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Posts posted by Chicog

  1. 52 minutes ago, Rc2702 said:

    I think the FA are doing Arsenal a favour. Simply holding on to rectify the blemishes. The ground got built a while ago now so that excuse is no more. He does not get the best out of his players and the superstars are turning their volume up on their phones. A successor is sought and I fancy the Argie to move a few post codes over and transform them. 

    Christ on a bike, is there something in the water today?




    Added: There must be, I've just seen that Brighton OG.

  2. 2 hours ago, MichaelBates said:

    I never thought one second about western food costs. We both eat Thai, she is a good cook and I am happy to eat Thai at home permanently - I can always get Irish Stew down at the pub if I get homesick :)


    Like I said, this is just to cover household expenses, food and suchlike, plus a reasonable amount for her to have money in her pocket for personal incidentals.


    Some other poster was right though - Thais don't plan and no amount is enough - any left over will go to mother, sister, cousin and so on without me ever knowing.



    It may seem a dumb question, but have you actually asked her?

    Or give her 20k and ask her for all of the receipts and see what she buys.

    That way, if she looks like she's using your money to top up on expensive girlie things or gifts for her friends and family, you know you can trim.



  3. 2 hours ago, Trentham said:

    I bought a brand new Acer PC a few years ago. A few weeks later it stopped working. I took it to the Acer Service Centre and was told there was no warranty because it contained a NON Acer motherboard and another non Acer part. An argument ensued of course and I won and they repaired it under warranty. To cut a long story short the motherboard broke down 4 more times over the next 2 months. I told them I was sick of taking it to the service centre and demanded they come to my home to fix it which they did for the 5th breakdown. All of this was under warranty. When they came to my home to fix it the guy unwrapped a motherboard from a dirty piece of greasy plastic and then I knew they were not installing new or good parts.  


    I went to the Acer Head Office in Bangkok and tried to complain.  At first they said they could not speak English so I spoke Thai. That caused a few raised eyebrows and I demanded to see the sales manager. "Not here" I was told. "You must go home". I sat down and said I was not leaving until I could speak with a senior manager. Miraculously the sales manager appeared and I was told there was nothing they could do.


    As I left their office I stopped and turned to him and said that I was emailing Acer head office in South Korea. He turned and walked away. I walked down to the BTS at Asoke and got on a train home and my phone rang. It was the sales manager telling me that a brand new computer would arrive at my home within the hour.


    I had obviously uncovered some scam that Acer Thailand was pulling on the main company. Never had any more trouble and I am typing this post on that new computer right now.


    I hope you emailed head office anyway.


  4. 2 hours ago, Bredbury Blue said:

    Every time I post something from The Guardian or The Telegraph, Chicog comes out in a rash.


    Is it International Be a Tosspot Day or something? Are you two staging an event?



  5. 1 hour ago, Andrew65 said:

    I spent quite a few years in the ME. I have a letter from B'Grad listing what heart meds I take, and a separate one stating that they'd prescribed Diazepam (Valium) for me.


    I was once caught out on a works-medical urine test about a week after I'd taken a Valium (to help me sleep when abstaining from booze), nothing much came of it, but I now have those pieces of paper to carry with me, just in case.


    BTW, I agree with you on drugs laws.

    I carry Prescription Beta Blockers everywhere, along with the prescription. The only place I've ever been asked for it is Sydney.

    On my last trip to Thailand I stocked up on them, because they are pricey in the Middle East. 


    As long as you have your prescription, you're OK.



  6. 1 hour ago, nisakiman said:

    They've got totally bonkers drugs laws in the Gulf States. They throw people in jail for travel sickness pills bought over the counter in another country.


    If they're going to have prohibitions on certain drugs (I personally would like to see ALL drugs laws consigned to the dustbin of history - the laws destroy far more lives than the drugs themselves do), then it should be done on an international scale so you don't get stupidities where certain drugs, particularly pharmaceutical drugs, are legal in one country and not in another.


    That's a load of rubbish.

    They throw people in jail for having proscribed drugs normally because they've created a scene at immigration or check in, otherwise they don't care.


    The ones that are proscribed are things like Codeine. 

    In this case, it sounds like she was carrying a veritable pharmacy, and try getting into Australia with prescription drugs for which you have no prescription. And that includes non-Prescription Codeine now as well.

    She was probably taking these to make money and got caught. Som Num Na.



  7. 1 hour ago, somo said:

    If you are from the UK it is a relatively simple matter to change your name by deed. You can then get a new passport and start your life again. I had a friend in a similar situation some years back and he has had no problems. Just keep yourself squeaky clean once you return. GL


    One assumes that you still have to provide your birth certificate with a new passport application.


    I believe that lying on a passport application is a criminal offence, so your squeaky clean has gone right there.


    I fear the OP can do nothing more than write polite letters to Immigration and the Thai Foreign ministry asking for sympathy.

  8. 29 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    That only works if Trump gives a monkey's about Mexico. I doubt he does.

    Well he should do. Six million US jobs depend on trade with Mexico.


    Not to mention lots of cheap goods.

    If he imposes his tariffs, I wonder if he'd call all the lay offs and price rises "Fake News"?

    (Of course he would, he's a moron).



  9. 1 hour ago, petermik said:

    Counts for nowt BB,your only concern is what he does at Citeh in the future......"taking us to another level" was one of the comments a blue moaner posted at the time of his appointment :whistling:

    He was great at Barcelona......and Keith Hill (just 4 you BJ) would have done well with the players they had :thumbsup:

    He moved on to Bayern who were European Champions at the time. but failed to retain the title under his management :unsure:

    Now he,s in the Prem and our league is far more intense than Germany or Spain as he is realising now,will he come to terms with it is anyones guess, but do not start sprouting about his past achievements until he has won top titles here :thumbsup:


    The phrase you seek is "flat track pony".

  10. 6 hours ago, finy said:

    Not too sure about the details of the 17".


    ill probably just head to somewhere and buy from there.


    does everyone thank Pantip is best place to go?


    I prefer Fortune Town these days, but I haven't been to Panthip since they supposedly cleaned it up.

    Panthip always had loads of really old stock laying around.


    Fortune is right next to Rama 9 MRT so really easy to get to.







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