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Posts posted by Chicog

  1. BTW I did see one useful innovation today, which is the card with the cycling CVV. Instead of a printed number, the three digits are on a small LCD screen on the card back; change every 30 seconds, and are obviously synced with a server in the bank. The technology comes from Gemalto (and may or may not have come from their acquisition of SafeNet).

    Either way, that significantly reduces the opportunity for Cardholder-Not-Present fraud.



  2. 1 hour ago, bark said:

    Possible he doesn't understand how it works ?

    It is like a debt card ??


    Not only can these systems be hacked (and they already have), but it essentially means that criminals will be able to nab payments from your phones and cards without you ever knowing.

    Hence the growing market for protective sleeves for phones, passports and cards that act as a Faraday cage.


    My UK bank just gave me one of these "contactless" cards. That's staying under wraps for a start.


    I never have NFC enabled on any device.



  3. 46 minutes ago, carmine said:


    NB.  You are going to upset petermik.  And thanks to this piss take he's going to bore the socks off us yet again by whining on about their so called abu's and all that <deleted>, as he does ad nauseam:sad:


    No, I say it because it's exactly what happened to Wenger except the ref sent him up to the stands...



  4. Quote

    A Trump vote is not a vote against liberalism. Its a vote against the status quo

    And yet it seems the only thing that's surviving from his campaign is the Republican-style "tax cuts" and the accompanying trickle-down nonsense. And he's filling his cabinet with billionaires far removed from the working class that elected him.

    So what "Status quo" were they voting against? One of his biggest donors got a cabinet job (Devos), and not a mention of "pay for play" by the idiots that were squealing "pay for play" with every breath a couple of months ago because that's what they were being force-fed on Facebook.

    They voted to get rid of greedy, selfish republican politicians by re-electing greed, selfish republican politicians.

    And people wonder why their sanity/education is questioned?!


    Quite remarkable really. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, Bredbury Blue said:

    Actually when I googled it I saw No Women At Football. Personally I like kids and females at football.


    I'd like to see him suggest that to Maria at Arsenal.

    She'd fill him in.



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  6. 2 hours ago, ourmanflint said:

     And do you know why he claimed that? Because his private polling was telling him he was going to win, and every other single poll in the US establishment was telling him he was going to lose. So if he believed his own very accurate polls, something was up, either with the result or with the polls. As it turned out, it was the polls that were rigged.


    Or simply that polling is fundamentally flawed and people who were going to vote for Trump were too embarrassed to admit it?



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