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Posts posted by Chicog

  1. 1 hour ago, Strange said:


    You didn't 'simply point out' anything you made a couple of irrevalent posts full of passive aggressive nonsense and insinuating people are fools and thats crazy to me considering you don't even have a dog in this fight. Its just your distaste of the US bleeding through into your posts. 


    There is nothing analytical in what I posted and it was 100% on point. If you consider what I posted to be "analytical" (when it was a very basic kindergarten level clarification) then you really shouldn't be calling anyone a fool. 


    Anyway it appears there is only a couple days left until its too late to contest so the Dem crybabies will have one less thing to winge about. 


    Like I said, it's a non-starter anyway, but there are obviously some desperate people out there because Stein's up to $5 million now.

    It's amazing how easy it is to part a fool and their money.



  2. 44 minutes ago, Strange said:


    Your link is talking about alleged voter suppression, not allegedly fraudulent/hacked/broken electronic voting machines. 2 completely different deals. Your post is completely pointless and off topic in the context of the OP. 



    Broken voting machines and alleged voter suppression are 2 completely different deals. Hence recounts are not investigations.


    Its pretty clear who is looking like a fool. Not only that, but nothing is going to come of this because they are only looking at it from a conveniently one-sided perspective. An official Audit has to be done for both sides, not just Hillarys votes in a way that makes her win. 


    Another completely pointless post.

    I simply pointed out that even if a congressional investigated was merited, they would not do it. Stupid email servers and Benghazi witch hunts, different story. As soon as the next Democratic contender is announced in two years time, they'll find some more shit to shovel.

    But since my comment was hypothetical, I really can't understand quite why you're trying to be so analytical.


    Good lord, any excuse for a bit of faux indignation eh?






  3. On 11/24/2016 at 4:45 AM, OMGImInPattaya said:

    I see you're still prattling on about things you know nothing about; I mean, why would Congress have anything to do with it...elections, even to federal offices, are a matter for the states.  

    Congress can launch an investigation any time they like, as Cummings did into Voter Suppression.

    I was being sarcastic, since there's no way the Republicans are going to bother with this.

    If you're going to *try* and be pedantic, it's important to actually be right.



  4. 19 hours ago, petermik said:

    Hope they checked his pockets beforehand...........:shock1:


    Well he wrote a tell all book with some Fleet Street hack and is now retired in Florida with a condo and a yacht.

    Not bad considering how he started out.

  5. Quote

    Trump said yesterday that he will tear up the TPP deal – initiated by outgoing President Barack Obama – as soon as he arrives at the White House in January. 


    Yes, let's blame Obama again. Why not, after all 9/11 was on his watch, right?





    US involvement began in March 2008 with its participation in the P-4 negotiations on financial services and investment. Later in September it announced its decision to participate in comprehensive negotiations for an expanded trans-Pacific agreement and thereafter took charge of the whole negotiations. It took the initiative to expand the membership of the proposed treaty by coupling its announcement of accession with an invitation to Australia, Peru and Vietnam to join the pact.




    (Added, while on the subject of trade; I hope our American cousins in Thailand have managed to circumvent the turkey embargo! Happy Thanksgiving!).

  6. I'm sure the General has paid close attention to what has happened in the UK in the last week.




    “The passing of the IP Bill will have an impact that goes beyond the UK’s shores,” says Jim Killock, executive director of the Open Rights Group. “It is likely that other countries, including authoritarian regimes with poor human rights records, will use this law to justify their own intrusive surveillance powers.”



  7. On 11/23/2016 at 11:28 AM, jaidam said:

    This case has caused alot of criticism of Dubai, unfairly as we now know. Presumably there will be some sort of crackdown on young western women that are effectively selling themslves at Dubai nightspots? 


    You must be kidding. I remember going down to Dubai on Ascension Day, when all bars and nightclubs were shut for 24 hours.

    Mankhool road was awash with brasses in their best pulling gear, knocking on car windows and stopping passers-by in their desperation for custom.

    Dubai just wants the $$$$$$$$$ and this will just remind those involved to keep it schtum.



  8. The fact he's got away with blue murder throughout the campaign has obviously emboldened him to think he can do whatever he likes.

    I wonder if the White House counsel will be the one from the Mafioso family friend (i.e. a criminal one)?



    President-elect Donald Trump registered eight companies during his presidential campaign that appear to be tied to hotel interests in Saudi Arabia, according to a report in The Washington Post.



  9. 3 hours ago, KittenKong said:


    The price was actually in your quote: GBP80 (that's about 3500B). That's complete with case, power supply and the full operating system (though not including an extra memory card).


    Yes, I'm aware that the RPi and my miniPC are not the same, and I'm aware of the "hobbyist" nature of the RPi. I just found it rather slow and tedious to use. For example, I installed VNC on the miniPC very quickly to be able to use it without a dedicated keyboard and mouse. Getting VNC to start automatically at boot on Windows was also very easy, so all I need to do is turn it on and can then control it via VNC. To do the same thing on the RPi would have involved several different command line sequences and modifying a system file. I really cba to learn how to do that to accomplish such a simple task.



    Sod that, nVidia Shield, it flies.


    And costs the same as a decent night out.



  10. 58 minutes ago, mrbojangles said:

    Yeah. You get harder groups when youré not put into Pot 1 

    Although in fairness it seems we can't get Bayern.

    I wonder what price it is for us to draw Barca?



  11. As predicted, goal difference will not matter any more. We have to get a better result than PSG, and with them playing at home to Ludogorets that's not going to happen.

    So..... Barca or Bayern?



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