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Posts posted by chantorn

  1. Reading Nation news below, I don't think there are any Tension left. Everything is under the control of Mark. Thanks god it is all over.


    Panithan: CRES in control of areas around Rajprasong now

    Deputy PM's Secretary-General Panithan Wattanayakorn said Friday that the Centre for Resolution of Emergency Situation is now in control of the situation of the areas around the Rajprasong rally zone.

    Panithan, acting government spokesman, said security checkpoints of police and troops managed to block people from entering the protest zone.

    "So, the situation is now stable and the authorities are in control," Panithan said.

    -- The Nation 2010-05-14

  2. clack, clack....clack, clack....clack, clack....clack, clack....clack, clack....clack, clack....

    The red shirt propaganda machine keeps rattling and rattling... clack, clack....clack, clack....clack, clack....clack, clack....trurns upside down and tries to make out of a right a wrong...

    WHY has never been a red shirt affected by the grenades launched in Silom?

    Was the attack on the Prime Ministers car and on Kasit, and the "black Songkran" last year SELF DEFENSE ?

    Was all this violence,the Nation was confronted with due to red shirt "Rallies" all staged by the "PM" himself?

    Even someone claimed, REPORTED on internatioanl TV NEWS, to have a "peoples Revolution"?

    Who is the sore loser in this game, who keeps on "ringing in" on large TV Screens,

    who keeps encouraging the red shirts to keep "fighting"?


    Who is the big loser behind all this?


    Get real man!

    WHY has never been a red shirt affected by the grenades launched in Silom?

    Maybe you miss the news last night; sniper shoots + 5xM79 fire at the RED.


  3. Is it just me or does nobody see the irony of this forum regarding the latest turmoil, normal Thai complainers, posting almost daily that the Thai people are thieving, lying, double pricing, non trustworthy and hate farangs et al. Next month when its over, you going back to Thai bashing? Thai rak Thai is based on this psuedo victimization, now you want to make them appear martyrs and tear them down later, for acting like it. Tell me how many of you get a vote to change any of this anyway? What the &*(&* does it matter what you think anyway. I suppose opinions are like......everyone's got one.


    No matter what, at the end of the day, Thai will always love Thai.

  4. I agree with most of that... I guess. What would you have the govt. do? Go sing songs around a campfire and kiss and make up. I think you're being a little naieve here. ... But order must be restored.

    The government should declare a general amnesty equally applicable to everyone from Abhisit all the way down to the bamboo spear totting Red. Only Montenegrin citizens should be excluded.

    Is this a perfect solution? No. Is there a perfect solution? No.

    Its the best available, because its the only solution that holds out the opportunity, not the guarantee, of elections that are seen as legitimate by all major political grouping in Thailand. This revolt will never end without a government that is perceived as legitimate, and only free and fair elections can deliver that.

    And yes, order must be restored. Buy only by a government that is perceived to be legitimate by Reds and well as others.

    If the Reds, or that matter the Yellows, continue with the kind of behaviour both have shown AFTER a free and fair election produces a government untainted by both Thaksin's sins and coup, then that government, not this one, would have the widely perceived legitimacy required to use force successfully.

    Thailand isnt there yet. And it needs to get there fast. FAST, before society unravels.

    And only a general amnesty will allow that to happen.

    Absolutely unacceptable.

    There should be a coup and maximum punishment for everyone who committed any transgressions.

    Build a special camp in the middle of nowhere and throw all the miscreants in there until they recognise what they did wrong, apologise to the Thai people, and promise to accept the rule of law as the supreme code of conduct which is a fundamental necessity of any democracy.

    Unless and until the people committing these atrocities against the Thais agree to act like adults and not like children, we need military rule.

    Is this a perfect solution? No.

    But it is a significant improvement over general amnesty.

    The RED should leave peacefully, and government should not arrest them.

  5. Deputy PM to surrender to DSI on Tuesday.

    BANGKOK: -- Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban will surrender to Department of Special Investigation on Tuesday to testify against a complaint by victims of April 10 violence.

    The decision came as red shirts leaders announced that they would end the rally at Rajprasong if Suthep surrendered to face charge.

    Relatives and families of victims of the April 10 violence, led by opposition party Pheu Thai, filed a complaint with DSI against Suthep and PM Abhisit Vejjajiva for allegedly ordering the crackdown, resulting in death and injuries.


    -- The Nation 2010-05-10


    maby it is better not to write or speak about this annymore ?

    Let us know when the reds are gone,thats all.

    The rest is total unintresting.

    I though RED say Police and not DSI.

  6. Enough is enough. Roll in the tanks. Cut the BS.

    I cannot see any right thinking person disagreeing with you.

    Only the trolls masqurading as red supporters.

    I disagree - so I'm a troll? of course everyone disagreeing with you 'must' be wrong? rolling in tanks in the middle of the Caital? last time I heard that done was Bejing - it would simply inflame Thailand and push it into civil war.

    However, do you agree that the Chinese DID solved the problem by rolling in the tanks?

    Or do you care to disagree.

    BTW Tanks (or APC as you call it) were rolled and destroyed on 10-Apr-2010. Want to see some photos?

  7. Big frickin' surprise; more B/S posturing and rhetoric from the red stage at Rachaprasong. :D

    Playing to the crowd, speaking but saying NOTHING.

    Nattawut must have taken Whacky-Weng's college accredited circuitous speaking class. :D

    For those interested, turn on red radio 'located at 106.8 on your FM dial"; listen for yourself. (if you can't understand thai, have your thai significant other translate the b/s for you)..

    It would be pathetic if it wasn't so serious for the protestors and country as a whole. :D )

    (Sorry for red apologists :) ; nifty red foot clapper IS NOT included!! :D )

    106.85 FM, but only limited coverage around the protest side, plus maybe a few more km radius only. Also, lots of noise & spike by funny high frequency disruption signals.

  8. Reds would want a general amnesty as their leadership is a nest of criminals.

    So was Gandhi and Martin Luther King. That what happens in political protests cum revolts. People break the law to gain what they perceive to be social justice. You are free to not agree with the Red aims. But what the reds are doing hardly makes them common criminals; these people are not pick pockets.

    This is a political problem and the best way forward at this stage is an amnesty in order to bring resolution of this matter to the only place where it can be resolved, the ballot box.

    and one should consider: if no amnesty, then what?

    what many posters who are anti amnesty really want is a blood bath.

    todays terrorist is tomorrows 'respected statesman' - doubt it? South Africa? Northern Ireland? Libya? Do I need to go on? no thought not... job done - case proven.

    What finally happens to both Gandhi and Martin Luther King?

    They were both shot dead.


    Bangkok's drawn-out saga is starting to get on our nerves

    By Achara Deboonme

    Now, in Singapore, the big brother of Asean, according to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, the economic team is charting a new course for the country. Aside from Royal Dutch Shell, which poured US$4 billion into the island during the past four years for the complex, it promises more measures to increase the island's prosperity. That means more investment and more jobs.

    -- The Nation 2010-05-10

    Pardon me. I though that Indo is the big brother. S'pore is just a wee brother.

    only in size

    Size is all that matters.


    Bangkok's drawn-out saga is starting to get on our nerves

    By Achara Deboonme

    Now, in Singapore, the big brother of Asean, according to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, the economic team is charting a new course for the country. Aside from Royal Dutch Shell, which poured US$4 billion into the island during the past four years for the complex, it promises more measures to increase the island's prosperity. That means more investment and more jobs.

    -- The Nation 2010-05-10

    Pardon me. I though that Indo is the big brother. S'pore is just a wee brother.

  11. I was talking about the use of firearms here , not punching or beating . Protest do turn violent in that respect sometimes everywhere in the word . But ppl dont die . Please remain focussed , irrelevant of your personal symphaties

    So I'll ask again, didn't you see the videos of reds on the night of the 10th hiding behind poles and shooting at soldiers?


    You must be referring to this one. I agree it was a very tragic event.

  12. The United States Government hasn't ever found or declared the Red Shirts to be a terrorist organization, nor is it about to make or declare such a finding.

    Its not a terrorist movement , thats why . Plain and simple

    That just means they were not reviewed during the roll up to the CURRENT official listing of terrorist groups.

    So technically not a terrorist group for USA, at the moment, but that doesn't mean it couldn't change.

    It the Ronin Warriors go off the reservation after a deal is done they don't like, the whole equation will likely change.

    Please consider that the US may be (or is putting the possibility forward) that they could broker a peace arrangement, whether overtly or behind the scenes. To label a group terrorists would pretty much preclude any chance of that happening.

    The US has brokered a number of peace arrangements over the years. The former President, Jimmy Carter, was the intermediary with several opposing factions in the years after his term in office. He's getting on in years now, I don't blame him for stopping.

    When it was just the government and the red shirts, I felt confident that a compromise agreement could be reached. With the addition of other elements, yellow shirts and multi-coloured shirts and who knows what else, simple negotiation tactics will not work. A "disinterested" third party could hold and conclude such negotiations. It may be that the undersec was laying the groundwork and the ground rules for such a thing to happen.

    Compromise is better than more deaths. It's easy for us here on the forums to shout terrorist or not terrorist, and it may be simply posturing for the government to bandy the label about, in an effort to gain a stronger position in negotiation. Why else would the red shirt leaders be trying to distance themselves from Seh Daeng? They know what he has done. And they also know that he appointed himself a leader of the red shirts. No votes, he just went in as the general/leader and no one stopped him. My gawd, that seems so long ago....

    Its a terrorist movement , that's why . Plain and simple

  13. The obsession may be more with middle class girls, with Chinese-Thai families just being more likely to be middle class?

    It does make some sense to find a partner with a somewhat similar level of education, age and financial means. (Though not dissing those marrying WAY above their station. :) )

    makes sense but then can you explain why men go for 2nd graded level earth girls? who have nothing in common to the men they marry

    Middle class?

    In the old days (1930 to 50's), commercial prostitution were only found in Chinatown. Almost all the prostitute are Chinese girls, 1st and 2nd generation immigrants. They serves mostly Chinese Koolies (labour). Chinese whore houses still exist today around Yaowarat & Charoen Krung area.

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