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Posts posted by Chicog

  1. 4 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


    I might agree with you, but that is not likely to happen. Under the circumstances, a balanced court with the conservatives having a slight advantage is about the best I can hope for. Hillary would have destroyed the balance with lefties.


    How could she when they need to be approved by a majority of the Senate?

    Recess appointments are very temporary.


  2. 7 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


    Not all Brits. There are some excellent examples of such on this forum that want Trump to do well. I think you are referring to the far left loons that will hate him no matter what he does.


    What has he done so far that has impressed you?

    I mean the cabinet picks aren't exactly "draining the swamp" are they?


  3. Just now, Strange said:


    If they aren't your rulebook, and not your ideas then whatcha wingin about? 


    I think you're the one doing the whinging. I'm simply offering an opinion.

    After his comments about Taiwan, this was obviously a test of his response, and he's responded in the same juvenile "ner ner ne ner ner" manner as you seem to reply to posts.

    No wonder you like him so much.



  4. 13 minutes ago, Strange said:


    So basically Trump isn't playing by the same rulebook as past presidents & you don't like it. 


    So basically Trump isn't understanding your idea of international relations & you don't like it. 


    Tough titty. 




    Er... it's isn't my rulebook and they aren't my ideas.


    It's what nations have evolved to use as a means of dealing with each other.

    Is there something wrong with you?





  5. 20 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

    He does not have to be in office to be tougher or wiser. He has to be in office to actually DO something. Wait and see.


    His juvenile tweets about China keeping the stolen drone are indicative of his complete lack of understanding of international relations (not to mention his inability to spell).

    As they have with previous Presidents, China has tested the water (excuse the pun) and they are laughing their tits off at his response.

    Expect more from them come January, and we'll see if he has an equally asinine response.



  6. This is the inherent problem. In the time it takes a video referee to watch different angles and decide something like that, the other team could have gone up the other end and scored.


    So the ref then has to scratch off a goal and go back up the other end for a penalty.


    Farcical nonsense.


    Still, in your five and a half minutes you can show plenty of commercials, which is probably the real driver behind this insidious tinkering.





  7. 4 minutes ago, Bredbury Blue said:

    Actually 1st half Sanchez was great and probably enhanced his contract negotiations: love watching him. 2nd half he was let down by those behind him.

    Ozil is like kdb and others in that he can't/won't tackle.


    It's funny, but the WOBs are all out in force again all of a sudden, "Why didn't he bring on Lucas", etc.

    Fat lot of good bringing on an extra striker when you're being overrun in midfield. I don't know why he didn't bring Mo on instead of Oxtail-Chamberpot, he made a huge difference.

    Iwobi is turning out to be a bit of an Emile Heskey, a distracting lump but not really very effective.

  8. 3 hours ago, carmine said:

    I heard Ozil had a cracker!!!  Didn't even manage a tackle!


    Must have done wonders for Sanchez's contract negotiations.  :smile:


    And the tiny totts come crowing on the back of a scabby win against a relegation team - and still below us where they belong.



  9. 35 minutes ago, alfieconn said:


    To be fair, that incident had nothing to with Video refereeing.


    Well this one did. What a joke. 




    Not only did the penalty prove a turning point for the Club World Cup semi-final, but it was a decision made by the off-field "Video Assistant Referee" three minutes after referee Viktor Kassai did not spot Orlando Berrio tripping Daigo Nishi.

    Kassai, who officiated the Champions League tie between Manchester City and Barcelona in November, was alerted to the foul by the assistant when the ball went out of play for a throw-in. He ran to the side of the pitch and watched the replay before awarding the controversial spot-kick. 



  10. Mustafi brought a calmness and resilience to the defence which permeated the whole team.

    That has just evaporated in his absence. Not singling out Gabriel, put it just looked like panic stations all throughout the second half.



  11. So much for video refereeing.

    Bein showed a decision in the World Club tin pot trophy which took FIVE AND A HALF MINUTES.

    And in today's final, Sergio Ramos fouled a player on the break which was an obvious yellow. The referee was going for his Red card (Ramos had already been booked), and then he got a word in his ear to leave him on.

    Just as I expected, a total bloody farce.



  12. Quote

    The financial power of Chelsea, United and City, even Arsenal and Liverpool, outstrips that of Tottenham. Of the quintet, only Spurs are trying to remain competitive while managing a £750million stadium project.


    Been there, done that.


    The question is can Poch keep them in the top 4 every year on a budget?



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