricades and are well protected from heat and smoke.

    The inside is equipped with smoke googles and other equipment designed for this mission.

    What the vehicles can do is open up the barricades without subjecting soldiers to getting shot

    Once the barricades are opened, chaos ensues as the reds won't hold any kind of military line and it will be easy to see who is running away and who is standing to shoot and fight.

    This is 101 around the world.

    It is the best way to eliminate loss of life on the soldiers part.

    Lets not forget that the safer the army is then the less they will need to inflict injury to those remaining part of the lawless mob that is holding BKK hostage.

    I wonder how many Tanks, APVs, Armored carriers were destroyed on 10-Apr-2010 in Khao San Road.

    There goes my dad tax money.

    Now they want more to be destroyed, what for, so to buy more new ones?

  7. ...another gem from the Nation...all on media freedom day of all all days....

    Let's see, close all the red sympathetic media outlets, and then tell us Abhisit is doing a great job with media freedom... tell us he answers questions at news conferences...but don't tell us that he tells important lies about the army not using live ammo after 19 protesters are shot, when the very next day, the army ask for their live ammo back!

    A masterful piece with no hint of bias at all...

    If you make an attempt to state facts you should do it correctly with corresponding reference. Otherwise it is just some more red propaganda statements and we all know how close to the truth these are...

    from here mr appologist is list of what army lost when attack red shirts. why not read some things not from nation.


    Ammunition also went missing, including 580 rubber bullet rounds, 600 anti-aircraft rounds and 8,182 M16 rifle rounds.

    NOW PLEASE you clever falang who as for links and reference all time. NOW give us facts on LM charges against reds, NOW please with full quotes can you do? or are you just more spin for yellows

    is more difficult for us to find links because many block and other english paper reports not allowed on here.

    lost 25 of these peaceful items of crowd dispersal


    The army was protecting the RED-shirts from Cambodian Air Force attacked.

    That was the only truth.

    On a different subject, when will the government air both ASTV & PTV on the usual VHF/UHF? I cannot afford a dish receiver.

  8. the German's tactics of control seems closer to the Reds' gameplay, what with storming hospitals and hunting for people like Dr Tul who try to voice dissent than it does to the Thai gov'ts "softly softly don't do anything to set of the crazy people with grenades and stolen war weapons" approach.

    I wonder whether you have any idea what sort of person (Dr Tui) we are talking about here.On another forum he is described as "a vicious and dangerous whack job, Thailand's Lysenko". He is a deplorable reactionary trading on nationalist hysteria (not a commodity missing in Thailand) and if he tried to provoke trouble outside his scumbag circle of admirers he certainly deserves what Oswald Mosley got when he tried something similar in London's East End with his Blackshirts.What you laughably call voicing dissent is straight out of the 1976 gameplan.Find a better example if you are preaching about free speech.

    Jayboy, you are the only one, with exception ONE single obviouse quite biased website slagging him.

    No sign of ANYONE else saying his is this racist monster. Not common knowledge at all.

    I suggest you LINK to these accusations from reputable sources, rather than just say google them.

    I did and they ain't there so... Rule 15) I don't see this as true, put up or shut up.

    Both link are block.

    By whom?

  9. I once saw a movie, cannot remember the name.

    One US senator (cannot remember name) was supply RPG/ground to air missiles to the Taliban to shoot down Soviet airplane / helicopters for years.

    So, are they freedom fighters of their mother land; or terrorist of the western world?

    Probably Charlie Wilson's war

    Correct. Thanks. I am no good at American's name.


  10. I once saw a movie, cannot remember the name.

    One US senator (cannot remember name) was supply RPG/ground to air missiles to the Taliban to shoot down Soviet airplane / helicopters for years.

    So, are they freedom fighters of their mother land; or terrorist of the western world?

    They are oppressors of their own people. Originally that oppression was sponsored by westerners because they had a common enemy, now it would seem to be sponsored locally. It's more complicated than that, but that's the jist of it.

    So, you will be considered the "Good Guys", if you share the same enemy.

    I am quite sure the Soviet call them terrorists, while the American call them Freedom Fighters.

    Wow, it is getting very complicated, too complicated for me

    It is time for me to log off now as I need to go check out the new barricade in front of Chula Hospital.

  11. TheRussians they were terrorists.

    To the Americans they were freedom fighters, who after being abandoned became terrorists.

    To most Afaganis, they are a plague similar to the red shirts, but much more puritanical.

    To their brainwashed devotees to 7th century Islamic lifestyle they are freedom fighters.

    Similar to the brain washed indoctrination of the red shirts, they have been told so often

    and so excluding other options of thought that they think ONLY WHAT THEY HAVE BEEN TOLD TO THINK.

    So to make a relational comparision of Red Shirts methods and Taliban methods is not a stretch,

    even if the end goals are much different.

    In my conclusion,

    Freedom fighters & terrorist are the same group of people.

    The only different is, if you win or loss the war.

    Bad Good luck both sides.

  12. I would also love this to be reported internationally, the fact that many of their so called freedom fighters are being held against their will by intimidation tactics.

    Freedom fighters & terrorist are the same group of people.

    The only different is, if you win or loss the war.

    Good luck both sides.

    The term "Freedom Fighters" denotes connotations of say the French Underground during WW2 that over threw the Nazis.

    The term "Terrorists" denotes connotations of Al Queda ... bombing markets etc... attacks on civilian targets.

    I think saying "Good luck to both sides" is in bad taste to both the Government, the Reds and Thai people in general.

    This isn't a war yet... and you don't want one.


    Quick question.

    The Taliban fighting the Soviet, and now the Americans.

    What shall we call them?

    Freedom fighters of their mother land; or terrorist of the western world?

  13. He said he joined the rally on Tuesday and was told he would be paid Bt200 or Bt300 a day.

    He said he has not received any money so he and 24 friends decided to go home but they did not have money.

    LOL, they don't fight for Thaksin but for freedom and democracy, against those bloody oppressors! :)

    I am looking at another angle.

    Is this a proof that the RED never pay their protesters?

    They were led to believe by the government/PAD/Multi-color/NBT/what ever, that the RED are paying 200-300 a day so they came. Now they are facing the truth, and want Mark to pick up their bill.

    I find this angle quite amusing. I am sure most of you (including myself) don't believe it. :D :D :D

  14. Barricades come down in front of Chulalongkorn Hospital earlier today, Barricades go back up this evening. Are we supposed to think that if you negotiate with these people that you can trust them to follow through? Who's running the show? Maybe it's Seh Daeng and his men in black after all.

    Picture please. Thanks in advance.

    http://twitgoo.com/u0l6t http://twitgoo.com/u0l13

    I will go down and have a look tonight. Your ref pictures is not very clear where are they moving the fort to.

    Thanks anyway. Cheers.

  15. TAN Network: INN: Reds set up barriers in front of Chula Hospital again according to Gen Katiya's orders

    THE NATION: reports from Chula hospital say reds r rebuilding blockade in front of the hospital after having taken it down earlier today.

    MOTHER F*(#)@rs

    Hey, maybe Thaksin is going to check in at Chula Hospital. Oh, wouldn't that be a hoot!

    Maybe Thaksin is been treated for his comma or what so ever in Chula hospital, by Dr. Tul? You never know. This is quite possible.

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