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Everything posted by moogradod

  1. This is not the point I try to make here. It seems too simple to understand it right away. I understand that. Think: It depends only on your irrefutable decision which may be done in a relaxed way. You dont need to be lucky or have no addiction. Or do you want to fight against yourself ? This would be the case if the slightest idea of smoking would appear after you have irrefutably decided not to continue. It is effortless then. It is a subtle thing to identify the difference to the approach most people take, but this is because only a few really decide irrefutably.
  2. When I was young I was smoking quite heavily, between 2 and 3 packs a day. Then I met my Thai wife and I noticed that she started to cough while I was smoking in the room. So I decided to stop and here is my simple receipe to do that without any helpers like nicotin-patches etc: I just stopped. Completely. Never touched a cigarette again. Without any problems at all. No addiction. This might be too simple to understand immediately. Here is some hint: You simply REALLY need to DECIDE to stop. Think: There is nobody in the world that can stop you from not doing it apart from yourself. And since you have really decided to stop - where should be a problem ? The difficulty is not the non smoking - it is the irrefutable decision that you really have to take. Thats all there is to it and I am the living proof that it works. Effortlessly.
  3. If you mean rental only there is no such thing in the countryside I know. Nobody with that much money around. But if you would have it you would for sure not like to rent in a vicinity without even a taxi nor a restaurant and maybe one single supermarket (there is one single Big C - very small version) in Sikhio and this is in the "City" - the real countryside is then some more 15 km drive even from that "center".
  4. From my experience (family members) many employers do not care. Besides holidays and rest times are not paid. I do not know if this is gererally the case but I know close relatives that work their a__es off and do not get compensated. Reminds me of the mediaval ages in Europe. The Elite and the Potato Farmers. Totally unfair.
  5. Dont let me be misuderstood. I meant Bangkok and Tokyo only are emotionally and intensely attached to me. I have visited quite a number of other cities for years, months or only days, such as Paris, London, Madrid, Barcelona, Manila, Amsterdam, Rome, Venice, Zurich, Athens, Bruxelles, Köln, Geneva,, Sapporo, Kyoto, Vienna, Munich and many many others. About 180 all in all. I know because I made once a list for Tripadvisor. On the other hand I have never been to North and South America, Africa, Australia, China (exept for a short landing on the old airport in Hongkong) and Indonesia.
  6. And I forgot to mention to come back to the topic: A part of our large family lives really in the sticks (Amphoe Sikhio). It is definitely cheaper there but remember: You get what you pay for. The bigggest attraction I can think of there is watching the rice slowly grow up in the fields.
  7. To me, Bangkok is - besides Tokyo - one of the most vibrant and interesting cities of the world (which I know). A dream to sit at the borders of the Chao Phraya watching the boats go by. Bangkok is the place where I want to die. This is since 1975 when I visited the place the first time. It became a dream since then and I maintain a deep felt intense feeling about the place. But we do not live there. My family is just moving to a house in a more rural, although central area in Chonburi which is not far away from BKK. By the way my wife does not like BKK.
  8. Salaries are a mayor cost factor in the West. I doubt that this is the case to the same extent here. The 250 Baht plus from 350 Baht must not be financed by increased productivity or higher prices. Just take it away from the profit from the insanely rich. This was my idea in this respect we are almost talking peanuts here.
  9. It is the rich which finally pay the salaries for their employees. 400 THB is still a joke. Lets make it 600 (including at least a 3 week holiday - fully paid of course). I do not believe that this will have a major effect on everybodys expenses. The thing here is that the rich should just make less profit. At least it should be set up like that.
  10. Manners are an important part of any education. But this is what you learn at home and probably not so much in school. However as well important is what is called "common knowledge". The basics of physics, math and all that stuff. For this part it might be advisable to get your education not in Thailand but abroad. Not to talk about any higher education like electrical engineering and alike on university level. I have learned as well in my now 68 years that languages are of utmost importance, I speak a few and it has helped a lot. The best might be that the child grows up in an at least 2 language environment at home. So my advice: At least some years should be spent outside of Thailand in a renown environment - if you can afford it.
  11. Before you make the big move it is a good idea to rent a condo while you are on a holiday. It does not only help with your visa, you may already open a bank account for money transfer and have you thought about a shipping adress (container or boxes) ? That is the way we did it (incl. a nice visit to Vietnam) and I bought especially a Laptop for that reason. We did find a beautiful condo in no time.
  12. May I suggest a very easy receipe ? Just be friendly all the time and show a compassionate mind. Help where you can. You will be surprized how much more you will get in return and sadness should be gone soon.
  13. To have two data formats is stupid especially if one number does not exceed 12. Like is "9/6/23" 6th of September or 9th of June ? But there seem to be folks that measure weight in "stones". Obviously survived from some time ago.
  14. To @MrJ2U I tried to install this device. I thought it would be as easy as can be. But so far no luck. It demands as well an "amazon alexa app" and the whole thing uses a hub which I do not have. On top the contacts (sliced instead of holes) are not compatible with most of the current connectors. Anybody has a link to an easy explanation how I can install (should be just plug-in) this "monitor" for example with a refridgerator ?. In the meantime I have installed a Tuya application and Amazon Alexa and synchronized the two. Will see if I go from there or throw everything away. Our house will just be upgraded to a 3 phase connection. 1 phase does not cut it.
  15. Firefox let you use a lot of useful extensions like "No Script" etc.. I am using it together with DuckDuckGo as Search Engine that I do not need to use Google Search. Never had any problem.
  16. Type 1 and Type 2 are different ailments only similar to the effect that not enough insulin is produced. Type 1 produces absolutely no insulin at all which must be injected in any case. Type 1 cannot mutate into type 2 whereas type 2 can be influenced by food, lifestyle etc to stimulate the still existent insulin production.. I am diabetic type 2 since over 30 years.
  17. I love cooking, but because of the receipes. But then there are dishes that are difficult to get right at home (Peking Duck for example). I would not drastically refrain from restaurant food. I agree, diabetes is a bad sickness because it might kill slowly. I am diabetic II for more than 30 years and I eat and drink what I like. Just had a Pepsi (normal version). OK, takes the support of insulin. That is expensive. For a diabetic type 1 the situation is more serious. Some have to count their "bread Units" befor eating. I find this idea terrible and I really feel sorry for those.
  18. Aha. Sorry, I overlooked that. Maybe because I had the 3 usual suspects in mind if it comes to bad taste (US - exept for their phantastic Smoked Ribs, UK - exept for their phantastic Seville Bitter Orange Marmelade and Australia may be for their love for Vegemite.
  19. Indeed, Thais like it sweet, try to order a smoothie in a restaurant where the stuff is not yet mixed up before and seasoned with a hearty portion of sugar. The typical Thai seasoning board contains as well always sugar. I have seen customers put tons of sugar in their noodle soup. And sugar free items in supermarkets have been seen only since a very few years back.
  20. Sugar on french fries ? Is this a US thing ? Fries are eaten with salt (and even more than less) and mayonnaise (not ketchup). I have been living for a while in the Be NeLux from where the french fries are supposed to have been originated. And they make indeed the best fries.
  21. We became desperate after years, too. In Europe they have what is called "coffee milk, which is perfect for coffee. No sugar in it, low fat and you can keep it even outside the fridge. The milk comes in coffe cup aligned portions and is not expensive. Here we use "Carnation" or better - buy the smallest cartons of whipping cream you can get, unopened they last as well a considerable time. That is the luxury solution - but with a very good coffee - why not ? It just comes at a price.
  22. I have read that the Russians tortuted Ukrainian victims by forcing them to listen to music non-stop. They choose songs from ABBA for that ???? (no joke, this is what they wrote). Must have been terrible.
  23. Guess this is a real cultural issue. They still have this caste system, and a servant is a servant and of lower "value". You will even encounter this behaviour in Thailand where maids, servants etc. are at times treated inadequately. Have witnessed this many times.
  24. Yes, I like to cook chinese food, but for decades I did not have the possibility to use a high performance Wok burner. Now that we have a house I have ordered a 168'000 BTU burner and other professional equipment from China. Besides I am studying cooking techniques on YouTube. Other things (no wok necessary) I cook are for example Hot and Sour Soup - I have a heavenly although complicated receipe and dumplings. From time to time we go out and have a Peking Duck (unfortunately only in Bangkok). And I like Sweet and Sour pork. You see, not the "Specialitites" they sell on the streets of China. I used to live for a long time in Switzerland, and over there, Peanut Oil is quite ordinary and not especially expensive. So of course I am interested in the oil you know for what I have seen so far exceeds the 400 THB mark. More than the best Olive Oil (at least the one they have here). Please send me the location where it can be obtained, but even more important - could you not take a photo of the bottle that I can look for it around Pattaya ?. We live in Chonburi. Thank you very much and Happy Cooking.
  25. I would take up the challenge if I knew how. I have been 184cm as long as I can think of (documented in passports etc.) My last measurement has been 183 cm and I am doing a lot as part of the mandatory procedure at the hospital which I need to frequent quite a lot even if I keep it to a minimum. 2.5 to 7.5 (!!) loss of height in a lifetime as @scubascuba3puts forward must be some special case or I am really not shrinking (maybe as well a special case). A meter does not lie after all, so why should I invent something.
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