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Posts posted by MESmith


    McCormick Hospital has nothing to do with it. Anyone can be treated there and there are plenty of Buddhists (probably 60-70% of the patients) and everyone pays the same.




    i would say it's more like 80-90% of patients at McCormick are Buddhist's. it's a popular place for the health plans many Thai companies offer their employees.  they do not have any religious practices there that i know of. been there a number of times.



    McCormick hospital was set up by missionaries.  Without them, no McCormick hospital.

  2. @northernjohn


    I didn't ask the Jehovah's Witness people how they support themselves. It's none of my business and I couldn't care less. There are a lot of them in Bangkok; both Thai and farang. I'm not interested in them at all. I can't answer your questions. You can contact the organization directly at their Bangkok headquarters.


    McCormick Hospital has nothing to do with it. Anyone can be treated there and there are plenty of Buddhists (probably 60-70% of the patients) and everyone pays the same.


    What on earth is a leukemia colony??? Do you really think leukemia is contagious?


    I think he meant leper colony.   Got the first 2 letters right, then spell checker took over biggrin.png

  3. OP, enjoy the drive.  Great roads & outside of the towns traffic is light.  Suggest you make an early start, especially if you're planning to head up the Mae Rim road.  Spend the night at Mae Salong up in the hills.   The hill section on hwy 118 south of Chiang Rai, after the hwy 1 turn off to Mae Suay is one of my favourite drives.  Not a separated road, but wide & plenty of room to out brake slower vehicles into corners w00t.gif

  4. I saw 6-7 of them in the convoy today....man,this 'baby shit' color looks bad... tongue.pnglaugh.png

    Saw one today on a transporter heading south from Chiang Mai (nobody wanted it?). That colour is awful. Nothing like the publicity shots ( same with Ford's Chilli orange). Hideous is an understatement xsick.gif.pagespeed.ic.tVTSNn-2vr.png

    all the orange colours suck except in a setting sun, expecially the XV - flat orange, looks great in black though.

    Change your avatar. Makes it look like you think the colour is cool w00t.gif

  5. I saw 6-7 of them in the convoy today....man,this 'baby shit' color looks bad... tongue.pnglaugh.png

    Saw one today on a transporter heading south from Chiang Mai (nobody wanted it?). That colour is awful. Nothing like the publicity shots ( same with Ford's Chilli orange). Hideous is an understatement xsick.gif.pagespeed.ic.tVTSNn-2vr.png

    all the orange colours suck except in a setting sun, expecially the XV - flat orange, looks great in black though.

    hard to go wrong with white or black


    The new twilight grey looks nice a bit like the vigo grey but lighter

    Those "chrome" add ons around the door handles always look SO cheap & nasty. Why do people do it?

    Friend of mine picked up his PJS from the dealer, & they were already added. He complained, & the dealer said "they're free" laugh.png

    I would've walked away & found another dealer....

  6. Just curious, Rob. What was the price of these wonders that are definitely not available where I live? biggrin.png





    122 Baht.  "Pollo" brand.  Buy a couple, so that when it's broken you wont be searching around again...


    Spades were 187 baht.

  7. I can't recall ever seeing a crow in Chiang Mai which seems strange but they are very easy to see in Bangkok. I did see an asian openbill stork few weeks ago near Maejo. That was a first for me up north but easy to see around Bangkok.

    Those openbill storks are quite common now out in the rice fields. South of San Kamphaeng.

  8. ^ Ok, just wondering because we have a magnificent blue Kingfisher visit our khlong some days. Black and white wading birds with all-black feathered chicks follow me around the garden and enjoy grubs I dig up. Any idea what species they might be?

    Hi Rob , those sound like White breasted waterhens, Amauronis phoenicurus, do the have large feet?,

    we have quite a few of those in the river at rear of the house,they can be a bit nosy when they start

    calling, they have fluffy black chicks.

    regards Worgeordie

    We have those nesting in the papyrus in the corner of our fish pond. Beautiful birds. Kingfisher visits occasionally . Loads of mynahs, & pigeons, but not the city types. An oasis in the middle of rice fields sprayed with pesticides, birds hunted at night.....

  9. "Oddly enough it was a south bound car on a right curve so not sure how he swung it around into the barrier. "

    Probably some idiot undertook him on the left, but cut the corner as most locals tend to do & made contact, knocking him into the barrier?. Lane discipline is non existent on that stretch of road. Probably need race track style fences to keep cars out of the canal thumbsup.gif

    • Like 1
  10. If one drives out on the smourng road and turns left as if towards the bamboo house - but turns right just before it at the fork- then follow this road baring left and over the top of the hill as it turns to dirt road - the other side of that hill ,,,,, some one has dug out an entire mountain and going down deep; huge operation , trucks in and out constantly , giant diggers at it all day long. Terrible. Check it out.

    Maybe the folks at chiang Mai mail or another paper should get up there / some of these places and ask the NCPO, or new governors opinions on the wanton destruction.

    It's definately just dirt for filling up the low lying land. I know it needs to come from somewhere but I don't see why they can't just cut a hill to flat rather than keep going down so deep and leaving risks of land slides etc. obviously money ; which is why some laws are needed. Apparently right now the law is can do as you like with in 1 meter up to the boundary of your neighbour.

    You cannot, by law, excavate a hole to 1m from your boundary. You have to keep a distance from the boundary relative to the depth you dig. It's either half the depth or two times the depth. We checked this with the orbortor when there were rumours of excavation next to our land. Turned out it was another plot, further away.

    "Mountains" are not removed to provide fill for housing developments. They are removed for rock. And we have quarries in the west. Holes are excavated for fill. If they didn't, everybody's house would be the same level as the rice fields & flood....

    What is wrong with someone excavating their land to provide fill for housing developments & then trying to sell that land with a hole in it, as long as they keep the lawful distance from neighbouring plots?

    I don't want to get in to an argument about the stuff they are taking out- go take a look yourself. Trucks and trucks full of dirt. I was a very large hill covered with trees - that is now a very big hole. They are clearly not following the law at any of these places, if the law really is as you say it is , because they leave 1 meter or not even that and go practically strait down for 10s of meters. Take a look around any of the holes.

    Why not cut the hill to flat and then the area is still useful - housing, tree farming etc .

    It's pure greed and selfishness.

    If it's a hole now, then it will be clay they're excavating. If they own the land, why not dig? Market demands "fill". If they're digging too close to adjacent land, then owners of adjacent land should complain. Certainly not you or me. Lot's of excavation within a km or so of our house. all seems to be going by the letter of the law. I really don't understand this "greed & selfishness" if they own the land.

    Unfortunately there is a building boom going on around Chiang Mai. I don't like it. The valley is being concreted over, & the natural beauty is being destroyed. As long as it continues, holes will be dug in the ground to fill the land being developed.

    • Like 1
  11. If one drives out on the smourng road and turns left as if towards the bamboo house - but turns right just before it at the fork- then follow this road baring left and over the top of the hill as it turns to dirt road - the other side of that hill ,,,,, some one has dug out an entire mountain and going down deep; huge operation , trucks in and out constantly , giant diggers at it all day long. Terrible. Check it out.

    Maybe the folks at chiang Mai mail or another paper should get up there / some of these places and ask the NCPO, or new governors opinions on the wanton destruction.

    It's definately just dirt for filling up the low lying land. I know it needs to come from somewhere but I don't see why they can't just cut a hill to flat rather than keep going down so deep and leaving risks of land slides etc. obviously money ; which is why some laws are needed. Apparently right now the law is can do as you like with in 1 meter up to the boundary of your neighbour.

    You cannot, by law, excavate a hole to 1m from your boundary. You have to keep a distance from the boundary relative to the depth you dig. It's either half the depth or two times the depth. We checked this with the orbortor when there were rumours of excavation next to our land. Turned out it was another plot, further away.

    "Mountains" are not removed to provide fill for housing developments. They are removed for rock. And we have quarries in the west. Holes are excavated for fill. If they didn't, everybody's house would be the same level as the rice fields & flood....

    What is wrong with someone excavating their land to provide fill for housing developments & then trying to sell that land with a hole in it, as long as they keep the lawful distance from neighbouring plots?

    • Like 2
  12. This guy used to be a regular on Saturday afternoons out on the Super Hwy (Southbound at the Airport exit underpass).


    He got me about a year ago (500 baht) and since then I slow down at this area.....




    They're there often.  Why?  Because it's walking distance from Traffic Police HQ.   They also do "emission" checks regularly there, where they rev the <deleted> out of older pickups, and surprise, surprise, black smoke comes out.  What do you expect from a diesel engine when you red line it, & the diesel sold here is dirty?  Extortion....


    Advice is to slow down at that location & take the frontage road if in an older pick up.  applies northbound & southbound.  Also avoids the queues at the checkpoint.

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