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Everything posted by moogradod

  1. This may well be, but only applicable from 2024 on if there are changes. Everything else would not be possible from a juristic viewpoint.
  2. That makes this thread so difficult to interpret - the US and UK seem to have special rules (as well as DTA) as others of the 60+ (or is it more) other countries and sometimes even the wording in the DTA differ. Only chance is to wait for a precise ruling applicable for all (I think it will be for all then, doubt they make 60+ versions of their order).
  3. ...........unless it was remittance to the wife totalling not less than 20 Mio per year, from savings (provable but difficult) and on top taxed fully at the point of origin in the year before the remittance (in the past before 01.01.2024 the old rules apply).
  4. We might in the future think about Solar and since we live in the country of good customer service I would like to have everything out of one hand. I suspect that the planning has an optimum where the ROI is greatest. Now this depends of course on many parameters, but the only thing I would like to tell any prospective Solar provider is how long and when we use which device. I wont even tell him the power consumption. He can find out by himself. He should then plan the optimum system with the said optimum in mind (for him to find out where that is). We live in Chonburi. Any idea where I could find a specialist company (A Solar ?, Solar Power ?, Residential Home (nearest to us) ?) that is professional enough to be able to fulfill this task ? I am aware that this would cost a bit more than a DIY. We then have to talk to PEA as well since we are told that our power consumption is not sufficient with only one phase - we would need 3 phase. I would like that PEA explains me why - we did not even move everything into the new house. So currently we have a brown out if we operate some devices together. The only "big" thing is our 36000 BTU aircon for the living room and we have 2 water pumps with 1.5hp each which run very occasionally. But my name is not Watson so I need a professional Sherlock (maybe with the help of PEA).
  5. This law office is in Pattaya. We live in Chonburi. Per forum rules I am not allowed to publish company names, telephone numbers etc. (probably because of marketing reasons) on the forum. But I can send you a PM if you are still interested even if it is in Pattaya. Just tell me. But you would have to wait a few days since I do not have this data with me where I am sitting right now. We are preparing the move to a new house. But I would not forget it (if you are still interested). They are really professional but are rather active in the local environment here (incl. court etc.). Unfortunately I have no experience with anybody specialized in BKK.
  6. Who does not want to optimize taxes ? Everywhere around the world. Freeworld sounds like a former government employee. All of the people I know contribute a lot to Thailand - whatever their tax situation might be. This includes me who has spent many many millions here. But I stay here because of my family only and of course I want to be conform with the rules but not because of the reasoning displayed above
  7. You are right with your asessment - I have a bit of (bad) experience. Before my wife and me came here I had as well to clarify some tricky questions and was on the search of a lawyer. So I had contact with two locals and some of the most renowned big ones plus a private one in BKK. Some wanted to take advantage of my Newbie status, some could not exactly tell me what I needed to know and the private one in BKK had a price tag like the best in Switzerland. It was in fact very disturbing but in the end I managed to clarify my questions after a lot of work. One thing I managed to get perfectly done was the Thai Wills and Living Wills for my wife and me. From a trustworthy, competent sympathetic and even very reasonable small company.
  8. Thanks a lot for your consolation. The assessing of the situation may currently even be difficult, but in 2 months or so I hope it is clear and then all I need as someone assisting me at / with the RD. And I would wish to get one of the best. I am prepared to face difficulties with that.
  9. Thanks. So your case is "nearly" the same as mine. Exept for the small detail that you are British and I have learned here that the UK has special regulations. But as you have never paid even tax over there, your case should be exactly the same I suppose. I do not pay tax in Switzerland anymore since I have officially left the country forever and I am not a Swiss citizen as well. Not sure about their willingness to issue a letter similar to yours although Switzerland and Thailand have as well a DTA.
  10. And you may add to Retirement and Marriage as well Thai Elite (now Prestige). So your main worries are as well mine. Payment is not the problem. But I do not want to approach the RD before all open questions are answered. So far Thai Elite has many times been advertised as tax free. But this seems now definitely not to be the case, only certain other Long Stay Visa. So for preparation I do need the most professional accountant / tax specialist there is in Chonburi or I really get seriously disturbed in the mind. Or may I safely relax for some more weeks ? Anybody knows someone with real expertise and possibly connections to the RD ? If Yes then pls. mail. Thanks.
  11. Did you get this letter because you have requested it or did they send this by themselves ? I have as well a German passport and I will have the next (and first) contact with the embassy or consulate here when I need to request a new passport in a few years. My current passport was issued by the German embassy in Switzerland from where I receive as well a state pension directly remitted to my Thai bank account. I have not been living in Germany since more than 50 years. and have therefore as well no income from there. I stay here since several years. I am as well not required to pay tax on this social security pension in Switzerland because I left this country definitely.
  12. It is up to the Swiss how they do it (it is not from any account I would have there) and I think they would only transfer to a Thai account with my name.
  13. Thank you for answering. Makes sense. But am I correct assuming that this was so far not enforced ? And will be from 2024 on ? At least this is what I have heard from multiple angles as well as here on AN. So it means that I will absolutely need to make my first tax declaration until March 2025 covering the total of social security - state pension - of 2024 ?
  14. Do you mean if I receive a monthly state pension (social security) directly from Switzerland remitted to my Thai bank account and then transfer the money to my wife as gift (maybe in one go at the end of the year) I do not have to pay Thai tax ? It is less than 20m Baht ???? I do not pay tax for that in Switzerland because I do not have a Swiss passport (so no DTA involved, I do not need to look what in such a DTA were written) nor in my "homeland" where I was born since I do not have an adress there, either.
  15. ....... if paid before Jan 1, 2024 and remitted from abroad only - maybe. Too much scaremongering especially on no solid basis in this thread I think.
  16. I believe this cannot happen in any lawful environment. You cannot change any law backwards. This would mean that it would be theoretically possible to double all your taxes ever paid effective from tomorrow and send you a bill over a few millions over the amount thus calculated over the last 30 years. Or send you a traffic ticket for driving on the wrong side (right) of the street yesterday because the law driving on the left side was changed retrospectly. Of course it is possible to change and reverse certain things in laws - like in our current case from Jan 2024 - but not for before that date (backwards). There are countries like North Korea for example where everything might be possible, but only against universal law.
  17. Thank you very much that you took your time to answer so clearly and actually answer at all. As said above, more and more AN members seem to concentrate on not so really helpful answers. Yours is more than helpful and actually the highlight of the day. My wife has her own house in Chonburi, so this means that she would be covered in Chonburi Hospital under the 30 Baht scheme automatically. I will further investigate if this requires still a registration at the hospital. The baby of my Stepdaughter (I am a grandfather somehow !) was born there, too. What did confuse me is that she said, that her old registration in Sikhio for the house which stands on her own land but is registered on her father (the house only, the Chanote is hers) does not need to be modified, but this is Thai administrational logic and complexity. Will sort that out, too. Her ID Card is for the Chonburi adress. I wish you a nice evening.
  18. It is my stepdaughter only, but thanks that you took your time to react ! I really mean that - not selfexplanatory at AN nowadays.
  19. But not necessarily under the 30 THB scheme I suppose. So far so good. The question arises - can you change "your" government hospital to the nearest/best of your home adress ? This question is actually for my wife who was born North East and we are living now in Chonburi - same for my Stepdaughter. Since the family is all the time sick (me anyway, but I am a foreigner) - the nearest option is the BHP - and this adds up. I guess we have spent milllions all together over time - and I really mean millions.
  20. What if the baby was born in Chiang Mai but living after in Southern Thailand ? Do you have to hop into your car with an acute appendicites or even worse - heart attack ?
  21. One of the highest fully Tantric initiated and practising Tibetan Buddhist Monks.
  22. Is this not always the case ? Or did you want to say that the stop sign may be disregarded at will and is rather a proposition than a fixed rule ? (I have to bite my tongue to not elaborate further, but I guess everyone knows what I mean).
  23. Type 1 means that the pancreas does not produce any insulin at all - therefore this type needs insulin in any case. Type 2 is different and the still existing production may be only badly affected. But if no oral medicaments help nor a change of lifestyle to encourage more insulin production, then Type 2 needs as well insulin.
  24. Bananas are high although they do not taste too sweet and I would agree on strawberries - they pose no prob. I would be careful with blueberries - if I eat 0.5 kg of this stuff I need a hearty portion of insulin to get my bloodsugar level down again. I am a diabetic type 2. They seem to contain a large portion of sugar or some other element that elevates your sugar level. The problem is that I love blueberries and the Big C Extra here does import blueberries from Peru that are really exeptional which I cannot resist.
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