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Posts posted by Chicog

  1. 19 minutes ago, Nicolas32 said:

    No problems on my system but wait am not using Microsoft  Windows ?  Anymore i prefer  macOS 10.12.4 (16E154a) less stress these days compared to problems i was getting with Windows 10 with drivers and so forth and what not .. 


    And the award for the most irrelevant gibberish goes to.....

  2. Is this on the web interface or a mail client?


    If the web, click on the pull down arrow next to the word "Inbox" at top left (hover the mouse pointer over the word Inbox), and make sure it is NOT set to "Priority Inbox". I use " Unread First".



  3. 10 hours ago, Thian said:

    Because i can read (and do read) many european languages and read local newspapers.


    It's even gone that far now that they won't mention anything about the offender...no personal information at all. Not for rapists, bankrobbers, houserobbers, carthieves and so on. They just publish the crime but never let readers help finding the victims.


    This is because the reporters have been threatened at their desks and they are very scared people. Even if i put links here of what happened in Europe you can't read the language and second you can't read between the lines. Europe has educated reporters only who know very well what information they should give about the criminals but they don't do it!


    Even when the golden watch from grandma is ripped of her wrist and she saw the guys they won't publish anything, just that it happened. So how can readers help finding the criminal? It's going back in time for a decade and they all should get punished for not letting readers help find the criminals. That will happen as soon as we have our own mr Trumps...and they are coming soon.

    Oh come off it. You can't link to these terrorist incidents that are covered up because they don't exist.

    Most newspapers have English language editions, and if they don't you can hit the translate button and get the gist.

    Swallowing trump's nonsense is for fools.


  4. 12 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    Next thing you know you'll be saying that there weren't 3-5 million illegal alien voters and that every one of their votes went for Hillary Clinton.  And that wasn't said by Breitbart but by our President!

    Whose puppet master chief adviser happens to be the former Breitbart head.


    Well versed in the art of telling outright lies reporting "alternative facts".

  5. 9 minutes ago, Pdaz said:

    Bercow is being investigated yet again for fiddling his expenses and paying for exorbitant high end meals for cronies with  public money. He is nothing more than a hypocrite pretending to have principles to embarrass the Tory Govt who opposed his nomination as speaker. A huge case of (very) small man syndrome. 




    A spokeswoman for the Speaker’s office said overall annual expenditure had fallen 19.4%, from £626,000 to £504,000 since Bercow took on the job in 2009.



  6. On 1/14/2017 at 4:18 AM, JayBird said:

    I hate to think/say this but:


    Could we be looking at throttling or suspension of Netflix / IPTV streaming services?  If people are genuinely thinking of Netflix as a suitable alternative to True, perhaps True would seek to prevent access to Netflix in order to keep customers?


    (There are no net neutrality laws in Thailand, so it is possible if you are with True Online that they throttle Netflix/amazon/iflix/etc. to be too slow to use).



    And what do you think will happen to True's broadband business if they start doing that?



  7. On 2/5/2017 at 3:44 PM, dingdongrb said:

    I think the same can be said about CM (Thailand in general). If I recall there is a 7-11 on one side of the street there in the Night Bazaar area and then another one almost directly across the street (below The Dukes). Both have been there for all the years I can remember.

    And one two minutes up the road opposite the Duangtawan...

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