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Posts posted by BB1955

  1. My school of choice has been YMCA. I have been very pleased over the last year. The teachers are good and the classes are fun . No presure to sign up for more classes you learn at your own pace .

    I have heard good things about the classes at Pantip but have not checked it out because I am very happy with YMCA . I also dont have to drain my bank account to pay for my classes .....

  2. Took everyones advice I am there now in there waiting room on there computer very happy with the service . Turns out just a fan and I should be outta here soon . Thanks for the advice. Its nice to go somewhere and know your not being ripped because you are farrang . Nice people here . Hope I dont have to come back but if I do Im sure this is where I will come ... Thanks thats good use of this forum to help each other !!!!!!

  3. I made sure to ask before I left CM immigration last time, that if I provided my statments from my pension office , would I still need the affidavit from the US embassy . She assured me that I would still need it . This was the first time I had ever been asked for proof I had income to match the embassy affidavit .

  4. Can tell you what they were three months ago

    2 copies of each

    copy of wife house hold registry

    copy of lease where we live current as well

    copy of marrage certificate

    copy of marrage being registered in her home province

    2 photos in front of house showing house numbers and us

    map to house

    affiadavit of income from the embassy

    proof of income from state pension

    and the normal form you fill out

    wife came as well

    Only difference from last year was the proof from my pension provider .

    Also copy of wifes id card

  5. I had a great time, 4 hours of walking and playing round the moat, until I got to the farang section round tae pae gate/loi kroh... what a bunch of pis**d up ar**holes! Really, what a contrast....

    Dont feel bad I rode arond the moat yesterday as well got wet got sprayed had ice cold water poured down my back not a problem Im fair game . I didnt mind until I got in front of Amora Hotel . I got hit almost point blank in the eyes with a high presure squirt tube . I looked over and there were two farrangs about 65 standing there in front of a trash bucket filled with water laughing holding there weapons proud . I was on a motor bike thank fully not moving , just plain ignorant . Then got the same thing again in front of the bars up the road one farrang being stupid . Again Im fair game if Im out I rather enjoy it...... but I do value my eyes . I stayed home today

  6. Thanks and no I would not risk my standings or even one day of my freedom . Thats why I am asking ...... It is a private school that does charge the students , my contention now is if they can't get me some type of work permit to volunteer my time. I will pass on it . Too much to risk . I have heard of people being fined as much as 40,000 baht for just jamming with other musicians in a local bar here so No I believe I will pass . Though in my eyes harmless, one phone call by a jelous farrang or school and I could be in a big jam it appears

  7. I was asked a few days ago to come to a school near my home and help with the childrens pronunciation . Its a group of thai teachers that tutor kids in english . No money envolved on my part . I said no, that I could not because it might be considered working and I would not want to get crossways with immmigration . Can someone give me some advice I would really enjoy doing it . Can you get anything from immigration that will allow you to volunteer your time ???

  8. I have seen it before and was not the hard drive it was the motherboard . Check you model number and see if there was a recall for that particular problem ... Just google your model number and add the word problems . Most likley you will find the same has happened to other ...

  9. Never except a cerified bank check as being good even if your bank say it is . The banks are regulated to make the funds available to you in 5 days . Sometimes it will take as much as 14 to 21 days for the check itself to hit the bank . Thats when they determine its a fake . Hence your item you sold is gone and the bank hits you up for the bad check . Have seen this happen in the USA many times. Just becasue your bank releases the money does not mean the checks good ..... As far as sending any money to anyone Western Union or Money Gram once they pick it up its gone ......

  10. In Chiang Mai has anyone had any experience or have any knowlege about getting a home financed in part by a bank here in Chiang Mai . I have been told that my wife who is Thai could possibly get a mortgage based on my income if I was under 60 years of age . We have not called any of the banks as of yet to see if this is indeed true . Just wondering if anyone else has had any issues in this area .

    Yes I know easier to rent which I am doing now but in the long terms of things would be nice for her to have something to show for what we are shelling out each month .

    Any advice or sugestions ????

  11. Well so much for no names resturants , I have one which I will do my best to explain the location. Its right on the Ping River and is very small . Its is on the left if you are traveling the road the follows the river from the city . On the same side of the river the moat is on. Just prior to reaching the road that runs east and west from Central airport plaza . The road forks left and right . Just as it forks it is on the left side of the road. There is a bar on the left and the resturant is on the right . We have been there several times and the food is outstanding and the prices are fair for what you get . When ever we have guests thats where we take them .

  12. Bangkok bank according to the lady I talked to will not write you a letter stating the monthly deposits . Atleast mine would not . Only a letter stating the amount I had in the bank . If you are using monthly income as much as its dreaded pay the $50.00 . You will need more than the letter. They asked for and I was lucky I had a letter from my pension office stating the amount i recieved monthly . First time the ever asked for it . The will no longer except just the embassy letter as of just last month when I went . Last year they did . Good luck , they were very nice about everything and i was in and out in no time .

  13. I probably went by the same place after you did . The wrecked car was gone by them . The trucks and other cars parked along the road were there for the what I guessed would be the opening of the two power stations at that location . They had a tent and chairs set up when I went by about 9 am .... I too have seen some bad crashes on canal road usually in the fast lane and usually motor bike vrs car or truck . Moto is stay left go slow and pray alot ....Oh yea and always wear a helmet ....

  14. The Chiangmai Grandview buffet lunch 142 baht. Soup, salads, western food, Japanese food and Thai with a range of desserts. As much as you need to fill you up :blink:

    Have to agree I ate there it was good and plenty to eat ...

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