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Posts posted by SomTumTiger

  1. Rather than discuss Mr. Amsterdam, how about some attention be given to his statement. Do people agree or disagree with this;

    The Yingluck administration is not fully in charge of this country. We all know it. We all know the Army has a veto over what happens here. Let's not pretend. And therefore I understand that were this government to [sack General Prayuth], it would be removed militarily without hesitation," he said. Nevertheless he wished Prayuth could be removed

    I agree with him. The military is still calling the plays and that is why there cannot be any progress on key issues such as corruption.

    I agree with that statement.

  2. I find it rather odd that the Thai govt have no issue in excepting this good will offering of building a new school from the USA,but refused their help during the worst flooding for fifty years.

    No they didn't - the US military was quite active in helping during the floods - but don't let the facts get in the way of a good rant lol

    The facts were there for all to see,the USS George Washington and several other naval ships were en route to help but received mixed messages from the govt,so returned to planned duties elsewhere.

    For humanitarian work, the United States often deploys warships, including aircraft carriers, which can operate fleets of helicopters and ferry in emergency medical teams and supplies.

    Instead a group of ten marines were sent to assess,and also assist with sand bags.

    I think it's great that they are building this new school and am by no means trying to find fault,I merely stated that from press reports of the time the amount of help the Thai govt sought from the USA was minimal.

    I see you stopped reading after that report - further reports went on to list many US military contributions - including helicoter surveys and flood management expert assessments - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-15503346



    Oh and read this one - http://www.thedailybeast.com/cheats/2011/10/29/u-s-military-to-survey-thailand-floods.html

    They did ask for help, after first saying there were ok. Frankly - the Thai Military were quite up to the task during the floods - they rescued thousands, provided transport, food, and shelter for tens of thousands, and generally accounted very well of themselves.

    Reading is fun! You can learn stuff!

  3. Gustav Mahler’s last complete symphony will receive its first performance by TPO as principal guest conductor Claude Villaret returns to conduct this mighty work. Also performing is guest Thai pianist Gun Chaikittiwatana, performing Chopin’s Piano Concerto No. 1.


    • 3 February 2012 / 7.00 p.m. / MACM
    • 4 February 2012 / 4.00 p.m. / MACM

    Conductor - Claude Villaret

    Soloist - Gun Chaikittiwatana, Piano


    • Thai Traditional Music
    • Frederic Chopin: Piano Concerto No.1 in E minor op.11
    • Gustav Mahler: Symphony No.9 in D major

    For more information - go to - www.thailandphil.com

    Shuttle Service from BTS Wong Wian Yai Station is available - http://www.music.mah....th/salayalink/

    Hope to see many of you there!


  4. her english is bad, is that the joke?

    I find it odd that expats who are not fluent in Thai would criticize the PM for her English language skills.

    She has not relocated to a foreign country and refused to learn the native language has she?

    How could she be expected to learn English? She went to Eastern Kentucky University - they don't speak English in Kentucky - they speak Su'thern. Youall wa sum friiiiied with that?

  5. Will the US grant a person on their black list to enter the nation if TAVEESIN is required to travel there for anything regarding cabinet work?

    She is not on a black list for travel. All that is required is as follows; . As a result of Treasury's action, any assets of the individuals and entities designated today that are within U.S. jurisdiction must be frozen. Additionally, U.S. persons are prohibited from conducting financial or commercial transactions with these individuals or entities.

    So, she's a scumbag who is associated with scumbags, but is free to travel. Congrats GK! Your party sure knows how to pick winners!

  6. Hi All,

    I play in the TPO, and if you like live orchestra music, we are the best in town, by far. I wanted to start promoting our concerts, because the music is really quite good, and needs to be experienced. Its also the best value for the money - only 500 baht for a ticket.

    This weeks concert features a "Brilliant!" violin soloist - Ms. Alina Pogostkina. (Yes she is beautiful too!) She is performing Stravinsky's Violin Concerto in D Major in a 300 year old Stradavarius, who's sound is like aural butter! Second half of the concert features Antonin Dvorak's Slovanic Dances - a popular favorite.

    For more information go here - http://www.thailandphil.com/slavonic-dances/

    We have a shuttle bus that runs from BTS Wong Wian Yai station to Salaya - Mahidol Campus, as well. - times are listed here - www.music.mahidol.ac.th/salayalink

    Hope you can attend! Next concerts will be February 3 & 4 - Mahler's Ninth!



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  7. There is one country that is missing from the intelligence services mentioned. Our friendly men in flip flops. This region is under the watchful eye of Australia (and New Zealand). The 5 Eyes see all, and I would expect that the Echelon structure was busy intercepting all manner of communications from phone calls, to faxes, to data transmissions.

    Basically, if a known terrorist sends an email from Bangkok to a buddy in Islamabad indicating that he's had a good bowel movement, chances are the Signals group will pick it up and the info will be shared between the 5 Eyes (USA, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand).

    Im glad they do! Wish they could do more in the deep south, to keep teachers from being blown up - Thai military can't do anything apparently.

  8. The public does not have a say about any PM. The public grants the power to make that decision to the MPs that they vote for. Of course we can analyse election results and speculate about who the public favoured to be PM from those results, but it does not change the fact that it is not the role, nor the responsibility, of the public to appoint who will be PM.

    I understand what you are trying to say and possibly it might be useful for those unfamiliar with the parliamentary system of government to understand that the public does not formally vote for a Prime Minister. (I am assuming however that the message sunk in months ago after the endless, and increasingly shrill, posts to this effect)

    But in your eagerness to legitimise Abhisit's tenure you actually distort and mislead.Let me explain.Nobody with an understanding of the constitutional aspects disputes that Abhisit was a fully legal Prime Minister even though his tenure was planned in the barracks and sealed with old time money politics bribing the minority parties.Nevertheless in all parliamentary systems it is necessary for the Prime Minister to face the public for endorsement and that unless this happens there is a real question of legitimacy.If a Prime Minister is elected by his party without endorsement in the country at large nobody is suggesting he must immediately hold a general election, but his credibility shrinks or disappears if he does not do this in a reasonable space of time.

    It would have happened sooner, if only your idiot red shirt brothers hadn't decided to burn down the capital, instead of taking the deal that was offered on NATIONAL TV.

  9. If true, the removal of Finance Minister Thirachai Phuvanatnaranubala is a mistake. I see that the Nation finally acknowledged that the gentleman was a fiscal conservative and favoured discipline in the market. This is precisely why I supported the man. I recall many people in TVF ripping into him and criticizing him without even knowing what his policies were. He was probably one of the few people acting as a counter weight to possibly reckless financial policies. Of course Mr. Abhisit is happy to see him go and replaced with someone more along the lines of the loosey goosey former finance minister Korn. Thailand doesn't need more investment manager types in the position of finance minister. It needs a disciplined austere accountant type. Mr. Korn wasn't the right man for the ministry when the markets were in melt down mode and Kittirat Na Ranong is not the right man for the job either. This man is basically another Korn. He has a background in the investment markets and he's an MBA.

    These MBAs that worked in the stock market and the investment firms are the people that created the financial market mess with their funny money schemes and asset swaps. It's like going to a chiropractor when what is needed is an orthopedist or neurologist.

    I anticipate that the international markets will not embrace this change. Thailand should have looked to the stable economies of Sweden, Canada or the Nederlands to see what type of finance minister was best suited for the current conditions. What is not needed now are investment manager types. Bad, bad mistake not to keep the soon to be former finance minister.

    Mr. Abhisit didn't like the soon to be former finance minister because he was a no nonsense guy and reversed some of the former minister Korn's policy decisions. , and it seems that the PM Yingluck doesn't like him either because he is not aftraid of saying no and most likely gave an ultimatum. The new finance minister will probably reimplement the Korn policies because he thinks the same way. Mark my words, any screwing around on the debt will eventually mess up Thailand's credit rating.This country has a real problem with prudent fiscal policy and of working towards a goal. It's like a kid that wants it now, this very instant.

    If you wanted prudent fiscal policy, you have backed the wrong party lol. The "Kings" of "One Family, One Cow" and "Free Rubber (Trees) for All" are not about to sacrifice those stupid programs (and their resulting 30% corruption tax) to be fiscally solvent.

    Personally, I think Korn's stimulus package kept Thailand out of a much deeper recession than they experienced, and he did keep spending within prescribed limits. I didn't see him trying to sidestep a 1 trillion baht debt obligation - that was these guys presently.

    • Like 1
  10. I notice a lot of the posters and 'likers' on other threads who were saying the warning was a 'crock of sh*#' are quiet on this thread.

    Very valid point. thumbsup.gif

    Quite right. We are indeed fortunate for the US presence, not that some people will ever be able to express thanks. Thank you US State Department and US National Security.

    Im happy to thank them as well. If they hadn't shamed the Thaksin government into acting - we might have ended up with a huge death toll.

  11. KS Road isn't just popular with Israelis and Americans. It attracts young kids from all over the world. Somehow, I don't see how targeting young adults who are most likely to hold sympathetic views on the issues that Hezbollah supports, would help Hezbollah.

    Although, the Israeli perspective is to emphasize their exposure, the past history is that Hezbollah has murdered more US and French nationals than Israelis. Hezbollah has also kidnapped more non Israeli than Israeli nationals. The successful airline hijackings were against Kuwaiti and TWA airliners.

    But your government says there is nothing to worry about! There is no plot....oh wait...there was a plot, but its over....oh wait......there was a plot but no bomb found.....oh wait....bomb mats found, but still nothing to worry about....what comes next? Hopefully not *boom*.

    If its more dumb ass Thaksin lackeys making noise - ill be grateful, means the US/Isreali warning had its desired affect on the madmen.

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