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Posts posted by Chicog

  1. 16 minutes ago, Prbkk said:

    Give the guy a break: he's a bit jealous rather than worried about respect.


    His thread title specifically says "Disrespect me or not".

    Personally if I was getting my leg over for nowt, I wouldn't give a toss what some chimp mutters under his breath.


  2. 7 hours ago, optad said:

    "That could mean trouble for any users who reused their Yahoo [sic any host] password for other online accounts."


    Nup. Everyone has a different password for every online account.


    Everyone *should*....


    Actually I'm one of the many that uses the same password for all of the insignificant accounts that are meaningless if they are hacked. IBM studied this in depth, and found that people who do this tend to take more care of the accounts that really do need protecting, of which I have only a handful; the main factor being that the less time you spend worrying about passwords et al for the unimportant stuff, the more time you have to concentrate on the ones of which you should take special care.


  3. On 12/12/2016 at 8:57 AM, ilostmypassword said:

    Really? For the past 1000 years. Your lack of knowledge of history is laughable.  Iran alone has existed as a nation for about 2500 years. Unstable indeed!


    Iran itself was forcibly converted from Sunni to Shiá only a few hundred years ago.

    That itself is a big part of the swirling cesspool right now.

  4. Well it transpires that the hackers probably penetrated RNC and Trump computers as well.

    It's one thing leaking documents to influence an election, but an entirely different one to be able to use the results to influence legislation.

    This needs some serious bipartisan action, and anyone who bitterly opposes it may well fear that Putin has some real dirt on them.



  5. 1 hour ago, zaphod reborn said:


    I'd sue the BPL as well.  Handing the broadcast rights to a fly-by-night organization like CTH was reckless and was bound to result in a bankruptcy, leaving their suppliers, vendors and customers with no source of recovery.  Obviously, the bank guarantee from Bangkok Bank was worthless.


    They didn't "hand them" anything. They won an auction fair and square and presumably paid the bill. And they transmitted most of the games as required.

    The fact that they made a complete balls up of collecting revenue and administering subscriptions is their own problem and is what has put them in the sh!t.

    My guess is that they continued to show Fox programming without paying their bills, and then went under.

    So it really has nothing to do with the Premier League at all, other than the fact that they failed to meet the revenue targets they expected (and frankly should have achieved. Sounds to me like a lot of the subscriptions collected never made it to CTH).

  6. Video it, post it on social media and let the "outraged Thai netizens" do their worst. They'll have the torches and pitchforks out in no time.


    Clearly the bloke gets off on doing it, it is weird behaviour anyway you slice it.



  7. If you have a VPN sub (I use Ironsocket), it's actually pretty easy to add it to most Routers these days.

    On the Ironsocket website, you just generate an .OPVN file for the server you want, and on the Router you import that file and type in your credentials.

    Not very difficult.

  8. By set pieces I mean high balls into the box.

    It's a shame that Mertesacker, although back in training, will probably not be ready before years end. Methinks Mustafi's absence may cost us some points.

  9. More than ten years eh? Well that integrated him back into society, didn't it?




    Nirun later confessed to killing the nurse for money.

    He said he struck the victim on the neck and burned her body to cover up the crime.

    But police suspected more persons might be involved as he was found to be acquainted with her.

    She used to ask the ex-prisoner to spy on her family.

    Police added they needed to question other close relative.




    Even more bizarre.

  10. 6 hours ago, Bredbury Blue said:

    ^More to the point, I don't fancy your chances of progressing past Bayern, do you?


    Our record against them is P10  W3 D2 L5 and we have a much better squad this year.

    So I'd say we have a reasonable chance, and we play away first.



  11. 6 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

    Thailand could easily solve the problem of medical for foreigners who are tourists by tacking on to each ticket a 20Baht charge to go into the medical fund in case a tourist needs medical treatment. the fund then pays for it. In addition, expats or tourists who request extensions at Immigration could have 50 or 100 Baht tacked on to go into a medical fund that would ensure treatment and payment. Travel and regular insurance is nothing more than a scam which drives up prices for everyone. 


    One of the problems is that aging expats tend to need a lot more medical care. In the UK, for example, they will have paid for it by paying their stamp for all of their working lives.

    It's a bit much to ask Thailand to start subsiding their high risk health care when they've put nothing in.


    You should have your own health insurance in Thailand, or the funds to pay for your care, or you shouldn't be there.



  12. 2 hours ago, nev said:

    Not on Bayern or Barca's level but they will give you a run for your money with your keeper and defence.


    Actually they have been a good side in recent years, and this year they are dynamite. They've scored 53 goals in 17 games.

    Not to be sniffed at, especially by a team who just let 4 in against Leicester.

    Of course, Pep (or his replacement) will be spending like crazy in January.



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