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Posts posted by Chicog

  1. 2 hours ago, natway09 said:

    No 6 Nations, no cricket anymore ,,, for the price, disgusting.

    Last RWC on a terrible fuzzy Fox Channel. Will we even get it next time or will they just say as they did to me

    this morning over 6 Nations "negotiations broke down" which is BS, they just will not pay Be In who is 

    Thailands master supplierarrow-10x10.png


    I know BeIN have the EPL rights for Thailand, but I don't know if they have the rights to the Six Nations.

    Do you get TV5 Monde?






  2. 36 minutes ago, phantomfiddler said:

     "They are located in the middle of the most hate-filled paranoid region in the world" ? Hang on, aren,t THEY the most hate filled paranoid people of all time ? They should have been dealt with severely when they took over 100 hostages from the U.S. Embassy, an act of total diplomatic vandalism.

    I don't supposed decades of being imprisoned and tortured by a puppet dictator installed and supported by the US government had anything to do with their anger.

    But I don't see you saying that might have been a tad unfair. What's all that about?


  3. 8 hours ago, ResandePohm said:

    It should be Capital of one nation where Jews and Muslims have equal rights and there is no need for them to be continually in conflict. But this, Unfortunately, will never happen because of all the bigotry on both sides



    Drop a small, tactical nuke on it, and I bet that neither of them would be in a hurry to move in.



  4. 5 minutes ago, bkkgriz said:

    Did his father explain why his dindu nuffin son was carrying around a machete in Paris? Is there a lot of jungle to navigate in the city? But hey, let's open the floodgates and let more of these fine young men in.

    I understood it was a machete in each hand.

    Perhaps he's a big fan of Tomb Raider or something.

  5. Meanwhile, while this nonsense remains on the front pages, more scum drains into the swamp.




    The Senate voted strictly along party lines Friday morning to repeal a regulation requiring disclosures for the payments that energy companies make to foreign governments. The measure passed 52-47 in a pre-dawn vote. The Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) foreign payments rule was mandated by a key provision of the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial reform bill and was meant to reduce corruption in resource-rich countries by detailing the royalties and other payments that oil, natural gas, coal and mineral companies make to governments.



    You have to admire Bannon, he knows how to put on a dog and pony show, eh?


  6. 7 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

    Trump was not the one to sign a crazy deal with Iran that they have already violated a number of times. Kudos to President Trump for challenging the biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the world on it's destabilizing activities. Better late than never.

    I think you can give up using that cliche now.

    Saudi Arabia has clearly far outstripped them.

    By far the majority of terrorist attacks in recent years have come from the Sunni side of the street.





  7. I've said it before, buying players who are going to pish off for six weeks every two years is a crap idea.

    Essentially Coquelin had to take on the entire Chelski midfield on his own yesterday. There isn't one player who can do that, let alone a 21 year old.


  8. And while I'm at it, if you have a Netgear, they have updated the firmware for many models in response to a password recovery bug:




    Netgear speaks out on new vulnerabilities, firmware updates available for most devices

    Matthew Wilson 2 days ago Highlights V, Security



    Update (02/02/17): Following on from our initial report on the new security vulnerabilities found in Netgear routers, the company got in touch with us to provide a fresh statement on the matter and clear a few things up. Recently, two new vulnerabilities were made public by security researcher TrustWave, making some Netgear routers open to botnets amongst other things. However, it turns out that Netgear has been issuing fixes for these problems since June:

    “NETGEAR is aware of the vulnerability (CVE-2017-5521), that has been recently publicized by TrustWave. This is not a new or recent development. We have been working with the security analysts to evaluate the vulnerability from the time they first contacted us. After being notified of the vulnerability in April, we released the first batch of fixes in June and prioritized the products based on the greatest number of customers or shipments.”

    “Since that time we have continued to release fixes for the remaining products, most of which are older obsolete products with a smaller install base, although it is important to note that we notified users of workarounds for all affected products contemporaneously with the first batch of fixes in June, so no one would be vulnerable pending the remaining fixes. ”

    Right now, there are firmware fixes available for the majority of affected Netgear devices, patching the password recovery vulnerability and more. You can find the list of firmware fixes by device at Netgear’s Knowledge Base page.



  9. TrueOnline is a Thai ISP that distributes customised versions of ZyXEL
    and Billion routers - customised with vulnerabilities that is.
    The routers contain several default administrative accounts and command
    injections that can be abused by authenticated and unauthenticated
    attackers. Details in the advisory below, which is a copy of
    Metasploit modules have been released, see below.
    This vulnerability was disclosed through the Securiteam Secure
    Disclosure program:


    If you can turn Remote Admin off then it's far less of a problem; if you can limit it to wired connections only, even better.



  10. 1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

    And that's exactly why the US has a good system of checks and balances.  So those in authority can't just do anything they want.  Especially if it's illegal.  Which this ban may very well be.


    Either way, Trump's wasting a lot of resources for nothing.  As you know, not one citizen from these countries has killed an American on US soil.  Total waste of time.  Just pumps up the masses into a feeding frenzy.


  11. 1 hour ago, Mobi said:

    Sorry Guys, Just got around to reading your replies. for which I thank you.


    I can confirm that we now have "his" and "hers" nano sims (dtac and AIS) in our shiny new J7 Prime phones and all systems are go.


    I had never heard of a nano sim prior to this. I wonder what's next - an invisible sim?



    An implant in your ear canal.

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