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Posts posted by sometime

  1. I used Shell flintkote colourflex available at homeworks / Homepro/and most DIY places the cheapest place was Kanyong

    This is not the cheapest product on the shelves 900 baht, there is a cheaper product 199 baht, BUT you get what you pay for.

    This is also ideal for painting the sandwash around pools

    Most sales people have never used any product that is sold in the store they work in, so cannot provide you with the end user


    The link to the product is below


  2. This is the time of year for burning the fields, on my way back up to Silverlake Najomtien there were six entire fields being burnt, my pool is suffering and so is my chest. :)

  3. I just sent this note to the Klong 7 branch, now to see how they respond.


    I went to this store today, Thursday 1 October. Amongst other items, I was going to buy a few packages of FINELINE Fabric Softener in the 700 ML package.

    I noted the pricing:

    -- one pack is baht 15.

    -- three packs bundled together is baht 47.50!

    -- So I bought three (3) single packages for baht 45.

    In many stores that I've been to if you buy a "bulk pack" there is a discount. Not so at LOTUS I guess.

    In the future I will be extra careful at TESCO-LOTUS to check the bulk pricing versus individual packs.


    Klong 10

    Same thing in all their branches, if you buy a two pack of orange juice it costs 4 baht more than buying them single, (no logic)

  4. Someone told me to try the Tesco Lotus own brand of Tea Bags.

    They said they were very nice and reasonably priced.

    Has anyone on here ever tried them?

    I changed over to Tesco Lotus tea bags after using liptons and the fake PG tips and Tetley (yes most are fake)

    The Tesco tea bags are fine just let them soak for longer as there seems to be no perforations.

  5. I am since two months in the same hotel, which speaks for itself, how much I like it.

    Pool water is constantly running, most of the time crystal clear and good tasting. It is not a salt water pool.

    Noticed that the water became less clear and more irritating our swim wear has became yellow, can't be washed out?

    Suggestions of the cause ??

    Too much chemical, which one ?

    Problem for the skin ?

    sounds like far too much chlorine bleaching your swimwear, be very concerned

  6. What is it with the pool shops in Pattaya, I tried to get water test strips from three shops and all they could offer me was the basic Ph & chlorine liquid kits, so there is no chance in obtaining something like Aquachek strips. Or even a decent liquid test kit.

    Where do other members who maintain their own pool get their water testing strips. Thanks in advance

  7. Useful thread this. I could do with a bit more advice though please...

    I usually let the Totoya dealer renew the tax on my Toyota Hilux 3.0 4 door pick-up when I have it serviced. I am not having it serviced this time, so will do the tax myself. I live near the Registration office in Pattaya. It seems a fairly simple task . I just turn up with around 7000 Baht, the blue book and thats it??

    The pickup is 4 years old, I think I read here somewhere its after 5 years it needs a 'check-up' as well.

    Thanks for any tips.

    Plus you will need the CTPL insurance

    Thai Visa Insurance

    Can anyone clarify that this is still the case, if you have fully comprehensive insurance you don’t need the government compulsory insurance, I know last year when we taxed the car we were informed just show your comprehensive insurance when you hand over the blue book to get your road tax, this proved correct at the time.

    But things change

    Sorry for talking a load of drivel, I forgot the insurance company had already included the cost of the compulsory insurance. What a wally I am !!!

  8. Useful thread this. I could do with a bit more advice though please...

    I usually let the Totoya dealer renew the tax on my Toyota Hilux 3.0 4 door pick-up when I have it serviced. I am not having it serviced this time, so will do the tax myself. I live near the Registration office in Pattaya. It seems a fairly simple task . I just turn up with around 7000 Baht, the blue book and thats it??

    The pickup is 4 years old, I think I read here somewhere its after 5 years it needs a 'check-up' as well.

    Thanks for any tips.

    Plus you will need the CTPL insurance

    Thai Visa Insurance

    Can anyone clarify that this is still the case, if you have fully comprehensive insurance you don’t need the government compulsory insurance, I know last year when we taxed the car we were informed just show your comprehensive insurance when you hand over the blue book to get your road tax, this proved correct at the time.

    But things change

  9. I have a new swimming pool in my new house, I recently asked the swimming pool man - Thai - how much it would cost to get the standard chlorine system converted to the much talked about salt water cleaning system, he quoted (after alot of thought, noises and a lenghty explantion about how, as its already finished, he would have to rip out pipes and basically rebiuld the whole system) 58,000 baht.

    I now realise I should have done some research before it was started etc but the pool was in the price of the house and I never really gave it much thought, so anyway, is that price, his explantion etc near the mark?



    Hi Jimmy

    Its very easy to convert your pool to salt water, just cut the out let pipe coming out of your filter fit the cell and fit the box on the wall, add the salt .6 percent, so a pool that was 100,000 liters you would add 600 kilos of salt, after 12 hours turn on your salt cell and bingo, you now have a salt water pool.

    I can send you a diagram if you are interested.

    Regards Gary Green

    [email protected]

    I take it that you would turn of the pump first & close all the valves :):D

  10. Picture the scene, have just moved into a new house, wife is out, i'm working in the back room, Ben my dog of 5years is laying on the driveway out of sight of the front gate,i then hear the front gate bang close and run out to the garden too see a thai guy walking up the driveway to deliver the water bottles, what i see next doesn't bear thinking about !!!

    I think he is going inform us that the Rottweiler did nothing,!!! it just carried on with it’s nap. good guard dog

  11. Q

    For an added bonus, when you treat the tank, open each of your faucets one at a time, starting with the one that's the farthest away from the tank for only a minute or two and turn off. This will flush out the entire piping system at the same time. Then drain the tank and refill with fresh water. Then open all your faucets for a few minutes each to flush out any remaining chlorinated water, and your back in business.


    Sounds like a good idea. Are there any problems with running this through electric heaters, rubber, chrome surfaces etc?


    On no account flush any chlorine down your drains if you have a septic tank or you will have real problems.

  12. HAVE A BUILDING PROJECT ON THE WAY.Have spent hours trying to locate a supplier,of such a system, in Thailand.

    Have had no success in getting an email reply from any Hardware merchant.

    Product range includes spouting lengths, connectors, corners,hanging brackets, and downpipe systems.

    PROBABLY 90% of N.Z homes use this type of system

    I wonder often ,why it seems the majority of Thai homes, do not effectively,collect rain water,

    Guess Bangkok is the place to start but Isaan would be even better

    Any information would be appreciated Thank you Vince

    I obtained all my gutters, down spouts, brackets etc, from True Value Pattaya, they have a depot in Bangkok, might also have other depots around Thailand

    They are made from PVC, all the joints are glued with the usual pvc glue, they come in brown or white.

    Not cheap as they are imported from the USA,

    I put them up over 3 years ago and so far no problems, even the colour being brown has not faded, unlike the coloured rainwater systems in the UK.

    Recently I have seen rainwater systems in Home works & Homepro

  13. With all the current uncertainties: poor exchange rates, rising prices, high crime, anti farang centiment, police shakedowns, road chaos, poor service, agressive Thais, constant change in visa regs, uncertainty if you have any rights to your house - even if you bought it in your wifes name, etc. etc. etc. - - - -

    Are you close to throwing in the towel?

    No I am quite happy where I am.

  14. I have eventually got to the stage where i need to sort out the filtering and disinfecting of the water supply that I will be using which is from a lake (basically a big dug out hole filled with water from local paddies)

    I don't plan to drink this water just use it for washing showering flushing etc.

    The set up is as follows

    (1) water is pumped from a submersible hanging from a raft, about 1m below the water surface (10m deep so hopefully not too many big particles sucked in)

    (2)this goes into a 2000l storage tank

    (3)a automatic pump then pumps into the building.

    Crossy posted the following suggestion when I posed the question of pumping from the lake a while back.

    "Pump 60m to a coarse particulate filter (get one of the cotton ones that can be washed) to take out the really crunchy bits then into your tank. Pressure pump from the tank to the house via a finer particulate filter and probably a carbon filter too (to remove or at least reduce any chemical nasties in the water).

    I would add a very fine particulate filter to the bathroom / shower feed to keep out the bigger bugs as this is the point where the water may enter your body. :) "

    Can someone explain what a cotton filter is? also what other filter materials would you recommend, (don't have much clue of whats in the water .. anyone know where i can get a sample tested in bangkok? will be heading off to BKK soon)

    Any brands recommended, I checked out the Mazuma website but didnt find it very helpful. Where is a good place to get filtering equipment?

    Further I wish to continuously cholrinate /disinfect the water , does anyone have any experience of this?

    I have found a inline chlorine feeder which uses trichlor tabs and was thinking of placing this before the storage tank, maybe even dangling one inside the tank too...

    May even get a water purifier thing with RO or UV for the kitchen sink so can wash veggies etc...

    any good advice will be greatly appreciated

    Sent you a PM Gouda



    More than likely cavok is trying to make a few Baht off selling a system, seeing that he is a newbie.

  15. Hi,

    Anyone know what works best for sponging down painted walls - the paint is that silk type - half-way beween gloss and matt so it is washable. There are residues of sticky tape I have used for hanging posters as well as loads of dust. I have tried warm water with Vim, Mr Muscle for bathrooms and kitchen cleaner and although they remove the dust, don't work very well for the sticky residues. Anyone got any advice? In the UK we use 'sugar soap' but I have not been able to find any in Thailand.

    Try WD40 or sonax spray a little and rub in circle motion with your finger... dont have to use much elbow grease. Can even try peanut butter as it too is oil based.

    Thanks - just tried it and it does work well for the sticky residues - but you now got any suggestions for large areas covered in dust?

    I just tend to repaint, average size room only takes a couple of hours.

  16. A Compupool CPSC Chlorinator (Oz Brand) comes in at about 46,000 baht for a 60,000 litre model supplied in Phuket. Very easy to retrofit into a normal pool as previous poster says, an hour or two max.

    Just got the same make, model CPS 24 , 80,000 litres 29,000 baht, from a small pool shop just past Naklua near the flyover, tried the shops in Pattaya and found their prices way over the top.

    My last chlorinator got zapped by lightning hitting the ground, then it traveled up the grounding rod, 2nd time, this one will not be hard wired, just plugged in.

    This price seems a bit low for a self cleaning model & I recommend anyone buying a saltwater chlorinator to make sure it is self cleaning otherwise calcium deposits build up on the cells & have to cleaned off regularly with acid.

    I will also repeat from my previous post that when the manufacturer states it is for a particular sized pool they are assuming the use of pool stabilizer which in my mind detracts from the naturalness of having a saltwater pool.

    Yes it's self cleaning, here is the web site http://www.compupool.com.au/product/salt_w...f_cleaning.html

    I could have choose the INTELLICHLOR SALT CHLORINATOR cell and power centre that was going for 30,000 baht

  17. Security grills either on the outside or the inside are areal pain when it comes to cleaning windows especially if you have the aluminum or plastic sliding ones and if you have out ward opening windows the security grill must be on the inside and you try getting your arm thru every day to close the windows....what a pain in the arse that is

    Apart from the front and back doors there is no escape in the event of a fire especially if you live in a two story house.

    If i get them installed i will be thinking about a hinge along the top of the security grill with some kind of bolt or locking system around the rest of the 3 sides haven't quite worked this out yet but at least if hinged it makes it a lot easier to clean the windows and getting out in case of fire.

    Just a thought

    If the grills are on the outside, the typical Thai sliding windows can be lifted out onto the grills then lifted inside then taken outside for a bloody good wash and polish, surprising the amount of crap that ends up in the box channel.

    If you are concerned about a making a quick exit, you could have one of the grills held on with wing nuts fitted on the inside.

  18. I have had a quote for installing window security bars using 1cm2 square steel bars. Would these be adequate to stop your 'average' burglar getting in?

    We have them fitted to all windows, and always leave the windows open 24/7 and sleep easy.

    Each of my security grills are fitted to the wall with 18 rawl bolts with a spot of weld on the nuts.

  19. Hi, I am after some building advice. We had a lot of heavy rain the other night. In the bedroom the top of the outside wall where the wall meets the ceiling were several wet patches. See photo's. Within a short period of time a lot of water was on the floor but with no obvious path from the damp at the top of the wall to the floor. The next day I check for missing roof tiles etc. but all appears OK on the roof side of things. Any ideas on how its getting in would be appreciated, Cheers Dunc! :)

    A few pictures of the outside wall and roof area would be helpful.

  20. A Compupool CPSC Chlorinator (Oz Brand) comes in at about 46,000 baht for a 60,000 litre model supplied in Phuket. Very easy to retrofit into a normal pool as previous poster says, an hour or two max.

    Just got the same make, model CPS 24 , 80,000 litres 29,000 baht, from a small pool shop just past Naklua near the flyover, tried the shops in Pattaya and found their prices way over the top.

    My last chlorinator got zapped by lightning hitting the ground, then it traveled up the grounding rod, 2nd time, this one will not be hard wired, just plugged in.

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