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Posts posted by SomTumTiger

  1. And since from DAY ONE of the demonstrations the obvious intent was to make the army move aggressively, and cause casualties as propaganda tools. Little doubt ringers were ordered to increase casualties to suitable numbers, and make it look army.

    Still cannot get a True Believer Red on TV to agree, disagree or even comment on this assumption. Hard to wipe it off once you touch it, I guess. Still waiting.

  2. And since from DAY ONE of the demonstrations the obvious intent was to make the army move aggressively, and cause casualties as propaganda tools. Little doubt ringers were ordered to increase casualties to suitable numbers, and make it look army.

    I'd love to hear GK, or any of the other Thaksin lovers address this issue - and their belief in or rejection of it. They never have addressed it. I wonder why? It doesn't further their agenda, perhaps.

    Still waiting.

    Your still waiting for an answer to an assumption from another poster?

    Whatever happened to the 80 odd bank accounts which were ‘frozen’ under suspicion of financing the red shirts?

    Dodging the issue, won't even comment on its validity or lack thereof - sign of a true believer, kool aid and all.

  3. And since from DAY ONE of the demonstrations the obvious intent was to make the army move aggressively, and cause casualties as propaganda tools. Little doubt ringers were ordered to increase casualties to suitable numbers, and make it look army.

    I'd love to hear GK, or any of the other Thaksin lovers address this issue - and their belief in or rejection of it. They never have addressed it. I wonder why? It doesn't further their agenda, perhaps.

    Still waiting.

  4. And since from DAY ONE of the demonstrations the obvious intent was to make the army move aggressively, and cause casualties as propaganda tools. Little doubt ringers were ordered to increase casualties to suitable numbers, and make it look army.

    I'd love to hear GK, or any of the other Thaksin lovers address this issue - and their belief in or rejection of it. They never have addressed it. I wonder why? It doesn't further their agenda, perhaps.

  5. You are defending her with your non-issue comment, just as you were defending her government for issuing of passport to convicted on-the-run criminal, with "oh it doesn't matter, what difference does it make, just a non-issue".

    Why not be honest about how you feel and about what you are saying? It's not like it's not blindingly obvious anyway.

    I am being honest about what I am saying and about what I am feeling, as you put it.

    That it doesn't agree with your opinion of what I am saying and what I am feeling is not something I have control over. Sorry 'bout that.

    I don't have any problem with your opinion being different from mine, i have a problem with disingenuousness that i feel exists when a person who claims no particular party/person affiliation, then takes the view that issuing passports to convicted criminals that have fled the country and are on the run, is a non-issue that makes no difference and doesn't bear commenting on, or that Prime Ministers who apologise to the people of the south for not being able to visit them in the wake of a disaster because of important commitments in attending the budget debate, only for that reason to be proven a lie, is a non story.

    I'm sorry, but that is not the view of a non-partisan, fair-minded and logical thinking individual. A non-partisan, fair-minded and logical thinking individual, would not hesitate to condemn such action as being quite wrong. You on the other hand, attempt to brush it off and dismiss it as unimportant. You then attempt to suggest that not condemning it, doesn't mean you are defending it. That is also ridiculous and, in my opinion, dis-ingenuous.

    I notice that geriatickid clicked the like button on your post. Says a lot if you are pleasing him. But one thing i will say about him, is at least he doesn't try to hide behind the "i'll defend these people to the hill, but that doesn't mean i support them" cop out nonsense.

    Doesn't get much more well-reasoned that that.

  6. One of the few people who might have done some good for this country and due to a political system that allows completely uneducated people to vote and to sell that vote to the highest bidding or most threatening political team , a chance for this Nation to step forward is lost . Instead it looks to a future of lies and deceipt so criminals can avoid punishment .

    Please list and highlight some of these great achievements. Some of the events that come to mind are ministers that distinguished themselves with accusations of corruption and payoffs, without any ramifications. Mr. Abhisit made claims of honesty and integrity, yet he did not address the ministers that faced the allegations of serious corruption. Mr. Abhisit now sits in caucus with an alleged murderer that is accused of having planned and carried out a brutal killing. Mr,. Abhisit has the power to ask the accused murderer to excuse himself from caucus until such time as the serious allegation is cleared. Unfortunately, Mr. Abhisit has not exercised such moral courage nor taken such an ethical stand. So yes, please go on and list his accomplishments.

    What is funny is that GK refuses to believe that his chosen side carries any weight of responsibility for these actions and events - whatsoever. For me - punish those who broke the law. Whoever they may be. Im not afraid to find out who ordered who to do what. I have a feeling that the army orders to fire were felt justifiable considering they were being fired upon. They gave a lot of warning prior to their operations.

    Who ordered the "Black shirts" to mingle with the red old ladies, armed with assault rifles and RPG rounds - who did that GK? I'll wait for your answer..of course, that answer hasn't been forthcoming for over a year. I'm guessing now will be more of the same.

  7. IMO a nice little non-issue from a non-news source.

    The Nation must be having a slow day if this is all they can muster.

    Appreciate the envious Farang Feeding Frenzy, though. Good for traffic. cool.png

    And a nice non-interesting post from a non-partisan Thaksin kool aid drinker

    Sweet... and that from a troll-poster promoting a murder in his/her signature.

    Accidents happen every day - indeed - one of the witnesses for a key long going Shin Corp corruption case accidentally ended up floating in a lake with three bullets to the brainpan in 2006 - I'm sure your heroes the Shinwatras had nothing to do that with though jap.gif Those accidents, they are a tragedy.

  8. Honestly, I don't mind having her in office, nor PTP. They won the election, fair and square. But for petes sake, anyone with half a wit of sense knows why she is in office, and who she is really representing. I don't' mind, because the Thai people like it that way. If they change their mind, it will change, etc.

    But for anyone to argue that Yingluck is anything more than just a pretty face, you are frankly deluded.

  9. In case anyone is interested, the PM had meetings/discussions in respect to key foreign investors during her absence from the house. Also there was a national security issue of pressing importance. I shall put it diplomatically, her presence was required. In terms of cost benefit, sitting in the house listening to members drone on about items not related to the budget vs. keeping some important investors onside and addressing national security was considered more important. She's a big girl and such criticism comes with the turf. She will not lose any sleep over the matterr, but the investors group are grateful as are the thousands of Thais that will still have jobs.

    As you are all very higly situated in Thai society with your important positions and hiso wives/concubines, please check with your sources.

    Obviously, GK is an inside man in the Yingluck administration. He gets all his BS and spin straight from the horse's mouth.

    • Like 1
  10. yingluck... tut tut tut

    This is not a Yingluck problem.

    This is a problem that has existed in Thai culture forever.

    No Government has seriously tackled the issue starting with real license tests, real police, real fines and real punishment.

    Until they get serious, every New Year we will lament the sorry loss of life and injury.

    She's the boss - it is her problem. Or her brother's . But he doesn't give a crap.

  11. What a load of baloney. She says and I


    ""Language classes must focus on content relevant to learners' daily lives. The content must be practical," she said."

    Wake up people you don't need English to plant rice or work on a assembly line.

    If people choose to go into a career that requires English make it available for them. No need to teach the cook in a Thai diner how to speak English.

    This is just like Canada where they push French on to students who only need it when they go into a grocery store where the labels are turned so the french side is showing.

    What she is really pushing for is to teach kids how to play games on their tablets in English.:(

    Yes, but if they knew English, perhaps it would affect their world view, and expand their horizons. Then they would have options besides being a "cook in a Thai diner". rolleyes.gif

  12. Hoping for a bit of clarification. Another paper says that we was convicted on the charge of assault. It would be amazing that the maximum penalty for such a conviction is only 30 days in jail, but I suppose anything is possible in Amazing Thailand. Is the penal code really that light on assault?

    It also pointed out that in court the convict refused to apologize for the attack and furthermore he stated that his actions were intentional.

    While it appears that this is his first actual conviction, given his checkered past, as highlighted earlier, it seems incredulous that this person will remain as a Member of Parliament.

    I also guess nothing developed further from his earlier troubles justifying the degree he received from a diploma mill in the Philippines.

    He's a Thaksin bag man. Nothing really incredible about it. Takki Shinegra needs men of honor like this, to defend himself against the people trying to steal his lawfully earned money. :)

    Always loved LawnGnome - that guy had style....whistling.gif

  13. 1. I suggest you give some sober thought to the Deputy PM's statement. These alleged police officers are alleged to have been acting on behalf of the government of the time. I do not think the term is "tomato". Rather, it is mercenary.The alleged assassins were able to operate with impunity during the administration of the former Democrat government. The apparent promotion of a sub lt. to the rank of general, most likely does not sit well with some careerpolice officers, nor does it sit will with the cadre of professional military officers that were tainted by the actions of these assassins. I also suggest that you reflect on the chaotic state of the former government when it was confronted with the mass public disorder. The police and then the regular army corps had initially refused to take violently on the protestors. Restraint was shown and to a large measure, the government was descending into a state of panic. This is why the Queens Guard units were deployed and regular military units removed from the front lines.There was significant division within the ranks and officer corps as to how to respond,

    2. What's your point? The principal organizer apparently has Parkinsons. It is not unusual for people to contract fatal illnesses.

    3. That's your claim. The Deputy PM is commenting on this specific case. I don't think that this secret was kept secret for very long and most of the key players knew who was involved and who did what. I wouldn't be surprised if the former PM wasn't aware of the identity of the killers.

    4. The Deputy PM has demonstrated caution and prudence with his statements. There is a reason why he is making these statements now. This group is alleged to be continuing its acts of sabotage and terror. It has to be stpped. Thankfully, there is someone in government with the strength and courage to speak out. You can't wait for the Deputy PM to become PM? OK. I don't think he has plans for that, but should the need arise, he would certainly be as capable as former PM Abhisit or the members of the army junta that had previously ruled Thailand.

    Did you just claim Chalerm was both cautious and prudent ? blink.gif Lost the plot. Don't have to be a red or yellow, tomato, watermelon or mango, to know that Chalerm is a mafia thug, no less no more.

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