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Posts posted by Chicog

  1. 2 hours ago, mcfish said:

    Care factor about a hotel closing down because of illegal operations would be absolutely zero. However if they shut down the other 60 then there would be serious problems

    Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk


    If people *think* they are going to close down more, they'll think twice about booking Chiang Mai won't they? Especially if they read that the patrons involved were simply kicked out on the street.


  2. 2 hours ago, Cockwomble said:

    I think the burgers are around 500 baht from what I remember the other evening, HRC's have never been the cheapest place to eat, but to be fair the standard of food is generally decent enough.


    No idea why people seem to be so anti the place, it's just another option for people to be able to go, so that's good for me, especially as there are not that many places that have live music in that area

    I'm not anti-live music, although I wouldn't say a Flip cover band is exactly thrilling.



    However, if they're charging western prices for a Burger in Thailand, I won't bother going there.

    Be interesting to see what happens when Tripadvisor reviews start coming in.


  3. 20 hours ago, mcfish said:

    Outside of TV this is a zero news article, maybe a bit of word of mouth in play to friends and family of 60 people but would you seriously cancel your trip even if the story somehow made its way outside Thailand?.. No

    Hotels and tour operators go belly up all the time, nothing new, it's just a part of the small risk travellers take

    Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk


    You underestimate the power of social media my friend.

    If 60 guests share this, and five of each of their friends share it, and five of their friends, and so on...


    Multiply that by the number of guests treated equally stupidly by vengeful Thais and you have what is known as a sh!t reputation on your hands.



  4. I can't find the video, but someone posted a video of a bag of bananas in a UK supermarket that had a big label on it saying £1.

    When he weighed it on their self service jobby, the actual price for unpackaged bananas was something like 38 pence.

    So I'd call it "marketing".



  5. 1 hour ago, ezzra said:


    Villa the original store near Sukhumvit 33 in the deep freezers he has

    couple of choices no too crazy on price either...


    Yeah, bit of a trek from Chiang Mai for some tortured goose offal, don't you think?



  6. And I'm not saying Theo has settled into family life, but he posted on social media that he's celebrating the fact that the missus is buying him a new coffee machine for getting 10 goals before Christmas!



  7. Just our frigging luck, looks like Mustafi is going to miss the whole Xmas period, just when he was proving an excellent buy.

    So the question is which one of Holding or Gabriel will step up I wonder?

    We'll find out next week in Toffeeland.

  8. On 12/8/2016 at 8:46 AM, Lannig said:

    So what? let Darwin's Law sort them out. Their lives.

    I would kind of understand shaming people who litter, who destroy nature, who steal or abuse public belongings, but isn't this going a tad too far in the way of the great tradition of finger pointing in Thailand?



    Hey, you can't argue with "outraged netizens" you know.



  9. 8 minutes ago, mrbojangles said:


    A bit of both.  Leicester had almost no possession but made what little they had count. City terrible in defence and struggled to get past Leicesters defence......until it was too late.


    Keys and Gray, plus Bellamy and Cole all think Pep doesn't realise his style of play doesn't work in the Premier League.

  10. 2 hours ago, champers said:

    Really could be Arsenal's year. I can't recall the last time a transfer window was upcoming without Gooners imploring the manager to strengthen the squad. Is it too good to be true?

    Wenger will always buy if there is quality available. 

  11. 51 minutes ago, champers said:

    I thought that Joe Hart would be back in the team by Christmas if he had stayed at City. I suspect the decision to go to Torino was not entirely all his own. Since winning the first six matches, City have won 3, drawn 3 and lost 3. This sure ain't the Bundesliga. Pep's aura  of invincibility is looking a bit tarnished.



    Andy Gray was joking with Keys at the end of the 3pms, pointing out that all five games had the home team scoring three goals, then pointing at Leicester.

    I doubt even he thought anything other than a Manchester Dhabi away banker was coming, given Leicester's pitiful recent form.

    So - were Leicester suddenly that good, or were Citeh really that bad?

  12. On 12/6/2016 at 10:19 AM, maxpower said:


    The scanning of cards is the easy part. The hard part is setting up an acquirers account to get the stolen cash. If it’s a compromised account that already exists the crooks have even more security hoops to jump through. 

    Not as easy as the nets scaremongering has you believe.


    Anything is easy given the levels of technical expertise in organised crime these days.



  13. 10 hours ago, katana said:

    Well, with PSG drawing against Ludo Razgd, and Arsenal winning, Arsenal finished top. Didn't see that coming.


    And Ludogorets get Spursday football. Nice for them. Well played lads.

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