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Posts posted by chantorn

  1. Maybe people get killed and injured because they attack the army, refuse to obey orders, etc. I don´t think I have seen any red supporter here talking about people braking the law and if you accept what the reds are doing, say that you accept a mob to over throw a legal goverment, because their leaders are afraid to go to jail.

    Agree. I also agree that army snipers should be the judge jury and executioner.

  2. Any idea which weapon the this is?


    Which program you made this on, Would like to download it too, bought it in panthip?? 80bath?? not too much!!

    its actually from the BBC website, you expert computer graphics guy....


    Guys the military have said their snipers are armed with sighted M16s which looks right. They have also stated that one of their snipers blew away a red sniper, so I doubt this is contentious

    Good quality photo-shop job by the BBC. Well done BBC.

  3. Very sad pictures :)


    Forgot to add some information to the picture

    7 killed and 101 injured Nine people are in critical conditions including a 10 year old boy.

    With many families on the protest site and the indiscriminating shooting by the Thai military it's a wonder that no child has been shot.

    However last night a 10 year old boy was seriously shot in the abdomen when the van he was traveling in failed to slow down at a check-point.

    Source: Daily News Thailand

    Standard Geneva convention rules of war

    The soldiers had no idea who was inside or the vehicles purpose

    Normal logic when a soldier holding a gun says stop. you stop

    Sorry, my Merc 600 is double glazed. No hear the army boy say STOP.

  4. PM just said: If govt turns back, this will set a standard of using armed groups to overthrow government.

    Yes, we all know that the right way to overthrow the government is to march to the airport and refuse to leave....

    I still think the double standard is shocking. Yes, this has become violent and out of control. Yes it has to be stopped.

    No doubt the airport siege would have also turned violent had the army gone in. The yellow siege is highly relevant to the current situation as it set a precedent for the effective way to force political change here. Both protests should have been stopped in the very beginning as they would have in any 'normal' country.

    Sorry, trying to excuse this rebellion with what happened at the airport may satisfy you, but for the rest of the world, has come back a big thumbs down.

    The rest of the world? I respect your opinion. But my is totally different. Care to hear?

  5. They are not fighting for democracy as Thailand already has a democratically elected government. Look to the UK for what a coalition means.

    They are fighting for the return of a PM who killed far more than have died here and who once famously said, "Democracy is not my aim".

    Do you reemember that?

    As for nazis, please look up Crystal Night and you'll see who the reds model themselves on. As for their leader, watch some of hitler's speeches and then tell me who the reds' fuhrer models himself on

    If Thailand had anything approaching an education system and a 1% aware of the world population this would not happen. SAdl;y, being unable to think for themselves, and having no knowledge to refer to, Thais believe what they are told.

    As always, the reds are being fed a load of lies.

    Democracy? BS

    What election was that?

    Please inform us at what election was this government formed?

    The Abhisit government was NEVER elected!

    There is only one way to settle this.

    Free elections NOW. Or is the Abhisit government too afraid?

    A free election would see a landslide to the reds.

    Now pay attention, I'm only going to say this once!

    After the last ELECTION, the party in power was banned for electrol fraud (they got caught on video, OK?). Some of the surviving parties formed a coalition government from the remaining, legally elected members....and that is what the situation is today....I know it's not your fault, it's hard to read properly through the bottom of a glass! :)

    Maybe you forgot the Sonthi & Sondhi coup.

  6. I just witnessed an armed masked man fire an assault rifle at soldiers from sapahn childom at the red's barricade on chid lom.

    No doubt about it. It was not firecrackers or rockets, it was an army style riffle.

    He hid behind the tires and fired down the street and then sped away on a motorbike with a friend. Both my wife and i witnessed.

    The reds are definitely armed.

    There never was a question about the reds being armed.

    Correct. There never was a question about the reds being armed.

    CRES said they will never shoot women and children.

    See, no women and children is dead.

    So CRES is telling the truth.

  7. It would be good if CRES set-up some kind of checkpoint or processing center where "red shirts" can surrender themselves and peacefully leave the area. Whether or not they are criminally charged for one thing or another might be a different story for the justice system to sort out. In my humble opinion, if they choose to leave the area they should be offered some kind of leniency.

    Perhaps the army should broadcast some kind of counter-propaganda? Letting the people inside the red zone know that there is a way out of this. Allow them to disarm themselves (rocks, sticks, incendiary devices, whatever might be perceived as a weapon), then simply walk out of the zone to a place where they can be processed and sent back home (or wherever it is they deserve to go).

    Somehow this current stranglehold strategy is only hardening the resolve of the mob. A way out for them might help diffuse things.

    There are plenty of places for the reds to get out of there, without even surrendering to the army.

    The women and children could walk out of their in 5 minutes past MBK or the other direction down Suhkumvit.

    Surrendering = straight into jail for 6 months. No pardon. I think these lowly educated will take their chances.

  8. i'm sure there will be a lot of 'armchair general' farangs happy that the army are just shooting unarmed people!

    Have a look at this picture. Can anybody see a just reason for killing this person??


    where exactly is your proof that this poor person was shot by the army ?????

    It would be lucky for Thailand if this guy is killed by the army.

    If not (killed by the army), this mean Thailand is in a civil war, where one group is killing the other group. Lets prey that this does not happen.

  9. Well, on the serious side he pulled back on his offer because the red shirts didn't give him an answer. The army is making him, the whole government and Thailand look ridiculous on the world stage. On the other hand, they are making the Italian WWII forces look good!

    Yes but since when a governement in a democracy needs the army to remain in power .

    Granted Thailand is not yet a democracy , though some try very hard , and i would say

    Abhisit one of them

    So you want the army and police to step down, so the thugs can rule the country?

    The army and police keep every democratic country from falling into lawlessness.

    It's just in most democratic countries, you don't have armed militias roaming the streets.

    The same is said before 6-Oct 1976.


  10. You can only assume that the watermelon's in charge of this vehicle were too busy collecting their donations from locals to be doing their job properly. Disgrace to the uniform.

    Reds' guards given beverage laced with sedative Thursday night

    how did the army lace the red guards drinks with sedative ????

    i dont care what side of the thao political side you fall, but is this just complete crap april fools crap type news reporting by tan or did i miss something???

    A ch3 vehicle came and distributed free coffee. I was there last night between 1 to 2 am. Did not witness (the coffee), but saw a dozen ambulance rushing in and out of Sarasin/Wireless amid the blackout.

  11. I watched TNN late yesterday evening and last night. I twice saw a clip that appeared to show an entrance wound on the right temple; that clip is no longer being shown. It appeared to be almost perfectly round, which would indicate that the shot was fired at approximately the same height as S.D.

    The doctors reported that the bullet entered from the right temple and ended at the left temple. To do that, the angle of trajectory would have to be flat, not from a great height - or bounced off the jaw up to the temple, which is highly unlikely. In any case, there was no exit wound, based on the surgeon saying that they removed the bullet.

    No. It exit at the upper neck. The trajectory is approx 30 degree.

  12. According to the report, five M79 had been shot into the rally site with a series of gunshots.

    Police Major-General Prawut said that security measures were enhanced with more light provided around the site for rally-goers' safety.

    Prawut has an exceptionally dry sense of humor. :)

    No wonder. Yesterday the government claim in TV that they do not use M79.

    So now they can claim that they did not shoot into the RED.

    Also, now the govt cannot claim why that the RED has never been attached before.

  13. At 9:10 am Friday, protesters besieged a mobile broadcast unit of Channel 3 outside the Lumpini Park.

    The protesters alleged that Channel 3's reports were biased against the red-shirt people.

    The protesters eventually freed the broadcast vehicle following a talk with staffs of the TV station.

    No one was injured in the incident.

    The Nation

    So much for the reds love of free press. Intimidating the media won't help get you good coverage.

    I heard them saying that it was ch3 who drug the coffee giving out to the guards at 2 am last night. About a dozen have to go to hospital.

  14. Interesting how Seh Dang was being interviewed by International Herald Tribune when he was shot. If I'm not mistaken, this is the paper that had ties with Sondhi Limthongkul as distributor of his ThaiDay. A set-up with the cooperation of the yellow shirt leader? What a message to send to his nemesis, Thaksin.

    Seh Dang? 'Say' no more.

    You misspelled 'New York Times'.

    Good luck with the rest of the conspiracy theory.


    Thanks for the info. I really miss this one. Thanks again.

  15. only thing i question is why they waited so long to shoot him and pray they dont make a martyr out of him. The military should have taking him in months ago.

    The reds , (i hope) realize it is their best interest to deal and end this before it escalates further.

    Straight out murder..... I hope the prime minister is held accountatble

    My theory is that Thaksin is behind the hit, just to make the anarchy and chaos continue, wouldn't suprise me if I'm right...

    Disagree woth you because Thaksin is already dead. I have photo proof of Thaksin funeral (includeing an image of his ghost) taken from ThaiVisa.

    Maybe his ex-wife give the order as his last wish? Quite possible.

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