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Posts posted by Tejas

  1. Sorry for the, perhaps, strange comparisons and question; if you were a single guy, who likes to party once in a while, but not necessarily daily, if you liked a relaxed life-style but in a place that is not too quiet - not working, looking for some fun a la Pattaya: would you rather settle down in Sihanoukville or in Phnom Penh, and why? :)

    Which one of the two is the better alternative to Pattaya?

    That is a tough question..........really.

    In both places you can find "the party."

    SNVL is too quiet to many people.....it is a small beach town.......not a lot to do but enjoy the beach and restaurants......there are some decent bars.

    PP has much more than SNVL...........a mall........Foodland-like places......loads of restaurants and bars.

    Both are growing fast........but if you don't know their past you will not know it (except construction all over).

    I think the cost of living is about the same in both places, but there are more places to stay in PP.

    No condos in SNVL.

    SNVL has potential........let me stress the word potential.........after the airport opens it might become similar to Pattaya 15-20 years ago.

    Now you have to endure six months of rain..........no customers if you are in business..........that might change.

    I wish I could answer you question..........maybe the best thing to do is to just visit both places.

  2. "For sure there will be deals around but if you think we're going to slash the rates of our hotels, I don't think that's going to occur," he said. "We learned long ago that if you take rates down, they're going to take a long time to go up."

    So.. we decided that if numbers were down we'd just put all our prices up.... easy.. :D

    The above said by the CEO of Minor Intl, a group of 5 stars and luxury hotels only [Marriott, Four Seasons, Anantara and few others].

    Time for tourism executives to keep head down and stop being so snobbish...it's going to be difficult to get back a good volume of tourist and everyone expects better rates [i'd be surprised if not!] and if they will not find it in Thailand, then they will go over to Malaysia or Vietnam or Indonesia, just like it has been going on for the last 2 years...loss for Thailand, gain for the others...

    I plan on winning the lottery in the USA (95 million) and buying a private island in Fiji. :)

  3. Are you serious ? That would have huge implications on condo prices for the next 3 to 5 years. Do you have any proof of that ?

    The talk about a casino south of Jomtien has been going on for years...........meanwhile, Macau did it!

    And Sihanoukville already has it, but on a small scale.

    Now casinos are in trouble all over.......global economic downturn.

    Don't bet on a massive increase in property values in Pattaya-Jomtien casinos or not........the place is dead and going downhill fast.

    The future? Sihanoukville (it is set for massive growth)........beach areas in Vietnam (lots of potential)........good spots in South America.

    Thailand is not stable. Investors like stability.

    And nothing is being done to the immigration/visa policies to make foreigners feel welcome.........just the opposite and no doubt it will get worse.

    Right now the govt. is trying to place much of the blame for the recent violence on Cambodians.

    I do not think that is true at all, but it opens the door for more draconian visa rule changes.

  4. It is unlike the Thai to use pr for anything. They are too arrogant and they thing they know everything.

    I hope use a western PR company to help hi, they will run a poll and then propose a method to use. We will see if they do anything sine everything is quite now, and hope it will stay like this for a long time

    These PR firms are just as bad as ambulance chasers.

    This "civil war" was generated because of an "information war" paid for by the perpetrator of these events.

    Many of us know this to be true. Most do not.

    We saw the hate-filled speeches on TV and heard the same on the radio.

    In a very real sense, this is an information war.

    I have said that repeatedly, but it falls on deaf ears on ThaiVisa (perhaps because of a lack of understanding of how culture, ideas, decision-making and behavior come about).

    The govt. , and the perpetrator who lives abroad, both know this is an information war.

  5. You think Greece has a problem,the US leaves Greece standing,reputed to have 100% deficit now that is not belt tightening it's neck tightening with an extra length for that steam pipe above your head,the housing market will never recover to any effect,whole continents are bust,no jobs and what jobs are on offer are poorly paid,pension funds wiped out,whatever you thought your house was worth just try and find the buyer,...and as for those houses around Vegas I do not think I have every seen such unattractive monstrous houses,just endless boxes stacked side by side.

    Yeah, they are pretty sad examples of houses. I drive by them every time I am here visiting my Mom. I think over 2/3rds are empty.

    But don't forget, the great depression was even worse...and things turned around after that. I doubt the whole world will go into a non-recoverable tail spin for eternity....that for sure has never happened....

    Here is an interesting look at the future. Worth a read...but then, I am an optimist!


    The problem, from a historical perspective, is as follows:

    1) population levels are grossly unsustainable and continue to grow (especially in the developing world)

    2) economic globalization has failed

    3) economic centralization has failed

    4) too few quality jobs; too many people competing for them (labor supply problem)

    5) our energy system is archaic (still based on non-renewable fossil fuels)

    6) a global corporate-political-military triangle of power has formed (and they do not want positive change)

    7) the global flow of information is being controlled by the ruling elite (those that stand at the top of the corporate-political-military triangle of power)

    8) the global flow of information is teaching the masses what they need to know to exploit themselves and prevent positive change

    It is the combination of the aforementioned problems that is unique.........it does not bode well for the human species.

  6. A few well-placed grenades thrown in Phuket or Pattaya would devastate tourism here. I'm expecting that to happen soon. Hope I'm wrong.

    I hope the govt. is anticipating this..............it is logical.

    The perpetrator of these events is way ahead of most posters.

    He thinks one or two steps beyond the immediate.

    He has excellent advisors.

    He is fully aware this is an information war.

    I know the govt. is aware of this given what is on TV and in the newspapers.

    Having said that, I think the radical elements are scared, frustrated and and tired.

    They are losing leadership (a very good thing the govt. has done).

    I hope the govt. pulls the plug on the culture of hate that is being spread via TV and radio (there are limits to free speech).

    I have lived here a long time now. I know that Thais keep things bottled inside..........frustration builds and builds and builds, eventually spilling out in some type of violence.

    It seems this runs in cycles: 5 - 10 years.

    I hope that nothing more will happen in the near future...........and Thais will allow the democratic process to work itself out.

    Thais do seem to be trying to get back to some form of normalcy.............at least where I am living.

    That is good news...........for potential tourists, please know that violence is not on every corner............far from it (you should not worry too much about it, especially outside of Bangkok).

    Thailand has been wounded, but Thais will respond in a positive way.

  7. I have just read the whole thread on this, and it seems nobody has mentioned the the PM offered early elections and a five point road map. His deputy also handed himself in to DSI as requested by the red shirts.

    The redshirts could have gone home with a victory and saving face if that is truely what they wanted.

    They did not, they then put up further demands which were unreasonable.

    The government bent over backwards to help the red shirts but the leaders just did not want to know.

    It seems they had a lot more in mind and that was shown when the military HAD to move in to dispan them.

    The red shirts need to be educated in what democracy really means.

    Right............it is almost beyond belief what this government decided to offer them after they (the Reds)did everything in their power to cause violence.

    What the PM gave the Reds was an extraordinary gift and they (Thaksin) refused to accept it.

    Imagine this: An angry mob moves on Washington DC, breaks into government buildings, uses explosive devices and guns, kills people, causes mass transit to stop running, threatens to burn the city down.............etc.,.............and the President of the United States decides to "hold elections early," etc.

    It would never happen in one million years!

  8. Not been to Snooky but there is this lingering vibe that the expats who lives there tend to be 'at the end of the road' so to speak. :)

    Failed in Thailand, gone to Cambodia anyone??!! :D

    What I have found is quite the opposite , rarely catch sight of an ex Thai bum here , in fact it is quite nice to meet people who are willing and with whom you can carry on ,an intelligiable conversation . The expats give the impression they want to do something worthwhile that will also benifit the locals , do not hear the constant tirade of "What's wrong with this country' , as is often the case in Thailand . No , I personally believe after experiencing both sides of the coin , Thailand is the end of the road for far too many expats , even if they had the desire and the accumen , I doubt they have sufficient funds to achieve anything worthwhile in making a fresh start . :D

    It is somewhat funny that some posters cannot fathom that entrepreneurs/expats (with money) might decide Cambodia is a better place to invest/live than Thailand.

    Sure there are "the losers." But there are far more losers in Thailand.

    There are also "winners" in Cambodia. And they are doing fine (or at least as good as can be expected given the global economic downturn).

  9. ..."Thailand is a violent country," he said.

    Talk about stating the obvious. :)


    I would agree with you WM but loads of folks will argue until their last breath that "Thailand is the most peaceful country on earth..." I think what creates this illusion is that by the time most foreigners realize that they are in trouble here (in Thailand) its too late.

    Well.......it is violent at times and in certain places (that much is obvious).

    There are a lot of expats--many ThaiVisa posters--who refuse to see this.

    For years they have gone on and on about how the Philippines and Cambodia are not safe...........and how Thailand is safe.

    Maybe they will acknowledge that they have been wrong.

    Crime has increased dramatically in Thailand over the past ten years.

  10. fyi . the heartland of thailand is bangkok and the central provinces , NOT the north or northeast (issan).

    How do you think BKK would get along if Issan stopped the delivery of food to BKK and all the Issan people working in BKK just packed up and went home? Where do you think the working class comes from? Without them, how would the elite in BKK get by?


    No doubt they would relax the rules about hiring Cambodians..... :)

    Lots of govt. run farms too............ :D

  11. If only the announcers and those making ads would learn to pronounce "Pattaya" correctly. Don't they listen to the Thai locals and realise that they are saying it wrong?

    My pet peeve :)

    I stopped listening to "popular music" in 1983.

    I am still waiting for something good to turn up...........for the past 27 years........nothing but CRAP.

    Having said that, John Mayer is talented (but he is not doing anything that is original).

    Still, Mayer has great potential............

  12. of course he denies it, like everything else he's done. best choice for him would be to not comment on it at all. i think he starts to forget all of the things he said on video.

    He claims no involvement so why should he be listened to? He's not involved so he should butt out of Thailand internal affairs.

    Reality is touching him on the shoulder.

    His attempt to distance himself from recent events illustrates that he is scared.

    If I were in his shoes, I would be scared too. :)

  13. The destruction of property was encouraged by the Red's leadership (that is very clear).

    "Bangkok Burning" is symbolic.......but it will have very real negative impacts:

    1) Thais will lose jobs

    2) Investment dollars will shift away from Thailand (investor confidence has been shaken)

    I wonder if the idiots who encouraged the acts of arson ever thought that such actions would cause powerful people (both Thais and foreign investors) to be upset......people who, in response, will take revenge against the Reds and their leaders/supporters.

    It would not surprise me to read in future newspapers that property owned by the Red's leadership is being torched.

    I am in no way advocating that, but history shows that negative acts tend to result in more negative acts (tit for tat).

    Hopefully the legal system will "take revenge" before the other side does.

    The last thing I want to see in Thailand is a full-scale civil war.

  14. “Loathing, arson, terrorism” etc.! Buzzwords used for centuries by people defending their positions against outsiders. Right or wrong!

    I’m personally convinced that this week in Bangkok Thailand will come down in history as something that changed the direction of the Thai politics and history for ever. Like the Boston tea party or the French revolution!

    To paraphrase W Churchill: This is not the end! This is not even the beginning of the end! This is the beginning!

    A new day is dawning.

    I hope it is a positive beginning. The problem is that if the Reds have their way, it might be the beginning of "Year Zero."

    In thought and behavior, many (not all) Reds remind me of the Khmer Rouge:

    Street executions of innocent people

    Worship of an insane, power-hungry dictator

    Belief that urban elites are the problem

    Desire to destroy everything the urban elites value

    Seeing the "press" as a problem (and going after them)

    Extreme xenophobia

    All of this is way too similar to the thoughts and behaviors of radical elements in the Khmer Rouge.

  15. If the PM does not crush the rebellion he will be criticized. If he does he will be vilified. He is in a no-win situation.

    I'm glad we have such a good man in charge at a time like this. Look at some of the past PMs. Who knows what kind of bonehead will replace him?

    This is an "information war." The perpetrator, living in exile, has money and power to influence the flow of information.

    This "war" has been going on for some time now........people have been indoctrinated to believe in a "myth."

    The perpetrator of these events cares nothing about Thailand or its people..........especially the poor who are supporting him.

    The perpetrator has done everything in his power to cause bloodshed.

    Why? So that he can use his "media machine" to generate:

    1) a myth that make the Reds look good and,

    2) a myth that make the government look evil.

    The govt. must stop the Reds with force. Why? Because the perpetrator has no intention of allowing the process to end peacefully.

    So, it does appear to be a no win situation for the current PM/govt.

    Ultimately, an information war that is materializing will dictate the winner of this conflict.

    To succeed, the govt. must counter the myth generated by the perpetrator.

    In short: This is a problem related to the learning process.

    If the "crazy and destructive ideas" that are floating around out there (ideas that are influencing behavior on the ground) are not countered by the government, the Reds will win.

  16. Unfortunately- the alternatives to thailand in the neighbouring area- cambodia, vietnam, laos- are far far worse than thailand in terms of corruption, double pricing, living standards for expats etc etc.

    That is a myth............"far worse than Thailand in terms of corruption, double pricing, living standards for expats."

  17. For the 100th time. Abhisit offered elections a year early. These morons are only concerned with burning Bangkok to the ground and getting their criminal hero back in power. It's really that simple. I don't understand why some people are calling this some kind people power thing. This is about one guy and his inability to accept defeat.

    If Thaksin comes back and is PM again, that's when I'll truly pray for the people of Thailand.

    Right...........that is what it is about.

    It is amazing how one person can use money to alter the flow of information in such a way as to blind people to reality and get them to engage in a false revolution.

    The Reds are actually supporting the person who has caused them the most harm over the past ten years! Amazing Thailand.

    On another matter: Why can't the military use armored vehicles/tanks/bulldozers and small, mobile "special forces teams" (that understand urban warfare) to clean this mess up rapidly?

    The longer they mess around, the worse this situation will become.

    It is beyond belief that trucks are allowed into the danger zone filled with tires in the back..........what they hel_l are they doing?

  18. Oh my God. That was so scary. And I don't know but the guy filming it is so brave that he filmed the whole scene till the ambulance and managed to bring that to the news.

    I am wondering when does the clash between the two groups stop?

    My guess is that it will stop when the head is removed from the snake :)

    After that there must be more economic development in Thailand's hinterlands.

    It would help if Thailand did not have so many young males with nothing to do.

    There are too many young males (often poorly educate) with no real future ahead of them.

    All too often young males of this type feel frustrated and are easily manipulated by a charismatic figure.

    There are many things that must be done. Among them:

    1) education system must be changed;

    2) development in hinterland must increase dramatically (away from agriculture);

    3) a new political leader who can unite the masses must emerge;

    4) the rule of law must be respected and enforced equally (corruption must be dealt with);

    5) population level must be drastically reduced;

    6) foreigners must be encouraged to invest (especially small scale investors.....related to this, the entire visa system has to be demolished);

    AND, as stated, the head of the snake must be removed from its body.

  19. Back on the question of where else to go, dare I say that this topic has come up because of worsening exchange rates and what people really mean is not where is better but rather where is cheaper ?

    As the OP, I can assure you that the rate of exchange was not the primary reason for starting this thread.

    The topic surfaced because many expats see Thailand as a sinking ship (many holes in the ship, including exchange rates)......even those that can afford to live here.

    Again.....this thread is not about Thailand.

    It is about shedding light on alternatives to Thailand.

    But if all of you want to talk about Thailand..........fine.

  20. So, he supposedly hears a shot and films down below.........and does not film the soldier on the ground in the front of the truck........only the soldier in the back who ends up running away as if nothing bad has happened. :)

    That is possible...........but not likely IMHO. It is also possible that the video has been altered.

    It will be interesting if a video surfaces showing the soldier being shot in cold blood.

  21. For those of you who have seen the footage of the Army truck being stopped by protestors and one of the soldiers being pulled out of the truck... its unclear if he gets shot or knocked unconcious..

    Heres a different angle and shot of that scene.. you dont see the same things but its the same truck


    The army reported only 1 injured soldier on the day this happened, and he was injured at Rajprasong. So my guess is that the soldier in the video is "playing dead".

    And the guys frantically carrying him to an ambulance are also playing along?

    Congratulations, you have achieved perfect isolation from reality, you're living in your own bubble of pro-red spin.

    Interesting that I posted a link to the original video a long time ago and it was ignored on this thread for a very long time.

    It is also interesting that a new video surfaced that does not show the execution or attempted execution.

    In the original, two soldiers are forced from the truck.

    One is taken to the back........you can see from the second video that paramedics help him escape (he finally runs off).

    The other is taken to the front.........in the original you hear a gunshot...........the solider is then taken away (presumably shot and perhaps dead).

    That part is not shown in the second video............and that is the most interesting part of the second video. :)

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