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Posts posted by Chicog

  1. Quote

    The restrictions on refugees are likely to include a multi-month ban on admissions from all countries until the State Department and the Department of Homeland Security can make the vetting process more rigorous.


    Surely this should read "until the State Department and the Department of Homeland Security can work out what the hell is going on"?



  2. 1 minute ago, finy said:

    Thanks, I'll do the encryption thing.


    Does anyone have any recommendations for cloud service other than Dropbox?


    i can't remember the name, but there is one that makes a copy of your entire system every X hours when connected to internet.


    I think it's different to Dropbox.


    i wonder how big businesses do it with backups for important files.


    Well there's Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, Box and a whole host of others; just google for "Cloud Storage and backup".

    But the encryption adds a layer of complexity, so maybe google "Cloud Backup Sync Encrypted" or similar.





  3. 3 hours ago, Mobi said:

    Yes, it is quite common - even on much more recent models and I have strolled around Mr Google quite a bit and tried a number of cures as mentioned in my OP.


    Don't really want to fork out for a new battery if I can't be sure it's the cause. The old one is still working pretty well. If it doesn't get any worse I'll live with it for now.


    Yesterday I cleared the cache at reboot and since then it hasn't black screened at all...so far... so who knows?


    Is it up to date?

  4. 59 minutes ago, finy said:

    Nice one.


    I use LaspPass for passwords, so they're not a big problem.


    just files in Dropbox I can't afford to lose.


    Until LastPass gets hacked again....


    I would suggest you encrypt your hard disk as suggested above, disable DropBox Sync, and just use it to store encrypted copies of backups (or copies of encrypted backups).



  5. 4 minutes ago, BangrakBob said:

    Despite you gobshites on here I'd like to see Spurs win league before the rest of those contenders. Even if I have to listen to you for the next 10 years :) 




    Good one, quality comedy that.



    • Like 1
  6. On 1/23/2017 at 3:25 AM, canuckamuck said:

    Seems to me that the media is fomenting the grounds for a revolution. Completely different treatment of this president than any other, totally adversarial and coordinated. Right from the moment Trump began to rise as a nominee.


    It seems to me that Trump is an habitual liar, and now he's president he might use that power to try and stifle the free press whose job it is to point it out.



  7. 12 minutes ago, SamuiAxe said:

    Five years ago my son died in Thailand, he was 28. The whole local community came by the temple to pay their respect and most of them had an envelop with some money in it. It was heartwarming to see how the so often (wrongly!) maligned Thai people where there... Paying their respect to my son and me. They gave enough money to provide for a decent cremation and burial of my sons ashes.. He left this place with dignity, mainly thanks to the local people.... 

    That is the tradition in Thailand.

    But not Swindon as far as I know.

  8. 15 minutes ago, roo860 said:



    Terry thanks for the heads up, have been here long enough thanks, I don't have any need to sleep with a dog, I prefer my wife. But if you're happy with your security arrangements, then fair play mate.

    Sent from my SM-G920F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app



    The bit I like is that he sleeps with a dog, security cameras and a samurai sword, but he's not paranoid. Oh no.



  9. Well if it's a hardware problem you really have no option but to get it fixed. 

    Personally if I wanted to keep something that old, I'd at least upgrade it with a Custom ROM.

    Or maybe you can find someone with a similar problem (and solution) here.

    And by the way, like all technologies, you don't have to buy top of the range to beat the specs on a 2012 phone.


    There are plenty of good alternatives out there that people are using with great success; Oneplus; Xiaomi, Huawei to name but three.


    Admittedly I don't pay, but I just got the Huawei Mate 9 for work, and having seen it operate,  both my  iPhone 7 and Galaxy S7 colleagues look decidedly pissed off that they didn't take my advice when selecting this years handset.

    And it's cheaper than both of them too, as far as I know.


    Just something to consider if they tell you they can fix your phone for the price of a brand new one.





  10. 1 hour ago, 3 minus 2 said:

    he ever been off it ?  just to add one, the jist of the sterling incident has been bitching by the city fans about the shove  not one of them's mentioned he was offside,,,:shock1: marginal, but offside all the same

    Let's face it, he could fall over in the centre circle and they'd expect a penalty.



  11. 2 hours ago, Lizard2010 said:


    Rarther strange no response

    Only 1 post but several reposts on other posts

    maybe wanted to have a post or you know what

    If hacked 1 time

    Have to look into whay

    As stated many posibilitys

    As one friends said keep all password on a  thumb /  USB Drive

    Good advise i agree with


    And how is that going to help you if someone has malware on your PC sniffing everything you do?

    There are many other things you should be doing to secure Online banking before you worry about where you keep your passwords, if you write them down at all.



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