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Posts posted by SomTumTiger

  1. The ruling in '62 was clear, only Thailands nationalist elements, when faced with losing the decision in implementation, have demanded creating some miraculous avenue to pin some somewhat forlorn hopes to, that their predecessors didn't irretrievably drop the ball, and lose the land rights completely back then.

    I believe they did lose, and it's taken then over 50 years to even start acknowledging this fact. It didn't really mean anything to 99% of Thais past the historian level, until the world was shown Cambodia actually planing to do something with the temple. Suddenly the nationalists took the bit in their teeth. Since this multi-cultural nation is primarily held together by uber-nationalism as the sole bonding mechanism, this must rankle fundamentally with less logical minds..

    Likely, they actually have lost completely. Some most certainly have NOT believed it is a done deal. So we see the spectacle of the NEW Pm trying to calm the nationalists in the hopes that don't tack her to the wall as they did Abhisit. Hang on to your support hose dahlink it will be a bumpy ride.

    Of course as Soundman notes the reality is a done deal, likely tied to much great real world financial interests for the principals involved. How to sell this oil for land for face deal to the nationalist wingnuts and general public is another thing entirely.

    Strange how the PAD yellow shirts that helped pave the way for the democrat party to form a government have now become "nationalist wingnuts". "Useful Idiots" anyone?

    No thanks, the ruling government has plenty of those already, as does TV.

  2. How dare someone make a deal and not give PTP their cuts!!!!


    Standard anti government response - if it involves the PTP it must involve kick backs or corruption, never mind providing any proof of said corruption, just knee jerk response. Followed by the cheerleaders endorsements of same.

    So I'll ask, please provide any proof of your accusation above. Could it be, difficult for your mind to assimilate I know, just maybe, that there is something curious about the rush to push this deal through that makes it worth investigating?

    Standard pro government response - if it involves the Democrats it must involve kick backs or corruption, never mind providing any proof of said corruption, just knee jerk response. Followed by the cheerleaders endorsements of same.

    So I'll ask you, please provide any proof of your comments above. Could it be, difficult for your mind to assimilate I know, just maybe, that there is something curious about the rush to investigate this deal that makes it worth investigating?

    Lol - you are just as "knee jerk" as the next guy. Pot, kettle, etc.

  3. Taras Bulba


    This special concert features the world premier of a work by Mahidol College of Music Composer James Ogburn, titled “A Picture in Einstein’s Hand. Cello Soloist Tomas Strasil makes his return to Salaya to perform the Elgar Cello Concerto, and Maestro Gudni Emilsson leads TPO in a performance Janacek’s powerful and evocative rhapsody – Taras Bulba.


    • 4 May 2012 / 7.00 p.m. / MACM
    • 5 May 2012 / 4.00 p.m. / MACM


    Gudni A. Emilsson


    Tomas Strasil, Cello


    • Thai Traditional Music
    • James J. Ogburn: A Picture in Einstein ́s Hand (World Premiere)
    • Edward Elgar: Cello Concerto in E minor op.85
    • Leos Janacek: Taras Bulba

    For ticket info go here - http://www.thailandphil.com/

    For shuttle info go here - http://www.music.mahidol.ac.th/salayalink/

  4. The Thai government can do little to stop Vietnam and India from doing what you allege they are doing, what they can do within their country is exactly the opposite of one would do if one wants to increase their exports. You know, artificially doubling the price of rice, a point that you seem very intent in ignoring, unsurprisingly.

    Please explain how the price of rice in Thailand's domestic market is related to the price of rice in the export market. You are claiming that if the cost to the consumer of rice in Thailand was lower, Thai exports of rice would be higher. In this case, the price in the two markets are not related. Are you aware of how key commodities are priced?

    GK - its nice to know that in your world, your government never does anything that you disapprove of. How can I sign up for that kind of government too?

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