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Posts posted by sometime

  1. Naam,

    It would be overkill for me to have automatic dosing system.

    Do you have any experience with the Aquachek stuff that George mentioned, or any other way to simply but fairly accurately measure and control pH and Cl?

    A salt water chlorinator is an option, but also not without hazzles...

    Edit for typo (misspelled Goerge's name. Doh! Did it again!)

    A salt water chlorinator is an option, but also not without hazzles...What hazzles

  2. last night while updating general stuff to my mac i also downloaded an adobe update for PS 9 to 9.2

    that had been appearing on my screen for the past few days

    today while trying to use photoshop i can no longer SAVE anything as i am told i do not have legitimate access

    This is true as all my software is bought in BKK but i,ve never had any problems before [for years] i feel as if i was

    lured into a trap anybody have similar experience? also do you think if i install another pirated CS3 into the

    same computer they will now be able to detect it?

    have you tried doing a system restore to a date before your update.

  3. I had a new 10 x 5m pool built at my house in Rayong by a company in Pattaya and i have had nothing but problems since it was finished. it has been out of action more then in since it was finished and now it had developed a leak and i cannot get the company to come and fix it. it has been out of action for 5 weeks and i was promised they would be here the week before last. When they didn't turn up we contacted the owner and he made some story about the guy who was responsible having to return to his village for a sick relative but promised without fail they would start today (7th). They didn't arrive and there phones are switched off. I know what i would like to do but i don't won't to be deported as i love Thailand but as i have a twelve month GUARENTEE is there anything legal i can do and is there anyone out there who can help me???

    If you are unhappy with the pool company name them, so others don’t go down the same road unknowingly,

    I used Pool design company ltd Pattaya and would not use them again for various reasons :o:D

  4. Well the old pickup is due to be taxed and the so called vehicle test, from where I live it’s a right pain going to the test centre near the Regents school, As anyone used the vehicle test garage near Pattaya Klang on Sukumvit.

    Some time ago I heard that they do the vehicle test and the vehicle Tax, Can anyone confirm that this is this correct.

    Thank you :o

  5. I used the NaJomtien Animal Hospital, for my bitch and dog to be done, they also saved their lives when someone put chicken laced with strychnine over our wall prior to an attempted break in.

    the vets is located on the right hand side of Sukumvit heading for Rayong about 2 klm past Tesco opposite the Greenway Driving Range above the vets are three adverting signs coloured green blue red.

    The phone number is 038-757019 open 24 hours

  6. At the moment we are surrounded by millions of tiny flies, (see picture) they are so small they can even get through the fly screens, they seem to like vertical items like the wire on hanging baskets to cling on, and they even strip the galvanized coating off the wire.

    Our two dogs don’t know where to escape to for the best.

    Can anyone identify what type of fly they are?

    Thanks :o


  7. I have recently been looking at studio condos (48 metres) at the new view talay 6 in pattaya. I visited the main office in jomtien to see what was available - and there is plenty for sale. A unit on the 16th floor can be purchased for around 2.6 million. However, i also visited the condo block itself and looked at the units for sale in what i thought was thier sales office on the first floor. It is a large office called Condo6 which is actually a private buisiness. Astonishingly they have condos on the same and lower floors for 3.4 million. Many units also have for sale notices displayed outside at similar and higher prices!!!

    I am curious to know why the resale prices are so high when a unit the same - all be it a little further back from the front can be bought direct for almost a million less. Ok, the view nearer to the front is better - but wait, when the new Central shopping plaza and the 26 story hotel on the front is completed all views will be lost anyway on the naklua side. And on the pattaya side their is a vacant plot of prime land - apparantly owned by Singha people which is crying out for a high construction (possible condo block) which would cut of all views bar the front few. If you ask view talay what will happen tp this land they just say i they dont know!

    So my question is basically are the people asking upto - and in some case more - a million more than the current price available direct from view talay pure optimists, dreamers or do they know something worth knowing??

    Don’t forget, the price that you see for an empty shell at any of the new VT condos is not the price that you end up paying, before any work is started on your unit you must pay 20,000 baht ,If the workmen so much as scrape the wall outside your room you may not get it back.

    Also you must pay 200 baht every day the until the work is completed this is pay the cleaners to clean outside your unit, just think all of the rooms paying 200 baht per day, nice little earner for someone

  8. Arrived back from the local garden center in Na Jomtien with a few shrubs/trees With fragrant white flowers, to help the garden look more tranquil, the only problem is most of the plants don’t have names either in Thai or any other language,

    Can anyone help identify and put a name to them, Thanks



  9. I have notice a big increase in the number of shirtless yobbos appearing in and around Pattaya lately. I assume they are made up of what used to be the Benidorm crowd. I am not talking about fit young lads - but middle aged slobs with more tittys than many a go go girl.

    Do these guys have no sense of self! ok, If your a fit young guy people can accept it is a youthfull trait. But man breasts, pot bellys, and scrauny limbs are quite disgusting.

    if your one of them take note or seek some psychiatric help - your putting people of there meals!

    Same thing with the uncouth yobs, young & old who wear string vests and stinking of sweat and they think that they are Hansum sexy man, How can they expect respect if they don’t respect themselves :o

  10. Many "older" men come to Thailand and find that for one reason or another their sex life gets a fillip.....

    In turn this leads to a renewed vanity and concern about their appearance. I've noticed some pretty dire attempts at covering up the vagaries of old age, among them the "comb-over"....Hair is grown long on one aside of the head and then combed over the crown in order to cover up the bald patch in the middle.

    So my question is really how effective is this......do you think it fools people and is it an acceptable form of hair style for the sexually -re-awakened?

    Look at the photo and then tell me it looks smart :o


  11. I need it to make a remedy for Mange on my dog.

    My two dogs had mange ,but thanks to this forum one tip was to use an acne preparation with 5% benzoyl peroxide, There is one called PanOxyl Acnegel 5 this is available at most pharmacist, and it worked.

    It’s not cheap at 190 baht for a 40g tube, but for a small area its ok and it goes a long way.

    I tried to do the borax and Hydrogen peroxide formula but no luck finding the borax


  12. I am about to refurbish my kitchen and need a good quality granite worktop supplied and fitted, I know there are numerous shops in pattaya displaying their granite samples outside, but what I need is recommendations from anyone who as had dealing with a good supplier/fitter.

    Even warning of where not to go, the granite worktop I have at the moment is very porous and of very poor quality and looks like it was fitted by a monkey.

    Thank you

  13. I am about to refurbish my kitchen and need a good quality granite worktop supplied and fitted, I know there are numerous shops in Pattaya displaying their granite samples outside, but what I need is recommendations from anyone who as had dealing with a good supplier/fitter.

    Even warning of where not to go, the granite worktop I have at the moment is very porous and of very poor quality and looks like it was fitted by a monkey.

    Thank you


  14. hi,

    i live out in the country side and for some time i have had either a mouse or rat come and sleep in the engine bay of my truck. before this was not a problem but now they are starting to nor at cables and end small bit of plastic here and there.

    i have cleaned the garage out and have set traps here and there bit no luck. i have dogs so do not want to put poison down. i have spoken with many thai people and they all say they have the same problem but do not have a solution. tonight i will try and spray some sort of chemical in the engine bay to try and put off the little pests.

    if any one has a good idea how to get rid of these pests please post a reply.


    I left my pickup in the drive for three days and unknowing to me a rat had crawled into the aircon, by the time I had traveled three klm up the road turned on the fan and the rat was well and truly sliced and the aroma was not to pleasant, had to have the aircon dismantled by the Toyota garage, 1800 baht bill. :o

  15. UK Pounds - Thai Bht ....... 65.49 ........ :D

    Anyone take a stab in the dark as to when ...or if the rates will return to the norm?

    I know the government's unsettled at the moment so obviously exchange rates are affected,but how long for?

    We have a little UK cash to exchange and moneys from the UK to transfer. Start work in two weeks and paid in 6 weeks.... I'm dipping into the cash more often than I'd like and losing money all the time........

    Any advice welcome..... :D

    Thanks again............ and once again some of the posts on here have made me laugh so much that I nearly stayed in over the festive period just to read our ramblings.... :D

    All the best.........

    65.49 I wish, I had a transfer Wednesday only got 64, of to the Kasikorn bank on Monday to find out why 64. :o

  16. Curious “Scam or genuine”

    The following has been intriguing me for the last few weeks; if anyone can cast any light on the subject I will be content.

    For the last few weeks in Tesco Lotus Pattaya (Sukumvit) around 10am on a Friday I have observed numerous people feeding the Siam ATM machine card after card. I am talking around 40 cards and bagging the cash.

    The first was a Farang middle aged woman, she sounded eastern block when she spoke, harshly telling me to use the other machine (Kasikorn) as I stood behind her waiting for her to finish. When we had finished our shopping 40 min later she was still there feeding different ATM cards into the machine and stuffing the cash into her handbag.

    The following Friday there were four Thai chaps. One stood at the machine taking cards out of his left pocket bagging the cash then put the used card into his right pocket. He then gave the receipt to one of his friends who then wrote something on it. After around half an hour I retuned to use the machine. He was still there, but he had taken a break, (more than likely RSI) so one of his other pals took over. When we finally left Tesco an hour later, they were still there.


  17. Has your water consumption increased as this will indicate leakage although it does not take much to make thye pump cut in.

    Your relief valve could be stuffed or the pump worn and allowing water to leak back.

    But if you live bkk it probably is a cracked pipe caused by subsidance and will be close to where it enters the house b ut outside. It might look nice to have the pipes hidden but above ground is more sensible. Before you start digging, make sur it is not the pump or one of the garden taps.

    I thought had the same problem with my pump running and the water in the tank getting lower, seeing that I had recently bought the house I was not to sure where the pipe work ran.

    It turned out that the adjacent land that had just been sold had a stand pipe connected to my system; luckily the pipes only ran under the grass, so it was out with the spade and hacksaw, and a stop end did the trick.


  18. A few weeks ago found large-ish - bigger than a cat, but not as big as a dog - long-ish soft oval shaped faece in one of the groundfloor bathrooms. Today my gardener reported seeing more, reddish brown in colour, bit soft and looked like it came out of some Big Snake (according to him), and also mentioned that he'd seen several over the past few weeks. I would've thought reptile crap was white? What is it? House not 'in the jungle', but have patches of what's left here and there outside the perimeter. Anyone have any idea? If it does belong to a reptile, Big One.

    I get similar items around 60 mm long sometimes dark brown but usually black, left in my carport and once in the lounge the culprits large frogs :o

  19. Picked this up at Lotus, 35B for 1kg, claims to be 89% raw chicken carcass. It looks fine, not much different than some of the mince in the market.

    Mixed with some vegies and rice, it's quite economical (much more than cans) and very convenient for ppl who don't have time to chop up all the raw food. Dogs like it.

    Has anyone else come across this stuff?

    I was in Tesco last week and happen to look at the DR Dog, and another brand of frozen dog food, the price varies from 19 baht (on offer) to 58 baht, on the dearer brand it gives the ingredients in English, and the meat content was only 4%, so what do you think the meat content of the cheap brand is. I then bought fresh chicken for my two adopted Soi pups.


  20. We recently moved to Najomtien,near the Silver lake vineyard, at first we received mail, until the last month, now nothing not even bills.

    Has any of our forum members living in Najomtien area heard of any changes to the local postal delivery service

    Any info would be appreciated

    Cheers Sometime

  21. Help needed please, just had my first pool built, with a salt chlorine generator. The contractor is a bit hit and miss, the pool is around 57000 liters, and in my novice calculations needs around 220 kg of salt, the contractor only added about 20kg, when I asked them what the ppm of salt were in the pool all I got was a blank expression, and was told no measure salt, (I will not be recommending the pool company due to poor workmanship and very little customer contact.

    Other things were supporting wall prior to concrete collapsed, cracked tiles/ loose tiles/ 200 tiles I had removed due to different shade, cracked grout. The filter they installed in the middle of the pump house floor, with the pump in front of the door I don’t think they liked being told to reposition it in the corner of the floor.

    Although the company was recommended on this site, and stated that the company had an American to overlook the work this was not so in my case. Things change. After all this is Thailand

    So I need a supplier in Pattaya for water softener salt, and help to locate a salt test kit or an hydrometer, and a decent DPD test kit, not the 300 baht ph & cl.

    PS the pool looks good but don’t look to close


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