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Posts posted by chantorn

  1. A couple of terrorists


    One down one to go

    some News reports didn't made it into the forum, even when they were from The Nation, so you are maybe not well informed. Please read the article below.


    Their Majesties sponsor Seh Daeng's funeral

    By The Nation

    Published on May 18, 2010

    Their Majesties the King and Queen will graciously sponsor the funeral of Maj-General Khattiya "Seh Daeng" Sawasdipol who succumbed to brain injuries yesterday morning.

    The three-day prayer rites at Sommanas temple are also under Royal patronage. The prayers started yesterday and will continue until tomorrow. The bathing rite held yesterday was attended by a large number of red-shirt supporters as well as his lone daughter Khattiyah and sister Jiaranai Matchakijborribal. The general's wife died several years ago.

    Also present were fellow soldiers, including General Pallop Pinmanee, as well as military officers who were Khattiya's classmates in Armed Forces Academies Preparatory School's Class 11.

    The suspended Army specialist was pronounced dead at 9.20am in Vajira Hospital, where he was taken on May 14. He was initially admitted to Hua Chiew Hospital after taking a sniper shot to his head on May 13 while giving a press interview near Lumpini Park.

    Meanwhile, protesters at the Rajprasong rally site held a ceremony to grieve the general while the red-shirt leaders delivered speeches honouring the man.

    Vajira Hospital's director Dr Chaiwan Jaroenchokethawee said there were many complications leading to Khattiya's death apart from his brain injuries. The patient experienced kidney failure and worsening blood-clotting condition early yesterday morning, the doctor said. His heart stopped once and was recuperated after a 55-minute attempt, before it came to a complete halt at 9.20am.

    The body later underwent a three-hour autopsy, prompting the waiting red shirts to boo and jeer until Chaiwan explained that all mandatory autopsies took that long.

    Nang, 55, a red, said she felt secure everytime she saw Khattiya visiting the protest site. "He was a good person, down-to-earth, and our only hope to protect us. When he is gone we run out of protection. "Why do all red shirts end up like this?"

    Another woman, who asked not to be named, said she was sorrowed by his death, because Khattiya was giving his all to his country. She was once photographed with him and signed get-well message the first night he was admitted to the hospital.

    Profile :

    A Ratchaburi native, Khattiya "Seh Daeng" Sawasdipol was born on June 24, 1951, to Captain Sanit and Sa-ing. He was the eldest and only son among four siblings.

    After graduating high school from Sri Wikorn School, he enrolled in Class 11 of Armed Forces Academies Preparatory School and Class 22 of Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy. He also earned three bachelor's degrees, a master's in sociology and environment, and a doctorate in administrative management from a university overseas.

    He became a widower after his wife Group Captain Janthra died several years ago. They had one daughter Khattiyah.

    Khattiya first served in the political arena as a senior orderly to deputy defence minister and deputy prime minister under the Chatichai Choonhavan government.

    He was known for his outspokenness after falling out with former police chief Sant Sarutanont over a land ownership dispute in January 2003 when hundreds of men ransacked a bar near Sukhumvit Soi 10. He later accused Sant of illegally helping policemen, who commanded the men during the melee.

    He later went bankrupt after refusing to pay Bt20 million in reparation to Sant, who won a lawsuit he filed against Khattiya in August 2006.

    Khattiya later had conflicts with the next police chief, General Seripisut Temiyavej, over the police raid of a gambling den. The police chief later lodged several defamation lawsuits against Khattiya.

    He later publicly criticised Army commander General Anupong Paochinda for not taking action against the People's Alliance for Democracy for the seizure of both of Bangkok's airports. He went on to publicly curse Defence Minister Prawit Wongsuwan over his inaction in many cases of disturbances.

    Khattiya founded a political party under his popular name Seh Daeng, but the Election Commission did not approve the name. He waited for two years before withdrawing his request and founding the Khattiya Tham Party.


    -- The Nation May 18, 2010



    I thought Seh Daeng was a terrorist.

    How could terrorist deserve a royal funeral?

    Or have I not understand correctly?

    Maybe Seh Daeng is a hero to some?

  2. @Opalhort: The short answer is there is no internationally established definition: however, as an example the FBI summarises this as

    "Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives".


    yes, this about sums up the PAD when taking over the 'only' international airport in a major tourism country in high season. Well done for your observation!

    BTW b4 anyone says phuket and chaing mai are int!! think again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Did you know the PAD takeover cost MORE yes MORE in dollars to the economy than the red's protest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Why would we have to think again? Phuket and Chiang Mai are Intl. airports :) You do know what International means right? also genious I think we will wait on the final total since it's going to take tourism a long time to rebound. Talking with some friends today who are GMs for major hotels in BKK they estimate it will take 3-4 months (if nothing else happens) for tourism to even begin to recover from this disaster. dream on little dreamer!

    Were Kasit actually at the airport during the Yellow protest?

    I don't think so.

    I have not seen any photo proof.

  3. Maybe Montenegro can seize the terrorist's in country assets. That might make it worthwhile for them.

    Shouldnt there be a trial and conviction before he is hung, drawn and quartered, it is this mentality that will make it difficult for any country with a good rule of law to extradite him, found guilty before he is even tried, clearly politically motivated and I can see the UK now opening their doors for him.

    No need. The (yellow) people have decided. He is 100% guilty.

  4. There's a number of ways to look at this.

    1) While the warrant was issued in Thailand, a lot of countries pretty much consider Thailand as not much better than some Banana Republics, and therefore not pay much attention to this warrant.

    2) Even should they recognize it, that does not mean that if he were apprehended that the country which apprehended him, or even if it is Interpol, will be willing to extradite him, as many, if not most civilized countries will not extradite someone who faces a possible death sentence if returned to their country of origin which has issued the warrant.

    3) While this undoubtedly place some "pressure" on him, it hardly stops him in his tracks, as there are still a whole list of countries who will still allow him to come and go freely, based on their own corruption, and his financial contributions to it.

    In my opinion, bringing Thaksin back to Thailand would be a major mistake by the current government. That would put the hero of the Reds on their soil, and they would probably storm any prison or jail he was being kept in, or at least attempt to. And should he die, whether by true accident or something like a heart attack, while in custody, the entire world would be suspicious, and the Reds would truly rampage then. What we saw in BKK and the provinces with fires and arson would look like a Sunday picnic and this country would go up in flames.

    To me, the best thing this government could do is make Thaksin a "non issue", stop putting him on the front page every day, and stop trying to blame everything on him. Make him a non entity that doesn't exist. They have themselves to blame, in some ways, for continuing to make him an issue. My advice to the government: "Forget about him and get on with business".

    But, hey, to me that would make sense, and everyone knows that "sense" is something in seriously short supply of here.

    Interesting post. I agree and think Thailand should erase him, no more mention of him and refer to him as irrelevant. This would be the ultimate punishment for an obvious egomaniac.

    Erase? Like Seh Daeng?

    Why not just call the A Team.

  5. And as if the international community will take notice of some kangaroo court from a 3rd world banana republic… just more hot air and BS as usual. :)

    How wrong you are , He is on terrorism charges I would say he will be arrested in days not months.

    I hope you are right but the arrest warant isn't issued by an international court is it?

    Don't you think the international community has to recognize the arrest warrant first?

    I really don't know how long that would take but now all countries will be aware of his charges and I would think none of them would want to have him on their soil now.

    Sorry, the warrant is only written in Thai, not English, nor French, nor Montenegrin.

  6. Hmm I don't really think this is a good idea. Why arrest only foreigners?

    I know that he is a "farang" moron, but there are probably 20 or 30 more "Thai" moron that spoke at the rally.

    yes yes this is thailand. but im still sad seeing this.

    Oh, so those images shown on Australian TV of THAI 'Protestors' and Red Shirts being handcuffed, blindfolded and thrown into a dark and dingy cell - yes, the ones all the snivel libertarians and do-gooders said were outrageous and against basic human rights. I suppose they were bullshit?

    Why arrest only foreigners? Good grief. There's a mug gets off the plane every minute.

    No, not ONLY Farang get arrested.

    More than 500 Thais have already been arrested.

    Go read the papers.

  7. Speaking of his own embassy, it's a shame he didn't heed the advice from May 3rd and get the heck out of town:

    But the Australian Embassy has raised doubts over Purcell's background. Investigations are reported to question his university and military experience, and that he was not a member of the Army reserves, sources told AAP.

    The English language Bangkok Post, quoting an embassy source, said Purcell's behaviour and public statements were disturbing and he had been advised to return to Australia. He's actually broken quite a few Thai laws, the report said.

    The Sydney Morning Herald from May 3, 2010


    Over the radio (MCOT 96.5) news talk show, they say he has sniper training when he was in the Army. He could be the one shooting the innocent at the temple where they found 6 dead bodies.

  8. What they did in Bangkok was ok, or at least 99% of them. (1% screw it up with stupid violence, I admit).

    Why don't you also admit that blackshirts were mingling freely with the protesters at the baricades and they had no problem with them firing automatic rifles and grenade launchers? If you are with someone who commits murder while commiting a crime, you will also face charges - even if you did not pull the trigger.

    You mean this black shirt guy who mingling freely, even if he did not pull the trigger.

  9. So we have one armed blackshirt.. One guy shooting a Grenade.. And the army guys in the truck..


    100's possibly 1000's of youtube clips of army firing, including BBC, Al Jazera, CNN, and 100's of blogers and people on the street..

    Your point is...that you are surprised that the military is using weapons, as announced, against criminals?

    My basic point is I dont support violence on either side..

    And secondly I think the army response is vastly disproportional.. To fire is self defence is one thing.. To have sharpshooters taking head shots at people presenting them no direct threat or actual bodily harm is simply escalating this and not solving it.

    In Thai we say "Ride an elephant when you go out hunting for crickets". Kee Chang Jap Takatae.

  10. Some of you people make me sick! :) Ordinary people are dying from the work of snipers, not terrorists. And who would be the employer of snipers????

    From UN definition of terrorism

    "In November 2004, a United Nations Secretary General report described terrorism as any act "intended to cause death or serious bodily harm to civilians or non-combatants with the purpose of intimidating a population or compelling a government or an international organization to do or abstain from doing any act". "

    By this definition the Issan Army occupying central Bangkok are terrorists.

    Sad but Funny.

  11. Latest Death Toll: '29' (All Civilians). Injured: '221' /via @tulsathit

    shows who the main aggressors are, the army!!

    facts to back up the statement!!

    Shows who are using better combat tactics. And in terms of weapons, the military is actually out-gunned, Reds are using grenades, military isn't.

    I haven't seen any reports that the Reds have used grenades so far? If they have people with heavy arms it seems like they have not joined the fighting yet.

    If you haven't connected the dots with the many reports of grenades going off, and all reported to come from Red encampments, then you get an D for class attendance.

    Ask DAN. Maybe he have seen something 1st hand.

  12. so the army is still just surrounding them and not actually going in to the red camp. The reds are coming out to attack the army. What do they expect to happen to them? fair enough i say; cnn now say army is being attacked by gun and grenade, fair enough, the more terrorist they kill now the less to make trouble later! red leader should let all the kids out and stop to use them as shield; cowardly scum bags.

    HE NATION: My mother-in-law said pppl wanted 2 bring home their children & old ppl from rajprasong yday but was refused 2 leave by r-guards..

    Unbelivable now you say the reds are holding civs against there will how low will you guys go

    The goverment said all the deaths are becase the reds are shooting each other LMAO :):D:D do they really think anyone will believe that

    Yes, I believe CRES. I believe in Mark.

  13. THE NATION: RT @rrystrom:My mother-in-law said pppl wanted 2 bring home their children&old ppl from rajprasong yday but was refused 2leave by r-guards..

    If this is true than this is really low...

    2nd hand information. We have enough 1st hand information here already.

    BTW My brother-in-law said his nephew have just been abuse by space aliens.

  14. :D Friend emailed that there is a truck outside his apartment block with large LP gas cylinders waiting to be set on fire, will be an almighty and horrific explosion.....

    Location of your friend?

    :) Chidlom but as it came second hand I am unable to be more specific in terms of soi etc...sorry but it is not rumour mongering rather an expression of deep concern, he is an aussie Doctor working for US NGO, said that they could lose everything if explosion, it is near a bridge, that would be a foot bridge I imagine in Chidlom...I know this report is vague but came via another friend....US have offered to evacuate USAID staff and other NGO's.....

    Please don't post anything second hand. There is enough fact first hand here.

    I heard second hand that Thaksin is dead, and Elvis was seen shopping in Harrods yesterday.

  15. If you understand Thai, you will know they they spot a person with a "molotov cocktail".

    He already brought him down with the first shot.

    How ever the poor guy try to get up.

    The army boss lift his hand up and say "Ya , ya, ya, ya thum, which mean NO, NO, NO, DON'T DO IT".

    However went in for the kill by shooting a second shot, "even when the boss already ask him to stop".

    The army boss was pissed, and smack the young sniper on his head.

  16. Thai army snipers in action

    The last few seconds was really good, if you understand what they were saying. Unfortunately it is in Thai. I don't want to translate it for you.

    Could you translate please? I watched the video and I'm quite curious.

    You don't believe me anyway. Go and get your girl friend to translate it for you.

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