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Posts posted by sometime

  1. This is very risky, and you would defiantly need a lawyer, because I personally know two people who paid one year up front, the first year went ok, three weeks after they paid the second years rent up front they received a knock at the door from the lawful owners asking for his rent or vacate the property.

    The person who they paid their rent to was subletting and did a runner with 150,000 baht on both occasions (nice little earner)

    This scam could have been done after the first day. :o:D :D :D

  2. Dont forget that the 400,000 has to be in the bank for 3 months before you apply.

    This will be my third time that I will be applying for my yearly retirement visa, the amount required is always well in excess of the 800,000 when I apply, usually topped up six weeks before,

    I can show my account to have regular withdraws throughout the year.

    Quite often on this forum it’s stated that everyone must show the required amount in the bank 3 months prior to applying.

    But the new regulations don’t state this ruling, as taken from their guide lines below.

    (4) Account deposit with a bank in Thailand of not less than baht 800,000

    Account transactions for the past 3 months.

    The money in the bank 3 months before only apply to an alien who entered Thailand

    Before October 21st 1998.

    If anyony can read different into their guide lines please let me know here is the ling to the rules


  3. Hi. a little information would be appreciated, there is a good natured little Soi dog (bitch) on the beach where we spend most of our days, she is very well fed and in good condition, six weeks ago she gave birth on the beach to her second litter, these have now been found homes, maybe a little early but due to the vicinity there was no choice.

    We now intend to get her to the vets, so no more puppies, the question is can anyone recommended any vets close to Jomtien, and what is the cost of this procedure.

    Thank you

  4. It is time to renew my policy and I decided to upgrade my coverage from Emerald to Diamond. I'm perfectly healthy, 54 years old, had the policy for around 6 years with only one small minor claim for a carpal tunnel; decompression 2 years ago.

    After I sent the forms in, they called to say that I could upgrade but only with the exclusion that for any future carpal tunnel problems which would remain covered at the previous, lower level.

    In other words once you have made a claim you cannot get increased level of coverage applicable to the same sort of problem, even if it is not a chronic condition.

    For me it is no big deal -- the surgery was successful, I no longer have the problem and hopefully it won't recur, and if it does, it involves only outpatient surgery and the old level of coverage will do. But if my previous claim had been for something else, it might e a problem.

    Like many people I always debated what level of coverage to get. Had I known about the limitations on upgrading once you've had a claim I would have opted for a higher level to begin with.

    As to why I stay with BUPA -- it's because they guarantee lifetime coverage if you enroll before a certain age (I think 60), I don't know of other insurers who do so.

    Anyhow: if you have or are getting BUPA coverage, I suggest you start with the highest level coverage you think you will ever want....as you may be limited in your ability to upgrade later.

    The only thing guaranteed in this world is that you will die. If Bupa think that you are going to be a drain on the company because of a terminal illness they can refuse to renew you’re policy, in the US & in the UK by law insurance companies have to renew your policy, but in Thailand!!! Need I say more?

    If I am wrong in this statement someone will say so.

  5. On the odd occasion the battery my Toyota tiger has started struggled turning over the engine so tomorrow it’s of to get the old truck a new battery, the question is what’s is the average price for a descent battery, and the what’s the best make of battery, any help would be appreciated.

  6. I notice when I buy expensive cod from the local foodmarket

    that when defrosted you can wring the water out like a sponge.

    Are the suppliers intentionally loading the fish up with water

    in order to increase the weight/price ? Looks like :D


    YES just like they do with the chicken in the UK, Inject as much water as possible to increase the profit margin & sod the customer.


  7. At the present time we live in a condo so having a dog is out of the question, so we feed a few dogs on the beach, one we call sandy & her pup called puppy.

    We have also started to take food to the dog sanctuary in Jomtien at the present time they have 300 dogs to care for. More food donations required

    They are located at the far end of Jomtien beach road just before the fish restaurant

    I even think that we sat next to blue the deaf dane last week (Big dog)



  8. I was wondering what effect the new rulings on property ownership by companies is having on the property market. Has anyone acctually sold a house to a foriegner in the last few weeks? Is it still possible or will they all have to be sold to Thais?

    I was only discussing this on Thursday with a very well-informed friend, and his answer was that a well known real estate company with a large law company in Bangkok has no difficulty selling property to farangs using their legal route, but it costs each farang over 100,000 baht per year to run.

    My way of thinking that this is large amount for the average farangs although it is totally legal.

    By the way it was not Sunbeltasia.

  9. Not sure if this is the right place to post this ..? Ive just read this ...............

    Making voluntary National Insurance contributions to maintain your UK state pension entitlement is a worthwhile consideration while living abroad.

    Class 2 contributions, which you are able to make if you are working overseas, protect your entitlement to UK social security benefits such as incapacity benefit and maternity allowance as well as the state pension. So, if planning to return to the UK at any point, you know you are covered for all these things. Class 3 contributions only add towards state pension entitlement, but can be paid whether living overseas or not.

    Class 3 contributions cost £7.35 a week, while Class 2 contributions are £2.10.

    If your circumstances change, you can switch between Class 2 or Class 3 Nics by filling in form CF83. For more information, contact HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) at www.hmrc.gov.uk, or by calling Int 44 1912253540 from outside the UK, and 0845 9154811 in the UK.

    Expatriates can have their UK state pensions paid into their local bank account in many countries. It can be paid in the currency of their choice, provided the UK has a banking agreement with that country, to avoid bank charges.

    However, be aware that if you are planning to retire abroad and have built up some state pension in the UK, you may not be entitled to a state pension which is uprated in line with inflation.

    About 400,000 British pensioners who live abroad get their pensions uprated in line with inflation, but about 550,000 do not because they live in Commonwealth countries.

    Am i missing some thing .....So If I pay class 2 contributions, at £2.10. it seem's I get more benfits than if I pay for class 3 at £7.35 a week ...? or may be I am reading this all wrong...?

    Thamks .......... Mumbo

    It all depends on your age and you working life at this present time, if you have paid contributions for 27 years that normally allows you to a full state pension plus any SERPS that you have accumulated. This is under the new pensions reform visit http://www.dwp.gov.uk/pensionsreform

  10. Thai name กวนอิม (Guan Im)

    Scientific name :Dracaena sanderiana

    Common name : Ribbon / Lucky Bamboo


    (Fancy Style)

    Dracaena sanderiana

    This article is about "lucky bamboo". For the aquatic plant, see Vallisneria

    Dracaena sanderiana, known as Ribbon Dracaena or sometimes Ribbon Plant, is a species of Dracaena, native to Cameroon in tropical west Africa. It is one of a group of small, shrubby species with slender stems and flexible strap-shaped leaves that grow as understorey plants in rainforests. It is an upright shrub growing to 1.5 m tall.

    Cultivation and uses

    Dracaena sanderiana and related species are popular houseplants, with numerous cultivars sold. It is readily propagated by stem cuttings, which can survive for as long as a year in only clean fresh water, but should be planted in soil for best results. It can survive in many indoor conditions, from direct sun to indirect lighting, and requires a moderate amount of watering. It does best in bright, indirect lighting and temperatures above 15°C (59°F).

    Yellow or brown leaf edges may be caused by fluoridated or chlorinated water, and can be prevented by leaving tap water exposed to the air for a day before plant use. Salty or softened water can also cause this.

    Twisted shapes can be produced by growing at various angles.

    It is sometimes sold as "lucky bamboo", although it is not related to the bamboo plant.


    I Thank you BambinA for your link it's a great help. :o

  11. In my humble opinion, no it will not get built.

    They will build something eventually but there are too many factors against building anything over 7 or 10 stories.

    ...do you think that it will go south just like "The Sails" that was planned for Na Jomtien?

    The Sails raised a lot of money in deposits and such then the major investors pulled out at which time the monies were returned. Maybe time will show up the similarities, or not as the case may be.

    Where did you read that the sails has gone belly up,,or is this an off the cuff remark. :o:D:D:D

  12. Info required please, I have two midi hi-fi’s and both now either refuse to play a second cd or stop half way through the first or second cd. I have tried cleaning the discs and the optical lenses Can anyone recommend a repair shop in pattaya . Or should I just bin them. :o:D

  13. I've heard that the Majestic group is to build a 92-floor skyscraper in Jomtien. The building will be called "The Majestic Tower" and, already, there has been a meeting involving the developers and representatives of local and national real estate agents. The expected start of construction is in July this year. To put it on the map, so to speak, here is a photo of the proposed location and the general area.


    What are they (the developers and whoever is in charge, or not, of local town planning here) thinking about? Who wants to live so high in the sky? Why do these developers want to take so much away from the locality and put nothing back into the community except concrete, ugliness and long-term disfigurement? I'm sure that most of you will know which developer that I'm referring to..........or is it all just a pie in the sky skyscraper?

    Here is the location for the tower


  14. I've heard that the Majestic group is to build a 92-floor skyscraper in Jomtien. The building will be called "The Majestic Tower" and, already, there has been a meeting involving the developers and representatives of local and national real estate agents. The expected start of construction is in July this year. To put it on the map, so to speak, here is a photo of the proposed location and the general area.


    What are they (the developers and whoever is in charge, or not, of local town planning here) thinking about? Who wants to live so high in the sky? Why do these developers want to take so much away from the locality and put nothing back into the community except concrete, ugliness and long-term disfigurement? I'm sure that most of you will know which developer that I'm referring to..........or is it all just a pie in the sky skyscraper?

    Here is a link to the best site that I have seen on this subject even down to floor plans


  15. The required evidence shall be one of the following documents:

    1. Copy of the bank statement of the most recent record of the last 6 months or;

    2. any document which issued by the Bank to certify the financial status of the shareholder or;

    3. Copy of the evidence that shows the source of the investment that the Thai shareholder invested in the partnership or company limited.

    I don't see that loan agreements are considered as evidence. :o

    Hi "G"

    We are advising use of more cutting edge strategies. However, a loan still is a legal option as the Department of Business Development is saying “a personal loan is allowed under the third option." The funds now however must go into the bank account of the borrower, and then transferred later into the companies account. “

    The name of the game is to document everything with proof, so it can stand up to scrutiny.


    I would like to know the ongoing yearly cost of a jv?say for a 5 mill baht house. :D

  16. Turned on the computer this morning and Mozilla pops up to tell me there is a new version of Firefox available. Download it, execute the installation and away it goes.

    I am asked if I would like to start Firefox and select 'yes', fires up OK but all my bookmarks have vanished!

    Rebooted (always reboot with Windows, solution to all problems!) but still no bookmarks, even ThaiVisa has gone....

    So be careful (or as a Canadian would say, 'take care'), update Firefox and you just might looze all your bookmarks!

    I updated yesterday no problem, all my bookmarks still there. :o

  17. I am in the process of selling my condo now and wanting to buy another. I have been informed that I will have to transfer my money out of Thailand ( after I have paid the respective taxes) and then must retransfer new funds back into Thailand. Altho my funds are Aust dollars, I would have thought that all foreign funds would be treated the same.... so after you have paid all the fees associated with selling/buying, you then have to pay Income tax based on a complex formula (which I have if you require it). When this is paid, you can ask for a letter from the Lands Dept stating that all the taxes have been paid, then you can transfer the money out of Thailand.

    Thank you mynot,if there is a chance of you emailing me the Tax formula it would be most apprieciated.


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