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Posts posted by MESmith


    Shouldn't anyone returning to UK from Thailand have to have a TB test?  UK citizens included?  Either you test everyone or no-one.  A UK national, having spent time here has just as much chance as a Thai of having TB.


    Valid point; but fraught with even more legal difficulties than testing EEA nationals.


    British citizens have the unconditional right to enter the UK when and as often as they choose for as long as they choose.



    If a Thai wife has TB, then her UK husband probably has it, so why bother ruling her out from coming to UK, when the most likely person she will infect is her husband who already has it?  Just more red tape & additional expense....

    • Like 1
  2. We go as a family thing to do, often meeting up with other falang families there. As an American I don't know nor really care about soccer (oh no I used the "S" word) nor am I a great sport spectator but it's fun to hang out and have a beer, kids like to run up and down the stadium stairs and always a nice to get out of the village and come into the big city for some professional entertainment thumbsup.gif

    I really must get off my lazy a$$ & take my boys one day. Anyone know how much the "Executive Hospitality Boxes" cost?

    Btw, JC, red card for the S-word 1zgarz5.gif.pagespeed.ce.GJfs_tQOQ-.gif

    • Like 2
  3. re

    You mean to say you don't have a pic of the giant turtle that lives in the pond at Wat Umong? If it's still there.

    a giant ? how big ? .. inches front to back of shell ?

    not total body length

    all ive got from wat umong is of these 8 / 9 inchers on a branch


    About a metre?

    I've not been there for about 10 years, so it may no longer be.......

  4. re

    Can't recall the name of the BKK park where there are loads and loads of them.

    its limpini park on suckhamvite road smile.png

    i saw this 6 foot one in a klong near the golden mount in bangkok in april 04

    but ive never seen or heard of one being seen up here before but getting some pics of one would make my day!


    ps ... ill pm the op to see if he will tell me exactly where he saw it and ill try and get some pics of it to add to my pics of the 18 inch terrapin / turtle ? that lives in the moat

    You mean to say you don't have a pic of the giant turtle that lives in the pond at Wat Umong? If it's still there.

  5. NO. The Gold one looks like a Pimps Ride.The Gray one is quite tasteful.

    Again Wrong : this is getting repetitive lol

    It's not Gold : It's Savannah Orange wink.png

    I saw today that both Isuzu & Chevrolet have trucks in orange.

    Is orange the new black white? Toyota & Mitsu to follow?

    Should be good to hide the red clay we get on the roads everywhere with all the dump trucks moving the earth around......

    Looks 'orrible IMHO

  6. While I'm in a moaning mood about the roads and driving. The number of times I see absolute muppets stopping at lights on a 3 lane dual carriageway waiting to turn right in the wrong (middle) lane thats for going straight on ONLY!!

    I wouldn't mind it but its clearly marked with huge white arrows. This means all the cars have to squeeze over to the far left-hand lane to proceed. So shortsighted and mindless.

    Even more amazing few people honk the offenders!

    Go with the flow. 2 lanes can turn right into a 2 lane road. Left lane & hard shoulder for straight on. "On yer bike", sorry you haven't got one yet laugh.png

    Not correct, read my post again. The lanes are clearly marked as to where you should be depending on your direction. At this junction anyway. I know its the law of the jungle here but hopefully for not much longer.

    Maybe some lives will be saved and I hope the crackdown continues on the really poor driving. We see it every day here so many drivers only see what's in front of them and no awareness what's around them. Some of you may enjoy this relaxed Thai attitude but how many lives has it cost so far?

    I do have to laugh though when I arrived here in June I was appaled at the poor driving now I've noticed I'm beginning to drive like a Thai. Got to stop IT!

    Sent from my C6833 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    You just don't get it, do you? They're "cracking down" on insignificant traffic "violations". They totally ignore the life threatening actions of total <removed> idiots that happen right under their noses. Why? Because that would be too much of effort for them. also, those "total <removed> idiots" might be "influential" & get them removed from their "money grabbing" position. Target the m/c waiting in front of the line at traffic lights. Carnage on the roads sorted thumbsup.gif

    My round trip from out of town to take my boys to school in the morning is 20 km. Mostly on the superhighway. You cannot count the "total <removed> idiots" in that journey on two hands.

    They either haven't a clue how to tackle the mayhem on the roads, or they're just can't be bothered....

    • Like 2
  7. While I'm in a moaning mood about the roads and driving. The number of times I see absolute muppets stopping at lights on a 3 lane dual carriageway waiting to turn right in the wrong (middle) lane thats for going straight on ONLY!!

    I wouldn't mind it but its clearly marked with huge white arrows. This means all the cars have to squeeze over to the far left-hand lane to proceed. So shortsighted and mindless.

    Even more amazing few people honk the offenders!

    Go with the flow. 2 lanes can turn right into a 2 lane road. Left lane & hard shoulder for straight on. "On yer bike", sorry you haven't got one yet laugh.png

  8. Kafe Vino at Think Park opposite Maya probably has the cheapest for quality wine going now. 349b for a LITRE of decent South African/Aus and Chilean plonk!

    Is it sold in a bottle, or does one turn up with large plastic bag & elastic band?

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