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Posts posted by MAZ3

  1. Escrow is a real enough service, but not in Thailand. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escrow

    As noted this is almost certainly a scam.

    Was it a Thaivisa Classified advert??

    It was a Honda CB500X from Craigslist(I think),was a while ago.

    He said it was already with the escrow/shipping company,and only 4,000k on it. I even offered to drive and pick it up,then more excuses.

    Glad I sussed it[emoji17]

  2. ^^ Click your name in the top-right of ThaiVisa. Select "My Settings", then

    Photo ( Change My Photo )

    Thanks,but my name doesn't appear on the right and when I get to settings,all I can change is password or email.

    I've tried my iPhone and nexus 7,both the same result. No photo option

  3. Yamaha Square in Kanchanaburi had a Red/Black one in stock last week for 62,500B. A better bike than the 135i Spark?and only 4,000B more than the old 135i. I liked the bigger better brakes and tyres(tires[emoji51]),seemed well made.

    I was told it's basically the R15 engine,like the manual rather than the semi-auto box. I'm 6'1'' and over 100Kgs,so need more power to pull me around. But I only brought a 115i Spark in Dec for the Missus,do I need another stepthru or get a proper bike?,that is the question.

    And I've had very good service from them,so I'm inclined towards another Yamaha.

    A naked R3 or a duel sport would be nice,if they make them here?. Or a SR400 at a decent price!

  4. ^ Safety-cut is the brand mostly used in Thailand :)

    Yes I have thanks,but found out the well pump wasn't wired correctly and the RCD wouldn't have protected us. I'm not an electrician,but when round with the one who fixed all the problems(also added extra breakers, sockets and lamps)with his multimeter and checked everything,including tripping the RCD.

    A bit scary to find out how bad it was

  5. Most places I have lived have sockets like this, most 3 pin plugs look like this so I just buy the earth pin adapter as shown. Apologies if the photos are in the wrong order.

    I just brought 5(their entire stock)from HomePro in Kanchanaburi for 79B they was on sale.

    Thanks also to IMHO.

    P S

    Also found out last week,the earth cables weren't connected and no earth rod!!!.

    <deleted> bloody cowboy's, all fixed now,but could have been nasty

  6. A friend of mine had a Ducati(made in Italy)and had a bottom end knocking sound,after lots of complains no luck with the dealer or Ducati. So he stripped it down himself(he's an engineer on FI engines)and the idiots had put the shells on the wrong way round.

    Sorry Sir,you've invalided your warranty. Because they didn't want to fix or admit that mistake and that was in England!.

    All the best of luck here.

  7. @Maz3 and JB300

    If you haven't already read this link http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/pensions/article-2634215/Why-millions-WONT-155-new-state-pension-theyre-expecting.html then I recommend you read the full article.

    I've just read it thanks,I always thought I would only get the basic BSP,currently £113.75. So anything more than that would be a bonus,I had pushed any

    Calculations to the back of my mind.

    But with this new flat rate,things have changed,those goal posts again!.


  8. the single tier pension is available to 'contracted out' people, but you will get a percentage deduction for those years, as you would on the current system.

    see here- https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/210299/single-tier-valuation-contracting-out.pdf

    edit pension forecast forms here - https://www.gov.uk/state-pension-statement

    Thanks Steve,

    Very useful links,need my thinking head on to work it out and ask for a pension quote.

    Regards Maz

  9. MAZ3, on 24 Mar 2015 - 21:05, said:

    I wonder where this rule change will leave me?,paid over 35 years NIC,but 29 were opted out. Only 1% less,but may make a big difference?.

    Not even our Pension Trustees could explain how much less we will get!.

    I've got over 10 years(at the present rate)before I draw the BSP,I'll wait and see if paying extra to top-up any deficit is worth it.

    Maz. at a guess you'll get 6/30 of the old rate state pension because you opted out.

    Where you will be worse off is had you not contracted out, you would get the new flat rate pension, which will jump approx. £40 a week from the old rate, whereas your private pension will have no such increase other than the average interest it accrues.

    If your reading all the posts, you'll see we have established that it is beneficial and viable to pay shortfalls.

    In your case I don't think you will have the option to pay for shortfalls for the years you were contracted out.

    That was a choice made by yourself or the company at that time and you didn't make the same NI contributions as those who didn't contract out.

    You do have the choice to pay class 3 NI for the remaining 10 years, but you really need to know if you will be paid your state pension at the lower rate or the new flat rate in order to calculate what period of time it would take for you to recoup those payments. Your Pension provider should be able to tell you that.

    Bare a thought for those retired expats already in receipt of their state pension, who are probably sickened to the teeth reading this thread, because their pensions are frozen..............they have no options.

    I agree,it's absolutely disgusting that where you chose to retire(and save the NHS etc costs),has any bearing on your increases. Especially based on so called agreements from the 1950's,with a lot the Commonwealth Counties excluded. Everyone should get their pension on their NIC and not pot luck where they live!.

    I will contact my Pension Admin and ask the figures for the clawback and NI people for my NIC figures to work out if(or can I)it's worth topping up my contributions or not.

    My sister did(she had the old low Married Women's NI)and it's literally paid off,after about 2/3 years and now she's in pocket for 5 years and counting.

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