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Posts posted by MESmith

  1. Cancel...probably yes..but if the other providers follow then we're stuffed. Over the past few weeks I have seen various reports that torrenting will die and that file deposit sites (rapidshare, megaupload etc.) will take over. In fact I've already found many interesting websites listing the kind of movies I like with links to get them from rapidshare or megaupload. In the last week I've download far more from these types of sites than I have via torrents.

    I used rapidshare before finding thebox.  Never found any uptodate sport on rapidshare.  Good for movies & popular tv.  Also, how easy is blocking rapidshare going to be?

    sport might start appearing on rapidshare if torrenting fails. It's all a matter of supply and demand. As to blocking very easy but they'd need a reason/proof. What I've seen so far is websites that are actually blogs most often not indexed by search engines so can be hard to find not only for the user but also for those monitoring. Those blogs then contain a list of links where you can find say "Harry Potter I". Those links are with obscure file names on rapidshare like "HP.zip" They may also be passworded. Doing it this way  a rapidshare search for "Harry Potter" wouldn't turn up the files and even if you downloaded "HP.zip" you wouldn't know what is was unless you had the password. It is not going to be easy. But if torrenting does really die then I'm sure another method will appear....

    I understand how easy it is to "hide" content on rapidshare, but surely CAT or TOT will just block everything on rapidshare?

  2. Cancel...probably yes..but if the other providers follow then we're stuffed. Over the past few weeks I have seen various reports that torrenting will die and that file deposit sites (rapidshare, megaupload etc.) will take over. In fact I've already found many interesting websites listing the kind of movies I like with links to get them from rapidshare or megaupload. In the last week I've download far more from these types of sites than I have via torrents.

    I used rapidshare before finding thebox.  Never found any uptodate sport on rapidshare.  Good for movies & popular tv.  Also, how easy is blocking rapidshare going to be?

  3. Was raking some dead leaves in the garden, & noticed a snake under the leaves.  about 1" thick, exactly like photos of banded krait, except that the colours were black & dull orange bands.  Had the distinct ridge to its back.  Sorry no photos.  It was lethargic as kraits are described during the day in my book, & slowly slithered away.  I was not lethargic & stepped quickly away.....

    Anyone know about banded kraits here having bands other than yellow?

  4. Why not put off buying the pump & let your builders supply their own pump while they build your house?  That way, your nice new pricey Franklin doesn't get "swapped" while you are not looking.  Also, I agree with katabechbum about using a 1hp pump.

  5. Buying Sun Hemp in CM - a bit of a run around..... your 1st stop must be the bulk seed warehouse located on the Doi Saket Road, 2 buildings further out from the side exit from Carrefour, & on the same side of the road.

    Inside the warehouse is a small office, manned by a couple of ladies, one speaks good English. Here you place your order & pay for it (at B35/kg), you'll be given an invoice which you must then take to another warehouse which is on the outer ring road (some expats say CM has Super Highway, then 1st Ring Road & then 2nd or outer Ring Road). Turn right at this junction & continue for about 2 kms, looking for a salesyard that has heaps of painted cemented animals on show (on the right hand side). The next warehouse is where you pickup your order.

    There is a security gate which you drive through & directly in front of you, some 100m on, is a demountable office, show them your invoice & they will arrange your order.

    Good luck

    Thanks for the info.  Will check it out on next trip into town.

  6. "Even now, some large retailers such as Tesco-Lotus have voiced their  complaints about the shortage. As a result, the Industry Ministry has  pledged to look into the matter."

    This lady(from Burma)buys trolley loads of sugar every day to bring over the border


    That photo reminds me of my neighbour back in Saudi, years ago, doing his shopping.  Nobody took any notice, even tho' it was obvious what he was up to.  Same when buying several cases of non alcoholic beer, bags of sugar & pack of yeast :D

  7. Sun Hemp, or Paw Tuang, is legal. It is good for fodder, mulch and enriches the soil.   Some times its available free from your local Dept of Ag office. It is also avail from any good bulk seed supplier (at B35/kg) Bought some only just last week (in CM).

    Hi CM4Me, where did you buy in CM?

  8. I saw it too, about 10.15pm.  Much larger than any "shooting star" I've ever seen.  At first I thought it was a firework, but it just continued, passing behind clouds & reappearing. Seemed to be several pieces, all close together, as if one large object breaking up, with several tails.  Very impressive.

  9.  On the rerun today, True had no commentary on the "English" soundtrack, just the sound from the stadium.  Those trumpets are pretty annoying!!   Hooray for the reruns, that's a big improvement on the last WC.  01.30 too late for me. 

  10. South of SK, raining hard.  Lovely jubbly.  Knew that installing another 70m of irrigation piping & sprinklers to the garden would bring it on  :)

  11.  San Kamphaeng is the place to buy your cow poo.  Head out on hwy 1317, past the 2 ring roads, past the Borsang turnoff, take the next turnoff to SK.  Head down this road until it bends to the right.  Before this bend, before you cross a canal, on the left, set back from the road is a place selling the stuff.  15 - 17 bt for a rice sack full.  It's not rotted, have do that yerself.  10 wheelers come from Chiang Rai to stock up on the stuff for the tangerine orchards.  Probably have to arrange your own transport.  Seen sangteaws filling up....  :)

  12. Was watching French open last night and just as a match got exiting it started to rain and even with the new box - the signal went and I had to wait 20 minutes for the picture to come back by which time the match was over :)

    Here in Chiang Mai, no rain last night, decent SD picture, rain in Paris, the players went.  Can't win.  :D

  13. looking wnw from our location about 3km due south of San Kamphaeng, can see plumes of smoke between us & CM.  If it's on superhighway, would estimate between the 2 flyovers just south of BigC.  But difficult to judge how far from us. Anyone in high rises able to see that way.  Seems a bit late for farmers to be torching their fields.  There was a bigger fire in same area about 9pm.

  14. Unless you are living in the city center & only driving within the city, buy a car / truck.  Clunk click, every trip.  Seen too many motorcycle outlines spray painted on the roads....

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