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Posts posted by BB1955

  1. There is really no big deal here . They are doing what they are suposed to do . I was nt dressed like a bum and I had a back up folder with all the documents I needed . There is nothing wrong with a spot check here and there to make sure people are telling the truth . I have nothing but compassion for the people working in the immigration office here , its a mad house most of the time and they do a good job of getting you in and out in a reasonable time . I had no appointment I showed up at 10:30 got a number and was called before I had time to drink a cup of coffee and was out in 20 minutes . I was expecting it to be an all day ordeal ..

    For those of us who brought our wives to the USA , this sure beats the 8 or 9 trips I made to US immigration and the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ I paid the US government .. So I think we should be thankful to the people of Thailand for sharing thier country with us. We are still guests no matter how much money we have or spend ....

  2. So, what kind of doccumentation would I need from the US Social Security administration?? Can I get a statement directly from the SSA and avoid going into the con$ulate??

    From what I was told the affidavit is still needed for them to ACCEPT what you present .... When I go back I m going to ask again . I will say the officer I had this time was not the same one I got last year . I really can't blame them for wanting more proof as an affidavit is so easy to obtain from the consulate . What kills me is the $50.00 I dont know how they can justify charging that much.

  3. Well today I went to extend my visa . I brought all the same documents I brought last year . My affidavit I got today from the US consulate which stated my monthly income which I also brought along . This year they wanted more . I needed a letter from my retirement fund as well showing I did in fact have the income I was claiming on the affidavit . I had my bank book showing my transfers but this would not suffice. I was fortunate enough to have a letter with what they wanted . So looks like the old days of just getting a affidavit from the US consulate and them excepting it are over . I asked next year I can just bring the letter and not get the affidavit from my embassy and was told I would need that as well . The officer was very nice I will say and very helpful we had one other issue with our home lease and she helped us take care of that . It was a mad house but I was in and out in less than 1.5 hours ......

  4. Has anyone had any luck getting a nikon digital camera repaired here in Chiang mai . Any advice on where to take it have two both need repairs . Rather fix than buy another new one .....

    Sorry put this in the wrong forum.........

  5. I used the office on 108 between the post office and the Hang Dong market on the left headed towards Chiang mai . Had one tooth pulled did a good job and was very in expensive. She even called the next day to check on me . They are a husband and wife team seem to do very well //

  6. Still on the job after 30 years.

    Retiring in 145 days (2/20/2011), and more than likely I will end up in Chiangmai shortly after.

    I started the count down at 4 years had down to the minute ! Stay safe and enjoy !

  7. you retired from the job,you live in thailand now.surely you don,t want to go back that life after moving here

    Not much chance of going back unless its in another country and the $$$$$$$$$ is too good to turn away. But most will tell you once a cop always a cop. Coming here was my best way to get away from it ...........But you never completley walk away .... Thats why they pay us such big salaries . NOT ...

  8. I have ate there several times over the last few months and always found the food to be very good . Can't complain about the service either . Its the closest thing to pizza I have found here in Chiang Mai . Im sorry they have moved now it further for me to drive for my once a month splurge .......

  9. I think it all depends one where in Chiang Mai you live . For me I feel safe or I would not live where I live. If I lived inside the Moat or closer inside the city I would not feel quite as safe as I do . Most home intrudered do not want a confrontation they want your stuff and out as fast as possible . They will look at a house that will conceal there point of entry and exit . Most often will ring the door bell first to see if someone is home . So best to set your bell so it can not be heard from the outside of the house . Also leaving a radio playing loud enough so they hear it will also make them think someones home . What I use to do back in the US is leave the sound system on loud enough so it could be heard in the driveway my house was isolated so neighbors could not see it or hear the sounds. Another trick is to put a note on your door day sleeper do not disturb . having been a cop for many years and interviewing many home intruders this was the best advice short of a man eating dog growling at the door that wont eat anything but what its master feeds it . Truth of the matter is if they want in bad enough there coming in anyway . Not sure how it is here but in the US it was rare to have a home entered after 4 pm .

    When we first moved here my Thai wife wanted everything chained down bolted in and hidden needless to say she is from BKK ... Oh then there was the baseball bat by the bed ...... Not .....

  10. I ride my bike everyday in Chiang Mai usually up into and around the moat area. Never had a problem . Im sure there is always a first time but so far its all been very enjoyable ... Even rides into the country side never seem anything but smiles .... I ll keep riding !!!! As far as riding a scooter same thing just have to watch out for everything around you . I see tourists riding rented scooters everyday and wonder if they ever make it back home . Its a challenge to drive here for sure ......... I just keep telling myself Im retired now and not in any big hurry to get anywhere .........

  11. And you have to take the bike to the Nonh Hoi office.

    I will go to the office on Hang Dong road ? Do I have to take the bike and the car as well to get checked . Also does anyone know where the Highway Police is near Big C on super highway thats where everyone says I need t pay the ticket . When I called the Tourist Police and explained what I was looking for theey told me to go to bus station and buy a bus ticket to Pia . I almost dropped ........ Repeated myself very slowly and got the same answer! Was too funny .....

  12. Unknown to myself and my wife our vehicle registration expired last month .... We bought the car less than a year ago and did the transfer thought we had a year . Oh well BIB now have my drivers lic and I have a white piece of paper hahahahah.

    Question is the car and motor bike are in my wifes name what do we need to bring to the Motor office to renew ???? Also the BIB said I could pick up my lic somewhere near Big C on Hang Dong Rd . Anyone know where . Im sure Im not the first nor the last to have this happen ....

    Wife and passengers told me 200 baht would have got me home with my licence .... I d rather pay the $400. I will say the officer was very polite and doing his job . No hassle at all just a smile and a ticket !!!!! This makes two both times I was wrong so no hard feelings at all ...Just want to be legal and licence back ....

  13. I had a night mare of a stay at a hotel I booked with Agoda . I pretty much told all in my review as well. I checked a few hours later there it was just as I had wrote it . But I made sure what I wrote was correct and true . Its still there as of a few minutes ago .

  14. I had the misfortune to take the advice of one of the contributors to this site and went to the Grand View for their buffet. What a mistake. All Thai, despite advice that there was Westren food. That's OK I like Thai. But not this time. After sampling a few of dishes, and leaving them, I had a boiled egg, some lettuce and tomato. They were OK. Hot dishes were tepid, cold dishes were limp warm. I was the lucky one. My friend spent some considerable time in the bathroom which he blames on their curry. Save your money and eat elsewhere, anywhere else.

    Wow I was going to eat there for lunch yesterday plans got changed ,,, I guess I am the lucky one I wont be trying that place now .....

  15. Well I made several trip back home with the Mrs. I was miserable hot mosquitos that have no fear . I spent most of my day in a hamock far enough away that I could not hear the chatter and smoked until my lungs were blue . Oh I never go use to sleeping on the floor either . I can just say it was like being in a concentration camp for a week . Now that we live here she goes back every three months for a week , I stay behind in my nice soft bed , even gave up smoking. After she is there for a couple days I get a call about every 5 hours telling me how bored she is and wants to come home , but must stay with Maa a few more days . I laugh and say now you know almost what I felt like over the years ...

    Takes more of a man than I am to live like that and be content sorry .

    Hope what ever yu choose to do works out well for you ........

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